Fighting game

Melee is a fighting game


How bored are you?

I'm not this person but I validate his point. Super Smash Bros Melee is a fighting game, whether you like it or not. Being all contrarian about it will not change that simple fact.

>I'm not this person
>IP count didn't go up

Stop falseflagging FGCuck.

Melee is the most fun fighting game because it is fast yet accessible, with open stages and a unique knockout mechanic.

weak bait

Educate yourself.

I'm not the guy in the other thread I meant

reminder: if you want to talk about melee, make a new thread without dumb bait in the OP

whatever helps you sleep at night

that sunday spot at evo sure does help

How do I actually improve

Smash isnt a fighting game

Why do people even care if it is or isn't an fighting game?

no lol


oh those who actually care should not be categorized as "people".


>Top 1 Saddest Anime Deaths

play a lot
netplay esp

Bitch didn't educate themselves.

Play friendlies, but don't play to win while playing them, focus purely on improving, think "how could I've prevented that?" when you get hit by something, do trial and error.

not an argument

Who pikachu here?

He still could have won that game or any of the other two games. The top players are top players because they have nothing to prove and don't let nerves get the best of them.

Not exactly, Melee is a platforming fighting game.

not trying to argue. just pointing out blatant bait

that just adds to the depression

weak b8

jesus christ lol

High speed action confrontation game

>what is context

Hi I'm v and I'm fucking retarded.
Smash is a fighting game in that you fight each other and that's the fucking game. In that context it's a fighting game.

But in the "When will people accept Smash as a real fighting game?!?!?!" context, or in the "When will the FGC accept super smash bros?!?!?!?!" context, it absolutely is not.

FGC games like Street Fighter, Tekken, MK, King of Fighters, fucking skullgirls, etc all have a few very specific things in common that smash just doesn't fit into at all.
And it's clear and easy to see there's plenty more overlap of players and fans between those fighting games then there is between those games and smash. People interested in Street Fighter are very often also interested somewhat at least in Tekken, MK, etc. Compared to that overlap the overlap between Smash and the rest is very little. Because of how different the fucking games are.

This is such a stupid and pointless argument wherein the true underlying points are glazed over by the red herring of "Smash is(n't) a REEEAAAL fighting game!"

they know that much. it's the contention between the two definitions and any others that they bitch about.

Okay. Why do you care so much? You probably don't play either and just want to stir up shit like most of Sup Forums.