Sup Forums builds a sim city

Sup Sup Forums, been a while

Who wants to help build a utopia? Suggest the first move and we'll go from there.

Other urls found in this thread:

Entire map Agriculture.

this, but make it a checkerboard of agriculture and landfills

build a house on the corner

Reticulate splines.


Let's start with a giant robot


5 nuclear power plants surrounding a peaceful park


Make a giant plateau in the center and have a roadway that somehow goes up to it.

forgot image

a small island shaped like a dick

no greater tourist attraction than this

add in some ladfills around the power plants



an orphanage on the tip of the dick

Can you fit the washington monument on there


put a casino down somewhere

make one of the plants meltdown


make several residential sub divisions with swastika-pattern roads

Please for the love of god make a few area connections, OP.

That's seems comfy.

What about the monument and two spherical thingies at each side?

create an elevated highway that cuts your residential patch in half

traffic is to streamlined, remove some intersections so that the only way around is one long winding road

what is this and why do I want it

1 culdesac neighborhood

4k+ hrs masterrace reporting in

A custom map-making tool.

Good fucking god user.


that isn't so bad, i'm sure half of it was spent waiting for cities to load

Can we have a nazi shaped neighborhood with only low tier buildings and a lot of pollution around it ?

fucking got a job otherwise i would be at around 5-6k hrs by now. posting some sweet shit hang on


strike the center of 3/4 squares with lightning

what should we do about the water situation?

Fuck do I miss SC4 threads.

I also lost the rest of my screenshots, shit sucks. I'm not amazing at the game but I had a city built that I left for 40 years and it didn't stagnate.

thanks user


water towers, water towers everywhere


irrigate from the dick lake, but surround it with coal power plants to keep the population in check


make a smiley using water



thanks for sharing




add a subway from dick island to residential area

fucking EPA

This wouldn't happen in Trump's America

Place some random hills skirting the outside with various monuments atop them.

>trump's america

coal plants only


if you delete it and make a new one will it still be shutdown?

pollution is too high, it will go offline the second it's placed

this is clearly the peoples fault for not purchasing water filters

Alright let's raise some taxes

raise the taxes for both poor and rich people to the maximum value

always set the taxes on gambling as high as you can, hardly deters anyone.

in Trump's america only the middle class gets a tax break



build out the middle class a bit near the volcano (add a couple amenities)



Feels like I have seen this thread before

Higher on the street
And I know it's my time to go

put a private school in the vicinity of the coal factories

We /ptg/ now


extend the subway line to the volcano but in a roundabout way, and add a couple of useless stops


light the washington monument on fire

but that's not what ...

... forget it I'm not correcting a retard

oh no

build a fire station
by the volcano

already have one

Make Loss out of roads.

cut the road to the firestation and replace it with one thats more squiggly


How about a loss of words

>3.4mb screenshots for a 1080p image

Why do you do this.

>living with internet so shit that this is a problem

Why do you do this.

I don't have a choice because my government funded a private corporation to fuck over our infrastructure for 20 years.

what country?


>SimCity 4
Why not play an actually good one, like 2000?

4 is the best one in the series.

I have words for this.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

Build an airport and surround it with tall buildings.

No it isn't.

>ctrl + f
> 0 results

Yes, in fact it is.

I love this video. It's like some sick parody. At least the creator has self awareness of their autism.

this video's still great