Should I buy this game? Is it any good? I haven't played one of these games since Armored core 2 back in like 2001 I remember enjoying 1 and 2 but never got 3.
Should I buy this game? Is it any good...
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It's a great game. You might hit a difficulty spike here and there especially without an imported save from AC3, but it's not a terribly hard entry overall and it's full of cheesy but fun shit.
Which version is better, psp or ps2?
For a second I read that as Silent Hill: Armored Core.
Well I was asking about the ps2 version, I didn't know there was a psp version.
Don't fucking lie to him you goddamned faggot
The PS2 Armored Cores will literally ream him a new asshole. Fuck, I didn't even play these damn things because they were so retardedly difficult. Also, the controls are shit and make the experience even more miserable.
If this is your first Armored Core than the first Armored Core you should be playing is For Answer, at the very least.
I beat armored core 2 as a kid pretty easily. I didn't say i've never played these games, I'm really just trying to recapture some childhood.
AC3 is easy as fuck and Silent Line is fine as long as you can get past the scrub stomper miniboss. It's Nexus and Last Raven that fucks up new players.
It turns out the guy sending silent line is sending AC3 with it. So I get both. Right on!
The ps2 versions of the games are generally a better experience. There are some extra parts and battles added to the PSP versions but also some dumb changes and they drop some of the cool shit like animated emblems from the PS2 version.
Gen 3 was peak aesthetics of Armored Core
3 through last raven minus ninebreaker are the best armored core games
>climb the arena ladder hyped as fuck
>get to the Final Three
>pin them in a corner with heavy grenade spam until they die
>every time
>final faggots in the arena love to fly around and spam back weapons doing their best 4babby impression
>pick an arena with a low ceiling
Something else I wanted to know, and it's probably a lame question. How's the story of 3 and this game?
None of these games have any story whatsoever.
the story is there
It's kind of barebones and you have to do some digging yourself much like other From Soft games. It's definitely not as strong as the story of AC2 or the Nexus-Last Raven storylines, but what is there to be inferred can be pretty profound and the missions themselves carry good atmosphere and a sense of urgency, especially in Silent Line when shit starts getting fucked.
is a faggot.
That's not true at all. I remember some stuff from 1 and 2.
1 had some weird bugs or something and then a crazy AI took over the ravens nest in the last mission and was actually the guy in the top spot of the arena ranking.
2 had some group of people using disorder robots and i remember your mentor shows up a few times then gets killed by the guy on the cover art who i think is the last fight maybe?
Well. It's not bad nor is it gonna be anything spectacular. But it's there and does it's job well.
I played the portable versions.
3 is a good start, Silent line is a nice improvement... And then Last Raven is completely different and difficult as fuck.
I couldn't even get close to beating Zinaida's mission path.
>1 had some weird bugs or something and then a crazy AI took over the ravens nest in the last mission and was actually the guy in the top spot of the arena ranking.
He was always in charge of the Raven's Nest. He tricked you into taking several missions where the actual goal was to kill you. If you reach 0 AP on one of those missions, instead of failing the mission you get a game over screen with all of your personal records being deleted.
>2 had some group of people using disorder robots and i remember your mentor shows up a few times then gets killed by the guy on the cover art who i think is the last fight maybe?
The final boss of 2 is the previous player character.
The final boss of 2 is the previous player character.
Kinda, he's implied to be the main character of Master of the Arena, which is not the same guy as Armored core 1.
it was too much of a hassle to find all the parts needed to build a good mech. once you did the amount of viable builds was very limited. id love a new armored core but it would have to make the farming much less pronounced and/or make all types of builds work and/or make less parts but have each part really matter.
Is Armored Core: Nine Breaker any good?
I want there to just be parts for different play style. not multiple progression level of the same item plus the different class types. all that does is make it needlessly grindy and stops me stops me from playing the best part of the game. playing with your friends
That's stupid. You're stupid. The best part of these games was the goddamn building of the mechs.
There hasn't been a good armored core game since nexus on ps2. So no.
Only Verdict Day had parts grinding. In the rest of the series parts are either unlocked in the shop through progression or by finding them in specific locations in levels. Although Silent Line went a bit overboard on having special requirements for part unlocks.
too much of a hassle to get all the parts to build the mech.
late game its either grind a large amount of money and/or find the item you need hidden in a random level behind a time trail or some shit.
im fine with that just make less parts that dont get used and less redundancies.
i want my parts so i can actually build the mech and play the game with people.
Silent Line precedes Nexus, dumb-dumb.
Also Last Raven > Nexus.
i just dont want shitty parts cluttering up the menus. I want to build a mech of any class and be viable. i want less parts to open up better balance between the types.
I think maybe you'd prefer a different game? Titanfall maybe?
I don't remember it being that bad in V, but i never played verdict day.
I'd buy it.
>Kojima babby can only understand lights the game
4 is the absolute worst game in the series and 4A is barely above it.
5 with the shut down servers is better than those games.
Klein did nothing wrong.
Humans can't live on their own
It's a thing in AC4. Not talking about hideo
Not that Kojima user.
OP Here, I bought the game from my friend and he's giving me 3 with it for free. So I think I did good.
Enjoy. This series could use more fans.
>10 posters
>42 replies
I would say I was already a fan, just been away for a while.
This game is shit. You should buy 4 instead. It's the best one!