Why are Japanese devs so behind the west when it comes to getting their games to run well?
>From games run on shit on the consoles they were designed to run on
>FFXV runs with an unlocked framerate on PS4 pro and is always bouncing around 30-50 FPS leading to an not smooth experience
>Japanese games do not actually go out of their way to push graphics to the next level, all the best graphics PS4 games come from western devs
>Japanese PC ports are generally poor in quality
Why are Japanese devs so behind the west when it comes to getting their games to run well?
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because gameplay and art direction comes first
In general Japanese gamers don't give a shit about PC so might as well not waste time putting in the effort.
Panta Rhei was kill along with Deep Down
is this a set of images or did you post this just to make us feel sad?
all the programming documentation doesn't translate well to their caveman language.
Most jap shit are simple turn based games, nothing demanding at all
>TTYD is the greatest video game ever made (even in 2018)
Japan isn't behind at all...
>VNs with no gameplay and generic anime art
>western developers dont make VNs
It's much more common with Jap devs, likewise are turn based games with little actual gameplay.
I'm always wondering why they complain about Nintendo having weak hardware when like you said, all their games are optimized shit that barely run at 30 fps.
I don't know the specifics but its fucking over burger peecucks and that makes my fucking day.
Devil May Cry 4 runs at 120 FPS.
turn based strategy games aren't a thing to you user? they're almost exclusively made by western devs
>Game runs like shit on console and PC
>That makes my day
The state of weeaboos. No wonder the impact of the developed games in Japan have on the global market is shrinking by the day.
Turn based strategy is literally dead meanwhile japs are pumping out turn based RPGs yearly with no gameplay with generic anime art.
dont tell me that user, tell that to all the weebs buying these games
I'm not a weeaboo senpai.
I don't even know what the last anime I watched was; probably old episodes of Getter Armageddon for nostalgia.
>movies with no gameplay and generic realism
yeah modern western games sure are great
Japanese games prove gamers will ignore quality gameplay for fancy storylines and artstyles.
>hahaha dumb peeceecucks *game runs below 30fps*
quite the opposite, The Last of Us proved that to be true
>implying I care as long as the game is enjoyable
>Japanese games do not actually go out of their way to push graphics to the next level, all the best graphics PS4 games come from western devs
is there a problem here? do you really want to see tranny’s bald spot in 4k