So this got released today. was wondering if its good

so this got released today. was wondering if its good.
I played DJmax a long ass time ago back on the psp. I dont even remember what version of the game i played but it was pretty fun.

anyone out there whos more familiar with the series know if this is worth getting?

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It's good but it will quite literally never fucking ever drop in price or go on sale unless you decide to import a physical copy.

bought it too, great game.
Start's off slow but gets more intense the later you move. DLC is announced to drop one month from now

>tfw to dumb for rhythm games
why are they so hard?

>$50 for digital copy or pay import prices
Fuck this shit no wonder no one knows of this series

It's fantastic, if you like rhythm games go for it. Great variety of music, 140 songs from every genre you can imagine. Really good charts that completely go 1 to 1 with the music (if you miss notes, certain parts of the current song wont play for example)

Definitely worth the $50 bucks, especially if you haven't played the series before.

well its only $50.
I dont see why I would want a physical copy anyways.

also, i have a fightstick so im kinda curious how well that will work out with the game.

Not very. The highest mode is 8-button

You don't need to be smart to be good at DJmax. You just need to play a shit ton of it. You aren't going to be good overnight, there is no secret trick that will make you a master that isn't simply to practice.

Not good at all. A good portion of the songs require to spin both control sticks of a normal controller as well.

If I liked IA/VT, will I like this? Asking mainly about the gameplay.

ah, the game has gimmicks like that? well thats lame.
maybe ill just try it on stuff that doesnt use that kind of stuff.

ive used a fightstick before with beatmania and it worked out well with a few button adjustments. was hoping that would have worked with this as well.

Is I buy a Japanese physical of this, can I still get dlc from the American store? I know the game is in full English but I Wanna make sure

I just discovered yesterday that you don't have to spin, actually. Just tilt in one direction.

You will have to buy the DLC from the JP PSN

I mean, if you are man enough for a real rhythm game, even the easier stuff in DJMax shits on IA/VT in terms of difficulty.

Here's an example

do you just assume an arcade stick (holy shit the term fight stick is possibly the most abused term in the fgc) is adequate to play any arcade looking game?
jesus christ you want to look at stuff like a dao or the virgoo

with every DLC it's basically all dj max games put into one and it's had a prosperous, though shortlived legacy
I'm tempted to pull the trigger myself but I'm waiting to see how dlc will be supported in the western release; if we miss even one track it's not worth it

>play a wide variety of fighting games
>play a ton of MAME arcade games as well

>spending money on a peripheral just for one type of game

why are you so mad? its called using what you have. why are you assuming i have that stick just to play beatmania?
stop being so autistic.

Want to buy it, but I'm an idiot who rarely pays full price for a digital game. I'm tempted to pick the bait, but spent too much money this month.

everyone forgets to add it's fucking keysounded which puts it above almost anything else in the genre
the variety of music is great, especially if you get tired of all the upper charts in iidx
ironic to its title the series doesnt get enough respect from all the new rhythm kids I see today

doesn't even explicitly say if we're getting all the future DLC, just what we have now and saying it's not going to be a fever vs hot tunes vs portable 2 situation
>However, the Technika pack won’t contain songs from KARA. Rocky Studio will try to get the license, but it isn’t an easy task for the developers.
Fucking sucks if they can't get it.

I'm not assuming you use it just to play IIDX, you're putting words in my mouth.
You might as well play it on a regular PS4 pad; the series was designed for it from the getgo after Ez2On

I read somewhere that they are going to release all the DLC the other versions have currently over just 1 month for the western versions.

>dj max
i thouht koreans made this?

They did.

Superior Korean rhythm game surgically face-lifted over 10,000 times.

What does that mean?

It means your inputs generate a note from the track, rather than having a specific sound effect.

Personally, I don't care for it. Particularly, if you don't get a 100% note, the sound plays incorrectly, which is stupid and makes the song sound like shit on top of making it more difficult to recapture the rhythm.

That means the charts, the notes you play during the song are tied directly to the song itself.

That means if you miss a bunch of notes, a large part of the song will stop playing, or if your timing is horribly off, the song will sound like shit.

So when you are playing well, the song actually sounds good, compared to when you play like shit. The chart isn't just plastered on, like most rhythm games.

I listened to the whole track list for this game when it first came out and man... not a single song I liked in the whole list. Korean music just isn't my thing.

That sounds kind of cool, but I could see how that could get annoying, too. I think I remember Guitar Hero doing something like that.

For me, it encourages me to play well, if I'm hitting every note perfectly it's a great feeling to hear the song play perfectly in turn. And 90% only sounds a little off. It's a more direct and obvious feedback to how well you are doing that I appreciate.

I get the idea behind it, but when DJMAX's tracklist is full of literally whos, keysounding makes learning the songs really fucking dumb.

Slightly unrelated, but I kind of don't get the point of MAX 1%-80% when anything 90% and below is the same value in the rank judgement.
It's probably a score thing, but I feel like Superbeat XONiC had the right idea of just having two hit types.
It also means you can get all combos really easy because 1% is a mile away and still counts as a hit.

I've been having a good time. My complaint is that the songs I want to play from portable 1 and 2 are locked initially and must be unlocked via playing the game. Also it could use a better delay setting option down to ms instead of some arbitrary scale between -10 and +10.
The game basically expects you to have played DJMax games before, judging from the lack of tutorial mode and just throwing you into the familiar "arcade / free play / option" main menu.

Try listening to older stuff. You're bound to not like everything by default, but I'd be absolutely stunned if you can't find a dozen bangers. What genres do you normally like?
Just off the top of my head
All this shit is virtually a decade old, kill me

New nb ranger song was bretty gud

What's your experience with rhythm games?
Having tight windows for PERFECTs but having granularity to give you the information you need to adjust your play is what puts IIDX (and Pop'n in much the same way) at the top for a lot of veterans.
1% is a break in DJ Max

Also the keysounding means different arrangements are possible on different difficulties. The keysounding, dare I say, makes it feel almost as if you're playing a real "instrument" - the game is still about reading charts but you're still responsible for producing the sounds.

Compare to the one I linked above:

>tfw can't play blythe anymore

this is making me depressed i used to just play it just to hear it back when i was a lonely depressed neet


i am literally the same except NOW i'm a neet

I've played Project Diva, Taiko, Theatrhythm, XONiC, and FreQuency/Amplitude before DJMAX. Respect is my first time with this series.

>1% is a break
Definitely hasn't broken my combo though

fucking ghost when

Is it just me or have I just...fucking forgotten how to play DJ Max? Maybe it's the controller vs the PSP? I've been playing Trilogy using the MUSE-ON controller for years and the last time I touched anything was obviously Portable 3 on the PSP 2000, but I just fucking blow at Respect...can barely pass 7-8* songs on 6 button that I used to fully combo. I can't be the only one, right?

Maybe I'm just getting too old. So many fucking memories of DJ Max 1/2 from High School.

dlc when i need my technika tune songs

fuck now I'm feeling nostalgic as shit

sometimes I just want to visit old me and he'll be playing a game in a dank arcade, all focused and i just want to catch him and tell him to live a bit more in the present

I don't know what to tell you man. It's a game of reaction and muscle memory. It's been the better half of a decade since I touched IIDX for example I doubt I can even clear 6's consistently now.
When Respect first dropped I started playing Hot Tunes again and I couldn't even do 6B Another Day HD. Fuck I couldn't even clear 6B Ladymade Star MX.

Been playing the shit out of it, pretty fun so far. I still can't do most of the arcade mission in 4B but I'll eventually do them

>Game starts with PRESS X TO PAY RESPECT

It got a mild chuckle

If you're not sure there is a demo for it

This game has a 1% Mission analogue right?

Damn, that's a literal robot right there.

I got the game when it came out initially. Definitely worth it if you liked DJ Max.

im just glad i waited, just hope we dont have to wait to long for the dlc though

not in north america
thanks Sony

I wish we had the option to buy the limited edition that came with all the pins

we all do

Steam when?

Fuck off

probably never

At the same time as the switch release

Best track

i wont lie i spent like 30 minutes on the main screen when i first loaded this up

I love the UI music in this game. I have spent too much time browsing through menus.

The UI is simplistic but very stylish, and the music helps

>tfw everyone plays songs online on hard and you can't ever keep up

I just want the trophy, I'm a complete ignorant when it comes to rythm games but it feels so bad to be crushed so absurdly, only 3 more humiliations to go

This is actually really good. I kinda wanna try out the game but I don't know if I even like rhythm games all that much.

i mostly use them a fun time waster

dj max in particularly is like crack since it's meant to be something you mass gametime in (earlier titles was literally about maxing level and equipment)
trust me you'll grow to like it quickly

I'm not good or like rythm games all that much but I absolutely love the music in djmax games, ever since I started to play S4 League back in the day I became inloved with the music

>you can change the main screen ui to that of the previous games


are you me because s4 was also how i became interested in djmax, all those hours of killing people while nb power was playing back in high school


Maybe I should leave my comfort zone and try out this instead of the usual shit I play

aite fuck you guys
it was either this or nier denuvo edition and my birthday is still a few days away but I might get this tonight, I'm already wasting time listening to tracks

>never had the hand-eye coordination to go past 4b
fug :-DDDD
shit's fun though and trilogy + the psp games are what got me into rhythm games as a whole
except all I play now is SDVX, trilogy, and PDFT

That's the entire series for me. It sucks.

Too bad this game will fly off everyones radar due to FFXV pc release

It's like, not even on the goddamned store. You have to search for it.

Mission mode is always my favorite things about these games

Yeah that too, you have to ACTIVELY search for it

they're too poor to afford the ad space
digital stores on consoles have been getting worse and worse

why does that matter? its not even on the PC

Not even on Switch either

5b is the max for me. some songs i can play on 6b though. usually 6b and 8b i start to panic and fuck up mid song.
these are one of those games that i enjoy playing but can never seem to really master them.

DJ Max is pretty accessible for a rhythm game as long as you stay the hell away from mission mode.

the people who care about music games are the only ones who buy them anyway so im not sure what you're trying to say

was looking at the trophy list and saw theres online.
whats the online thing? it says to play 10 matches.
can i just lose on purpose 10 times to get that trophy out of the way?

5B and 6B are a blast and have their own unique nuances. I hate 8B because its contributions to the game feel really awkward.

I'll be honest I'm pretty tempted to try it out.

Mission mode or the game itself?
Either way, do it. You'll be glad you did.

probably asking a bit too early since i just started the game but whats with the generic grey background for these songs?
am i suppose to unlock the background art or something?

How much is the DLC going to be? Should I just grab a $60 card? I still have $7 leftover from Christmas.

you probably disabled the mv check your settings

You are preloading the rest of the game, once it's all 100% done you will see the backgrounds

Is the game still downloading? The game is playable very early in the download progress since it downloads UI, music, and charts first and then BGAs, which make up like 80% of the game size.

oh. looks like it is still downloading.
I was playing another game when I started the download and stopped when it said the game was ready to go so i started playing it.

not seeing the white bar under the game icon in the homescreen was a bit misleading.
thanks sony.

It has songs from Techinka Tune like Ghost and I want you?

Anyone else really have trouble with "Your Own Miracle"? Even on 4b, those alternating blue notes get me every time, the rhythm is so fucking weird.

wait for the Technika DLC

>mfw feel my beat