This video game is cute.
I love the mom.
Night in the Woods
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wrong this game was tumblrina trash faggot
NITW is a cute game and I thoroughly enjoyed it
>m-muh tumblr boogeyman oogabooga
>that shoe-horned cultist arc
You haven't played it if you think this.
comfy environment, great soundtrack, likeable characters but gameplay is too damn slow
Can you believe things change over time? Like there was once a business in this one location a decade ago, but it has since went under and there's a new business there now. Really makes you think.
didn’t play it myself since im not wasting my goddamn money but i did watch a silent play through and i can guarantee the game is boring, tedious, and very pandering
aka: tumblrina trash, faggot
this too will never stop bugging me, it felt too forced. Like the entire game was about Mae stop being a whiny cunt and own up to her fuck ups which is nice and all dreams could've been about her path to maturity but the crime scene really ruined it and the icing of the cake was the cultist, it really felt last minute choice and is a big shame because this could've lead to something else
>didn’t play it myself but i did watch a silent play
stop posting this thread you tumblr dyke
im not wasting my money to support a shitty game
Physical release when?
But which character would you fug, Sup Forums?
Isn't this like the 10th thread you have made with the exact same OP
The cultist arc was so horrible because it meant that her shitty behavior was at least in part due to some weird supernatural thing, and not just her being a dumbass, like in real life.
Up until the cultist arc this game was a solid 9/10, but the cultist arc showed they didn't really know what they were doing and it dragged it down to a 7. Still worth playing, but expect blue balls.
>night in the woods was a good game
>unironically liking nitw
furfaggots truly are the dumbest people alive
enjoying a game doesn't make it 10/10 or perfect instantly, the game have flaws but the music is the only thing worth about this game, like undertale
how many layers of irony are you on my friend
>liking things that have anthropomorphic animals mean that you are a furfaggot
I guess everyone who've read Redwall books or enjoyed certain Disney films are also furries
I didn't mind it too much, but I admit that the antagonist could have been more creative
cuphead was an ok game to be entirely honest, but the soundtrack, art style, and animation is the only reason people are going batshit crazy over it
>Game ends so quick just as it gets interesting
>those boring dream scenes
big flaws
forgot about the annoying main character who heavily relates to the “im not like the other girls uwu” kind of kids
yeah that was the point, Mae was childish and thought she could get away with everything until she return home and people just smacked her face to face the real world, too bad nothing matters because mean ol conservatives were causing the murders
Why should anyone care about Donger and Fatbody when Lyle and Psychicpebbles are funnier?
>psychicpebbles and oney are talking each other again
did something happen?
Who fucking knows, my man. All I know is that they're doing funny gamevideos together again, and that may or may not mean they kissed and made out.
>tfw bea will NEVER escape her life.
>meanwhile mae just gives up her good life
Zach and Niall are on some of the newer oneyplays.
Except this game is hipster garbage that was literally made by tumblrinas.
This game tickled many of my bones, but as a lot of people have said the climax of the story was utter shit and I'd wanted to see Mae face the music and figure her shit out instead of whatever that cheap cultist shit was.
The problem isn't that it has anthropomorphic characters. The problem is that it's complete and utter irredeemable shit in every regard and the only reason you or anyone else likes it is because they're massive fucking furfaggots who want to yiff the characters
I bet this sounded like a solid argument in your head.
It's not meant to be an argument. It's a statement, and it's true.
>I love the mom
She never moves, has no voice and talks with her mouth closed. That's a dealbreaker
So you decided to waste your time instead?
Who is this?
you can keep it
>ever getting to go to college
>not being the kind of student that takes twice the years to finish her degree because of her constantly failing courses
Reminder, lacking empathy for others, the characters, is a sign of autism.
Shut your whore mouth Bea and choose
didn't you make this exact same thread earlier today?
so pirate it, you retarded fuck.
jesus christ.
This is the same OP as yesterday. This is what viral marketing actually looks like. Fuck off with your bad game for dropout hipsters, thanks.
mae is the premiere gf
Don't worry anons, I know why you're here
is this really apis? if so, disappointing
I went to NITW - Deconstructed. The developers are commie fags
No shit, advertising social-liberalism was the game's primary theme.
That's why it's a shit game.
Don't worry about it
i-i'm not a furfag btw
Gregg x Mae OTP
You sure?
Don't start down this road OP
Gregg was probably the worst part of the game, nearly everything he said was stupid lolrandumb shit even when he was being "serious" and talking about Angus. I always blew him off for Bea because she seemed like so much more of a real person
i thought gregg was a cute but it still feels wrong to not take Bea's route completely, Mae and Bea's relationship needs fixing so much more than Mae and Gregg, who don't even seem to change in any way if you take his route other than Mae influencing Gregg into being a criminal again
bea's actually really smart though, the reason she's not in college is because her family can't afford it
How is Gregg cute? He's in a relationship that clearly wont last and is doomed to a shit life and a shitty person no matter how you make him come out.
petry bear
Fucking this is the entire game. I don't know how you fags can stand this.
I liked it but it wasn't engaging enough, and the game wants you to exhaust all options every day, which is a lot of time to sink on not a lot of content.
I don't know what I would change, but the exploration and event triggering was exhausting and detracted from the game's good aspects.
He's fluffy.