What's the worst box art you've ever seen for a game?
What's the worst box art you've ever seen for a game?
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the heavy rain cover is worse
Seriously? What's wrong with it?
Shit taste desu.
Americans love close up shots of the main character.
too much going on
What's wrong with this?
That's too close for my liking
guess it really was too human
He means this one
Konami's Best: Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
Is this going to be like Heavy Rain where it's mainly just a pretentious but competent movie game that gets really dumb at parts, or like Beyond Two Souls where it goes to a completely new level of dumb and insane?
Oh dear god here comes the "LITERARY NO DIFFERENCE" crowd.
>American cover art
Every game in this list.
>Entire game based on a 2012 tech demo called Kara
>Kara is one of the main protagonists of the game
>Kara isn't even on the box art
Should have specified the american art, who cares about that one?
la creatura...
tales and uncharted covers are kino
Game of the Year: 10/10 is pretty up there.
pic is bad but funny
detroit become human is just the worst of all time because it's trying to be serious
Am I the only one who sees the face in the bg on preview?
Ah, I see you're a man of shit taste as well.
Fake as fuck, go watch the TGS footage, go watch the release date trailer again, it don't look that bad
>grief stage: denial
Wrong faggot, watch the trailer
I know you're memeing but RDR2, Zodiac Age, Death Stranding, and Spiderman are all great. Of course the last 2 will probably be fucked up at actual release.
What the fuck were they thinking
>go watch the release date trailer again, it don't look that bad
Yes user, it does
classically bad
even if it's the american cover it's not bad
it's not even close to detroit become human or
You are still trying to get (you) with baits
the trailer the the fedora youtuber compared is a shit compressed/altered video
Stop trying to get (you) turbo autist
Japanese one is way better.
So when it goes to a close up of his face you can't see any details at al like thatl? Look again, it's the lighting
Cycu1 fedora video is the worst bait of all time. Crowbcat is the gold standard compared to it
The suit looks better but the face looks way worse.
>Bait video
>all he does is compare 2016 trailer to 2018 trailer and 2018 looks way worse
>2018 trailer
There is no 2018 trailer yet
>amerifats ruined yet another thing by dumbing it down
wow never seen that one before
post the ready player one posters
Not sure why they didn't just use this image as the box art. It'd be painfully generic but it'd look better than that trash
>grief stage: anger
it's the 2016 trailer released by some fake channel with compression
Stop promoting your channel
that one castvania 3ds game
>it's fake, c-c-c-compression, I promise, g-guys
The european cover for Twilight Princess HD is fucking atrocious.
must be sad to rely on fake videos to criticize a very mediocre game
Can someone tell me what this game is even about? Is it even a fucking video game? Or is it some "interactive game" like Heavy Rain (which by the way I don't consider to be a video game.) Is it like L.A Noire but set in the future but with cyborgs and androids? Is it like the movie IRobot with Will Smith?
you're thinking of the DS game
El goblino de americanos
this game is going to be the focus of an SJW shitstorm on launch, which will leave it with literally zero audience. real gamers already know better than to bother with anything david cage, and the shitstorm will keep away all the fake hipster gamers.
this is cute. it's a stylistically naive cover, which fits the 'surprisingly deep' nature of the game very well.
>Or is it some "interactive game" like Heavy Rain
This. Made by the same studio which ships only these kind of games since forever.
>tfw gonna play as based Connor stomping out the Android rebellion chimpout
This desu. But Kara is still kawaii as fuck.
You can clearly see the details present in his face here when the lighting is changed
reminds me of this
Cage pls
This is kino.
a 2deep4u movie that misconstrues race relation
This can't be real...
tfw I have this. Looks a bit goofy, but kinda like it
>Interactive movie about what it means to be human and niggers.
$60 I'll be able to keep in my wallet. Fuck these feminist nu-male soyboy developers with their sensitivity and race relations.
What is this cover trying to convey?
You can play this game on youtube for free.
Fucking sexists tellin' ya
I cant stand it
t. commiefornia
These eyes are amazing.
Talk about lazy
how many times are you gonna shill your shitty video?
he is going ultra instinct chosen undead
we reached a point that Sup Forums and /r9k/ are making fun of us and they are right
You mean just watch the "Movie version" which is all the cutscenes strung together? But this "game will be 100% cutscenes with interactive button pressing probably, so you're not wrong. Could just watch all the cutscenes on Youtube and tell people you "played" the game.
Didn't this also inspire some dank Russian memes where they redid boxart in that style?
came here to post this
>ctrl F
>no mention of phalanx
You're slipping, Sup Forums.
The whole fucking game is a bunch of cutscenes, it has zero gameplay.
dem mullets
Was actually about to post this, refreshed the page, and there it is; Phalanx. I genuinely like this cover though.
>Zero gameplay
>All cutscenes
I thought Heavy Rain was bad, but people are actually going to buy this? Probably the same people who bought Life is Strange.