What's happening, Sup Forums

What's happening, Sup Forums

Help me out making my mind;

I have around $400 set aside to buy a brand new console + some games. this will be the first time in my life buying a brand new console during its lifetime. I generally tend to stick to a previous generation (so when PS3/360 was around, I was playing tons of PS2, and around the time PS4 and Wii U came out I was playing mostly PS3).

I'm torn between buying a Nintendo Switch and a PS4. I considered an Xbone... But there's nothing really there that appeals to me, so fuck it.

Can Sup Forums sway me in a specific direction?


what kind of games do you play user?

I own all of the current gen consoles and while I really do like the Switch a lot, if you had to buy one right now I'd recommend the PS4 over the Switch. It's been out a lot longer and has a much larger library of games that can't be played on other platforms. As the generation's winner it's also going to have the longest life of all the current-gen consoles and has a ton of high-profile games in the works.

Don't own a PS4 so I can't personally tell you how good those exclusives are, but the new Zelda and Mario are easily the best open world game and 3D platformer I've ever played. Especially Zelda, holy shit am I in love with this game.

Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are my biggest incentives to buy a PS4. I also really want to play the Yakuza games, since I've already played the PS2 and PS3 ones. For Switch, I really want to play Mario Odyssey, Breath of The Wild, and the upcoming Metroid 4. I want to pick up Dark Souls HD for when that comes out on either system, as well.

I've been thinking about this too. I feel like if I buy a Switch, it'd be a bit of a gamble resting on the future of the system, whereas the PS4 has already been out a good while and already has a good selection of games.

I should also point out that I actually do own a few PS4 games already. I picked up a few that I found for extremely cheap ($5) to either gift to friends, or keep in the event I get a PS4.

>I've been thinking about this too. I feel like if I buy a Switch, it'd be a bit of a gamble resting on the future of the system, whereas the PS4 has already been out a good while and already has a good selection of games.
I don't think it's a huge gamble but if you buy a PS4 today there are 20 or so good games on PS4 that aren't available on PC, Xbox, or Switch while Switch only has maybe 5. Plus, most of the PS4's games are pretty cheap now while every physical Switch release worth mentioning is still full or near full price.

Answer this question
>Do you value mobility over technological power and potential
Get a Switch
Get a PS4

That's really the one major thing you have to think about that will drastically effect your enjoyment of the purchase.

Since I own a switch ,ps4 pro , and a good PC and I think you're serious and not fishing for some (you)s I will say this

The switch right now seems like a better choice for three reasons and these are all not factual just off my own opinions and feelings about the two

The exclusives on nintendo consoles in my OPINION , are better made and more memorable than the console exclusives you find on a playstation

the console is still young and very successful so you are bound to get more unique titles for the system ala the wii and from the looks of it any game you missed on the wiiu that you may have had a interest in is most likely going to be ported to the switch

The online is not as of afterthought as it was on the wii or wiiu ,the online for once on a nintendo system is very promising and the only complaint I have so far is using a mic is a pain in the ass but to be honest I rarely if ever use a mic on console anyway

Honestly this is all long term for me
I love the two systems and would say the ps4(pro) in a heartbeat if you are looking for short term fun right now but my gut is telling me in the long run for the next 5 years you'll get more enjoyment now with the switch than the ps4 which may have another 2 years left on its life or 3 if the pro is really successful this year

I just got a Switch+PS4 because they are getting CFW on latest firmware this year.

>implying the switch has no potential

The Switch will be supported for quite some time to come. Meanwhile the PS5 will probably be released before the support for the Switch is over.
Honestly if you've already got a PS3 and you don't already have a PS4. You might as well just pass on the PS4 and set your sights on the PS5 instead whenever it comes. And get a Switch or upgrade your PC, or just hard pass on the entire generation.
Xboxes however have like no purpose though. So that one is easy to rule out.

>Pc > pleb games
Bhabwhababa what a pleb way to talk faggot every switch ps4 game can be played on pc a 4k and 240fps

I wouldn't say it has no potential, the idea of a decently powerful handheld that can play Xbox 360 level games has a lot to work with.

However in the current times of where devs feel the need to one up each other in graphical fidelity and make every angle look like a landscape picture, I can see the Switch falling behind in that aspect.

So yes, in terms of current of pure technology it has less potential.

I do travel a lot, so a Switch would make sense in that respect.

Appreciate your input.
I am looking more for something in the long term, so right now I am leaning more towards the Switch. I do already have some PS4 games, but I suppose a few years down the line I can pick up a real cheap second hand PS4.

In an ideal world, I would just do this.

This is true, I shall take this into consideration.

I own a PS4 and Switch. Skip the PS4. I rarely touch it anymore because it really has been lacking interesting games lately and not many exciting titles are coming in the future. Switch also is going to have much more of a future (console just launched and has already been a success, third parties are definitely looking at making Switch games now, Nintendo is already developing shit like Metroid Prime and Pokémon)
However, if you really value power and you don't move around much, the PS4 is a good choice. It has some beautiful games, but a lot of them feel a bit of a chore to play due to repetitive or boring gameplay. The PS4 also already has a library of games available right now (though it's pretty weak and the Switch is catching up fast) and you will probably spend less on PS4 games since Nintendo software almost never goes on sale.

This is a good comment

>real cheap second hand PS4
you can find cheap ps4s for $200 now on craigslist

I suggest you get the switch now , LoZ and Mario Kart
Wait black friday and get the ps4 pro which will no doubt be on sale for $300 and have games included

>I have a gaming PC
Get a Switch
>I do not have a gaming PC
Get a PS4
Shouldn't really be any more complicated than that

I would say look into the Switch or PS4 before getting an Xbox One - this comes from someone who owns one currently and loved his Xbox / Xbox 360. The PS4 has practically all of the same games with way more worthwhile exclusives.

The only thing currently in Xboxs favor is their ever growing backwards compatibility backlog - which is a pretty neat feature.

Personally, I'm looking to pick up a Switch at the end of the year. I skipped the Wii U so there are a ton of games I'm excited to try out.

I'd wait till gen 9 to give the industry one last chance to make some interesting games

Get a Switch, it has the better future, most of the games on PS4 took years to accrue and the apex year was 2017, the Switch has a long time to go and it will more than likely not have a precise apex year.

I have PC, Switch and a PS4 myself and between the two, it's a tough call.

The ps4 is probably closing in at the end of it's lifespan in the next couple years. But it has quote a few exclusives if you're interested in them. Uncharted, the new Shadow of the Colossus remake, and if you dont have a PC mon hun world is fantastic. Though I suspect you do have a PC. Bloodborne is a great game as well, so it's also enticing, if you don't have a PC personally I would get a ps4.

However the Switch had an outstanding first year and sold like crazy and told devs and people that it's gimmick is actually interesting and people want to develop and port for it, it's not as underpowered as people make it out to be and it has quite a few good games already out to play, but year 2 is upon us and whether or not it keeps that momentum will be scene.

Personally if you can wait for e3 that might be a good choice, or if Nintendo does a serious direct this month at least.

It's a tough call man, I haven't used my switch much recently and I've been playing a fuckton of monster hunter world, but I also didn't use my ps4 much at all before, I played some bloodborne and injustice 2. Whereas I bought my Switch far later in the year than I did my ps4 last year and spent far far more time with it in the months of owning botw and odyssey and mk8 than I did using my ps4 at all.

I don't think theres a wrong choice, it really comes down to the games you want to play.

Ps4 is the better choice. Better online infrastructure and game selection. Also you can play MonHun early and Red dead redemption 2