>pc gaming is cheaper than console gaming
Pc gaming is cheaper than console gaming
>Buying Nvidia
>Buying AMD
i'm just going to pirate video cards
>Buy intel
>Buying Anything
That was before cryptomining ruined everything.
>16 gigabytes of DDR4 RAM costs the same as a PS4
>GPU prices quadrupled
>only thing that is cheap is CPUS
whew lad you're unironically better off getting a console
>and a car
If you didn't make at least six figures from the crypto bubble you're a fucking dumbass. You could buy fifty gayming PCs if you wanted to.
The writing was on the wall the entire time, all you had to do was listen to Sup Forums.
and it still won't be able to do 4k 60fps
Nvidia spread this fake rumor so that the actual price seems lower in comparison, basic psychological pricing trick.
Anyone who says PC gaming is cheaper is retarded. It is, however, better in almost every conceivable way if you care more about vidya than just the yearly 2k and calladooty.
At the rate that 3D printing is going, this could become a reality.
I mean on the plus side this means devs will stop pushing graphics towards higher requirements making current hardware maintain value longer, because it would be stupid to shrink your market by creating something that needs a $1500 card.
>16 gigabytes of DDR4 RAM costs the same as a PS4
Holy shit. I got my sticks for less than 80 bucks in 2016. Maybe I should've bought a whole bunch of those and resold them instead of building my pc.
It used to be cheaper a few years ago.
Used to be...
>we want the Bitcoin audience
It is.
>buy overpriced overpowered cards
Cryptocurrencies should be made illegal at this point. This would be the only time I would let the Jewish bankers win for once.
Been holding off on buying a new GPU in hopes of getting the new gen of cards, also because current prices are bonkers.
Hoping there's at least a 2070 that's less than $700
The Scorpio would be good if it had games. You're better off getting a ps4 pro if you can afford it or the ps4 slim.
iGPUs are the future.
>pirate a 3D printing machine
glad I already got my 1070
trump needs to ban these gay pretend coins desu
>Proof of Work dies and gets replaced by better network-securing methods
>Recent miner faggots responsible for this shit are screwed and have to sell for less than they bought for as everyone does a mad scramble to recoup losses
A man can dream
user, GPU prices will never be sane again.
Yeah, bitcoin fags drove up the price of GPU's but that's it. RAM is noticably cheaper than it was during the 2014 spike though.
>Thanks Bitcoin fags
>3D print 3D printers that print their own 3D printers
All that needs to happen is for the current mining method to fuck off. Crypto dying isn't the only option for getting normal GPU prices again
Does "mining" a bitcoin actually do anything useful for society? Are the calculations aimed towards curing cancer or some shit or is it just putting your GPU load at 100% for nothing?
Why dont they just make more video cards
if the demand is there can they just not up the supply fast enough?
Nobody on the planet makes money mining bitcoin on GPUs.
>Literally just "Well 3rd party prices of current shit is up at like $1,300 so they COULD sell it for that xD"
BMW COULD charge $500,000 for their next M5
>being over 25 and not being able top spend 10k on your hobby a year
sad life you lead, user.
There's a coin that folds proteins but the rest of them are just wasting energy.
>or is it just putting your GPU load at 100% for nothing?
Technically the calculation it's doing is that, though it is helping secure the network of a digital currency that can't be faked. How valuable that is to you though is another matter
>Only having 1 hobby
>Having vidya in even the top 10 or 20 of your hobbies in terms of expenditure.
I already downloaded more RAM.
Nope, random number generation with no purpose. It consumes a ton of electricity. It is fundamentally detrimental to civilization on the industrial level.
>the manufacturer sets retail price
I don't have a brainlet image appropriate for this.
>banning crypto
How else am I supposed to buy my weed?
thats actually a thing.
no really, look it up.
I figured, but I'm hoping Nvidia or AMD make a mining-dedicated GPU to help alleviate this craziness
I saw a 1070 at MSRP once but I didn't have the money at the time unless I took out a couple hundred in savings. I still have nightmares about that.
What can I buy with bitcoin legally?
yes, but its the most cathartic. cryptoniggers lose every cent they have and GPU prices plummet.
go ahead and build pc a on pcpartpicker with your budget limit being the price of a new ps4.
if the specs are better than a ps4 i'll concede.
Of course. It's just a scam lol
>ban crypto-currency
>crypto-currency takes off even harder because government views it as a threat
>more people buy into crypto in order to make sure they have a backup underground currency if they ever get targeted
Why would newegg and amazon deviate far from the MSRP? If Nvidia put the MSRP at $1500 Amazon isn't going to sell it for $400.
>3D print a human that then 3D prints you a 3D printer that prints a car and a video cards
>is still cheaper than the real thing
can't wait.
>Buying a graphics card in the middle of this crypto clusterfuck
SoC ddr5, apu combo with a disceet gpu will be the way of the future
This article is retarded. It's one idiot claiming the sky is falling and people keep passing it off as a real situation.
>cryptoniggers lose every cent they have and GPU prices plummet.
Yeah but I wanna both be rich off of stupid people and have GPU prices back to normal. Hoping Bram Cohen's autism is gonna take me to the promised land
2070 will be at least 1k. Just save up until they're out.
not knowing jack shit about 3d printing
>wanting a high end gaming computer when literally every good game is either console exclusive or can run on a toaster
Name one good game that is graphics intensive.
What in the fuck is she so smug about?
>tfw got this for $1130 usd
prebuilt is currently the cheapest way to buy a pc.
but 4k gaming is a meme
thank bitcoin faggots for this.
Waitfags btfo yet again.
That would require intelligence behind the crypto community, of which there is little.
The industry is filled with a mixture of opportunists looking to get rich quick, audiences looking to get rich quick, hackers poking holes in everything, exchanges run by kids in way over their head, and occasionally the rare idealists who somehow think turning electricity and overpriced hardware into electronic money with the volatility of an African currency is somehow the future middle america will be using to buy milk.
It's nascent faggotry at it's core and almost everyone involved is in for the wrong reason.
You could live in a state where it's legal.
The irony is that the same crowd investing in crypto are likely the same people going on and on about climate change and the change we all need to make.
>consoles are doing better than ever
>in 2 years minimum specs for PC ports will increase in line with those new consoles
>GPUs and RAM prices will still be inflated and cost as much as those next gen consoles themselves
>next gen consoles will sell even better than this gen because of this
We're in for an interesting few years.
>Getting ahead of Nvidia's reveal
>Sources are letting me exclusively know it's going to happen in may
>Thinking these cards are going to sell for $1500
How do dipshits like this actually get hired.
Nvidia isn't the one upping the prices, Retailers are.
There's a reason Microcenter will still sell you a GPU at MSRP if you go in and say it's for gaming.
>PC gaming dying is "interesting"
what a dumb naming scheme, twenty eighty sounds bad. it should be twenty eight hundred (2800)
The only reason I never liked consoles was because they were underpowered. I wouldn't mind a console with actual games and good specs.
The scorpio is good, but nogaems. The ps4 pro is in a middleground, it's not powerful enough.
Bram Cohen seems like an alright guy in terms of what he wants to get out of crypto, and was making decent critiques of what was happening in the space well before he thought about jumping in too. It'll all probably go to shit too though
>in 2 years minimum specs for PC ports will increase in line with those new consoles
>Console specs are still massively worse then an average pre-built PC with a sub-standard GPU.
Most PC games can run at 30/60FPS no problem on a 7 year old GPU if your'e matching "Console" graphic settings.
When did you buy that? Since atm that's worth way under that, at least here
games are free on PC so that evens out
Shouldn't video game devs/publishers as well as console manufacturers begin to start worrying about this too?
Wish me luck boys
/biz/, you are being obvious again. You have to go back. We're not buying into that scam.
>Most PC games can run at 30/60FPS no problem on a 7 year old GPU if your'e matching "Console" graphic settings.
No one on pc wants to match console quality graphic settings.
You got rused. That shit ain't worth 1130$
>nvidia are just going to double their RRP
>people actually believe this
this guy gets it
You're going APU?
try building the equivalent on pcpartpicker. i fucking dare you
An entire generation is growing up to Steam games retailing for $59.99 , and computers being priced out of the market.
No shit.
Anons post who I replied to is saying the "Minimum" specs of PC Ports will be in line with the PS4 and Xbox One.
I'm saying they're massively underpowered and those "Minimum specs" can be attained by 7 year old hardware.
Nice for playing LoL with 60fps. Shit for anything else.
put exactly what you just posted into google.
except the xbox one and ps4 base models are pretty bad in the grand scheme of things. might as well wait for the generation to end if you want to get the system and exclusives for max value.
It was pretty cheap the past two summers. You could get an rx 480 for less than 200 bucks
With dollar bills like the rest of us.
>tfw ps4 with 4.55
what exactly do they have to lose if they do this in the current market?
>tfw ps4 with 4.55
>tfw there's still no CFM that allows playing pirated games
>tfw it's speculated that there won't be for another several years
>tfw have no face
Just because you can load up linux and use a different web browser doesn't mean shit, idiot.
I'm going to buy $250-$200 GPU and 1TB HDD later in the year. Will stick to older games 'til then.