Should I buy an 8bitdo controller for plaforming games? Because the d-pad on Nintendo switch pro is ass

Should I buy an 8bitdo controller for plaforming games? Because the d-pad on Nintendo switch pro is ass.

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Yeah dude go for it.

I bought one, and I gotta say I love it for Mario kart, shovel knight and shantae.

Yeah, it's pretty dope.

Mane, if you get one of the bluetooth adapters you can use one of those badboys on your classic consoles. Wireless is the future of classic.

i love mine. played all of axiom verge, mariokart, blossom tales, golf story, shu, and celeste. absolutely epic D-pad and battery life.

One thing to note: sometimes if you leave it plugged into the dock to charge it may get stuck in a flashing-light pairing mode that does not allow you to pair to the console.

Simple fix: hold the pairing button on top + start until all lights go off on the controller. Then just hold y+start like you normally would to turn the controller back on.

Pairs back up and works perfectly every time.

Also, update your firmware online using the USB-C cable. They've greatly improved the analog sticks and the vibration (which used to be quite harsh and loud) is much closer to the nuanced HD rumble of the joycons.

>nintendo controllers
>dual shit

They work wireless/wired with the Magic-NS dongle.

Not sure if it's worth it though.

>brand loyalty when every single console is the exact same made-in-china bullshit anyway

enjoy your 120$ xbone controller my dude.

its nearly half the price too. why are you debating this.....

Just bought one and got it the other day. I kinda wish it was heavier, but beyond that I think it's great.
I bought it because it works easilly with PC for emulation, Switch, and Android. Has seperate ways to turn on too for the different platforms so it doesn't have synching issues

I understand some folks get kinda iffy with chinese products, and they're not wrong on that.
But for some reason 8bitdo really is a quality company. I took a gamble with their first few controllers and never regretted since.

It's a shame just being a china based company is enough to send people doubting their product.


wait for the new officially licensed sega controllers.

saturn/dc pad are godly

This is true. I was suspicious until i actually held one of the SN30 Pros. I couldn't believe how solid it felt. Built like a fucking tank. Feels more sturdy than the original SNES by leaps and bounds, but of course that might have something to do with all the extra heft from the machinery of the analog sticks.

Yes, it's a wireless controller

I bought one for Megaman games

Now I feel like a speedrunner

>has a shitload of input lag even when plugged in
>far more input lag than the DS4 and the Xbone controller

I'd rather use a logitech pro than even touch this trash.


Literally wat?
If anything theres also the option to plug in with a usb cable. So yeah.

I'm not sure you understand this stuff.

Shit will go bad in like a month. All of these 8bitdo threads are shills.

Why have they not made one for the N64 yet?

I get zero input lag when playing one player, and a tiny, negligible amount when playing with 2-4 players.

On something like Mariokart or snipperclips, games where i'm most likely to be playing local multi, there is no problem whatsoever.

I was actually worried about input lag before i bought it, since i had read some complaints online. But after playing a shit load of 1 and 2 player mode over the past few months on the newest firmware, I never once noticed any sort of gameplay-affecting lag. I don't even think about lag in the slightest when I use it.

Take a picture of your fucking controller with a timestamp, shill.

I would not, there's a definite input lag going on with their non-Super NT models and all of the 8bitdo controllers have really poor diagonals.
For the Switch Pro controller they apparently put out a small redesign for it since December that makes the d-pad better, and there's also an easy to perform mod that you can do to the d-pad to make it even better.

Yeah this definitely isn't shilling it hard at all at all
>absolutely epic D-pad
Yep, not at all

Protip: you can plug in a buffalo usb snes controller into the switch dock and it'll work

Do they use a different d-pad for the analog controller? The D-pad for my Super NT controller is oversensitive ass.

get rekt, lol.

These threads pop up here every once in a while and it's the exact same kind of grammar and conversations. It's nothing but blatant shilling by them to get more people to buy their trash.

Not him, but all the current gen D-Pads are shit. I've been using a Buffalo SNES pad to play all my platformers and fighters because the DS4's pad is so fucking bad.

Nice office desk. How much do they pay you to shill your shitty controller on Laotian moving picture boards?

They do, but instead they're mushy and can barely handle going diagonal to the point that the contacts are prone to slipping out of alignment. The Super NT controller is actually superior to their analog ones because it uses a better design and firmware which, unfortunately, 8bitdo has no interest in using in their other products

>burger pad

Dumbass nigger

You guys are way too fucking paranoid.

You can't even see my desk. lol.

That's called a monitor, it's attached to a computer.

Just buy one of these and you can use any fucking controller

i dont think that guy even knows what a desk or a monitor is.

>That's called a monitor, it's attached to a computer.
Glad to see nintenbros are still retarded as ever

So play it wired, or don't use it on fightan games.

>wanting input lag

Anyone who doesn't use a wired connection is subhuman tier

Are these laggy?

>says user, as he sits typing on his keyboard infront of a blank monitor screen.
>For user did not attach his monitor to his computer.
>For he thinks this, of all reason, is why nintenbros are retarded.

>user soon died a few weeks later for forgetting to attach an elevator to his 12 story building, for this is why he thinks Sonybros are retarded as well.


so i just realized and was curious,
For motion section parts in switch gsmes while using this controller, what happens? Do i need to DC of then turn on Joycons, does it have some kinda motion shit in it, something else?

weird how everyone is complaining about input lag and "muh wired" when back in the day wavebirds were considered literally the hottest shit ever

Not him, but

How the FUCK am I supposed to play F-Zero with input lag, dipshit?

I love my SN30 pro. Only thing I'd say is that I wish the triggers were raised to be on the same level as the shoulder buttons

You can actually use a usb connection directly to that dongle as well user...

user, I was planning on getting that same model,
Is it possible to turn off the glow thingy of that controller? or is it permanently on?

It has a USB port on it so you can use a wired connection, just jack in your xbone/ps4/whatever into it and it'll work. Only problem is that there's another model that's for PC/PS4 instead of PC/Switch which is fucking stupid they didn't combine them.

Hasn't been laggy for me, and as far as mayflash adapters go they don't introduce lag at all.

Wavebirds barely had any input lag to them at all unless you were nearing the range limit and had an AM/FM radio going on in between it and the receiver. We're in the bluetooth age and for some reason aftermarkets can't stop making horrible shit.

It slowly pulsates off and on, there's no way to turn it off from what I can tell but it's really not too bad, you barely even notice it desu

I'm playing F-zero on it RIGHT NOW and there is zero input lagg. You're just paranoid.

Permanently on, that's why the SNES one doesn't have it too many complaints
Honestly I actually prefer the other one, I have both and I only have this one because it kept with the theme of the NES Classic.

>fixing input lag ever


oh god. the horror.

Whatever shall i do with the loss of 0.0000000002 mili seconds of delay. This just wouldn't do. no siree no no no.

>wait for the new officially licensed sega controllers

source, motherfucker! you don't just give a man that much hope for a modern Saturn controller without any source.

backing this bigly

pls explain.

>you don't just give a man that much hope
Not him but I'm gonna dash them right away: It's Retro-Bit's normal knock-off shit, they just paid money for that Officially Licensed Sega Product stamp

I remember one time on Sup Forums a fag asked for my ID because he tought that every mafia-related story on Sup Forums about my country was fake. If only we weren't on a drug war on that period.

NO holy shit no
What are you going to be using it on? Switch or PC? There's the Hori Fighting Commander, Pokken Controller (works natively on Switch - used it for Mania and PuyoTet myself), and you can also get 8bitdo's adapter or Mayflash's Magic NS if you have other controller lying around (Wiimote/Classic, PS4, etc)
Their controllers arent trash but they're pretty mediocre compared to the competition.

We have to remember where we're posting on, and the type that is also drawn to this forum.
I forget this fact way too often

Holy shit whoever ruined a snes controller design with that garage should be sent to the sun, that looks fucking awful.

For d-pad games it looks fine
If you look at that shit and think it looks acceptable for analog stick games you're a fucking mongoloid

Bought the SF30 model only because I knew I could swap the face buttons to match the color scheme of an Xbox controller for use with PC. Works perfectly unless you're playing games where frame-level precision is required.

If you have XBone or PS4 controllers lying around get the Magic NS or 8Bitdo Wireless USB Adapter. 8Bitdo's supports wiimotes in addition to the other shit but no Xbone. They both have an xinput mode and DS4 motion compatability
If you don't have those lying around I honestly don't have an alternative to the Switch's Pro Controller for you in terms of both d-pad AND stick games.
For d-pad games though pretty much this Pokken Controller works but it's USB only. You can get them cheap as fuck though. Just depends on what you have lying around and what yo need from a controller. Handleless dual stick controllers will kill your thumbs fast unless you're only using the d-pad.

Is the build quality good?

What, no (You)s? Fine then, have a little history on Retro-Bit:
They were originally known for doing cheap famiclone consoles with questionable build qualities, but the main gimmick was being multisystem (retroduo being their most well-known) so they were able to sell to the spacesavers out there. Eventually they decided it's more profitable to just do the accessories and that's what they concentrated on for years, making shitty chinese clone controllers and selling them in the states in direct competition with hyperkin. Lately they've taken it a step further and teamed up with Capcom for branded versions of their stuff, which turned out to be NES/SNES/Genesis/etc controllers with chintzy looking SFII/Mega Man/etc artwork laid over them.
If you go on Amazon and look at their stuff, you can see that they're the same kind of trite knock-offs you could get anywhere else. I really doubt that the Sega-branded stuff is going to be any different from what they have now.

For me, I believe the Xbone controller has the best d-pad for 2D platformer games.

I have their SN30. It's decent. I also have actual Super Famicom controllers which in terms of the d-pad and aesthetic it easily loses to

I got the SN version and I love it. Playing all my emulation on PC feels good.
I plan on getting a SF version as well in the near future.
Be sure to Firmware upgrade when you get it, as they fixed some things.
No analog triggers, but all the older games I play with it don't need em.
Just did a whole Breath of the Wild playthrough with one and it was max comfy.

Anons that have one, whats a good travel case for one?

Get a better Blu tooth adapter, because I play all kinds of fighting games with mine and notice nothing.

well there is lag, just not on an obvious or meaningful level. user is talking about a latency difference that is barely perceptible, if at all

if you have a ps4 or xbox one then I recommend that usb stick that lets you connect pc. xbox 360. xbox one. ps3 or ps4 controllers. that shit is pretty good and works flawlessly. even with my 360 madcatz fightstick for all those neogeo games on switch

it is worth it. I have one and works great.

BoTW on PC or switch?

>just not on an obvious or meaningful level
I actually tested the lag using the GameCube 240p test suite with Dolphin and a CRT monitor. In it there's a test that's meant to detect display lag consisting of a moving shape that you press A to in response to it lining up with another shape. At least for me it claims frame-perfect precision even though reviews on YouTube claim that there is lag compared to a wired controller.

If you're playing single player then they're 100% worth it. SF30 Pro is overall the best because it can do everything a pro controller can do and still feels nice like an oem SNES controller.

As someone who's sensitive to input lag, I can tell you that as long as this is the only controller that's connected(and it's updated to the latest firmware) you won't feel the lag. As soon as you turn on a second controller though, I can feel it. Especially in a game light Mario Kart or Brawlout where I'm tryhard as fuck and know exactly how it should feel.

Might get one of these for pee see, and the SNES adaptor too, why not.
I wish there was a Genesis/Megadrive equivalent I can also use on the real thing.

>Genesis/Megadrive equivalent

I think there's somethin coming soon though it might be by a different company.

how are the trigger & bumper buttons on that SNES analog 8bitdo?

emulating PS1 & PS2 games with an x360 controller, & L/R triggers input kinda "stick" after pressing once, giving it a kinda "auto-turbo" function.

>Fight stick
I've been eyeing that up for a while now, how is it? I don't play comp or anything, mostly skullgirls, guilty gear, and I plan on picking up soul cali 6 for some casual fun

You do know the controller has built-in turbo right?

The Dualshock 1 is the greatest controller ever made

I put the dongle inside the snes because I didn't like how it sticked out of it, or do you mean an adapter for ak actual snes?

>emulating PS1 & PS2 games with an x360 controller, & L/R triggers input kinda "stick" after pressing once
That sounds like a driver issue, should get that checked out.
As for the shoulders, they're easily the worst part of the controller. They made them super thin so it's hard to press if you got big hands, and the triggers are way too recessed. I end up having to feel out the very bottom of the triggers and hope I don't slip squeezing them awkwardly like that.

The 8bitdo adapter works on original snes yeah.

I respect your opinion but I think the DS2 is superior.

both the DS3 and the DS4 can blow me

I think he meant that their point of actuation is different from the point of release, so once you press it down once you can move it back and forth a little bit and it'll register as a press.

looking at the pics, thats what i was afraid of. curse growing up and having bigger fingers in the process.

>You do know the controller has built-in turbo right?

the 8bitdo? wouldn't they come with some toggle switch for that?

>DS2, the one with the shittier gimmicky X and Square buttons and have oozing analog sticks if even a little perspiration comes in contact with them
Nah I agree with that other guy, DS1 is the best Dual Shock.

You hold the star button near the dpad along with the button you want to autofire. The blue light ring around the home button will flash. Repeat the above to disable.

Nope, you do a button combo (I believe it's holding down the button and pressing start)

Sorry I was talking about the snes classic, How did you put the adapter inside the snes?

Can you plug these in to decrease delay or is it bluetooth only?

Yes, you can go wired.

You can plug it in with a USB-C cable, but if you're at that point there are better wired controllers out there.

Just open the snes, pull the connector inside and plug the adapter to it. Depending on how big the dongle is, you may have to remove the case of it, I had to for the 8bitdo one. It's pretty easy to do, I followed this guy's guide.


Thanks. I'm not opposed to using wireless controllers, just wanted to know the option existed.