DragonBall FighterZ Thread

Tell me, is it really acceptable that you can get 100 % to 0 % in combo? 1 mistake and ur char is dead. im getting really salty about this game. its just not fun after a while. its everytime the same chars tryharding. Before i boguht this game, i thought it would be like a tag team game. where when ur chars dies the next one gets send in. well my mistake for not looking before buying.

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It's an anime fighter, a certain level of autism is required to play it.

who cares

that games already dead

play smash bros 4, it's more forgiving.

welcome to your first fighting game
you're gonna lose a lot

i played many others before that.. by tryharding i mean meta chars team with spamming skills.

>i played many others before that
no, you clearly haven't

care to back that claim up with some proofs

>prove me a negative
why don't you prove you actually played them

Never legit played a vs fighter.before and I just don't get it. I want so bad to be able to get good but I just have no fucking clue what I'm doing. How do I even practice bros

u made that claim, so the burden of proof lies on you.

dont rely on auto combo, try to learn manual combing. its so broken, u can keep someone in a stun till hes dead.

the simple fact that you posted this thread is proof enough that you haven't. Anyone who has spent more than a day playing a fight game won't think like this. Fuck off.

Just practice the bread and butter combo. Launch with down heavy, mash heavy to follow, then do Light -> Medium -> Jump cancel -> Light -> Medium -> Up Heavy to meteor them -> Level 1 super when you land.

It's a lot at first, but just practice doing only that and you'll be well suited to win matches.

>100% to 0
But thats wrong, unless your opponent catches you with an assist the most they can take is 33%
Even with that those combos take tons of resources and have a pretty high execution factor so their very unlikely to be seen.

>pick a team x/y/z
>youtube "x combo", "y combo", "z combo"
>go into training mode
>drill the combos into your muscle memory
>jump online, maybe casuals at first
>do the combos
>don't try to win, try to learn
>watch good players
>do what they do
the secret to fighting games

you made the claim first though

I can tell you don't play them, because you have no idea what you're talking about

I'm going to laugh so hard when this turns out to be the better game. Then I'm going to cry because nobody bought it.

I fucking hate this board


>Anyone who has spent more than a day playing a fight game won't think like this. Fuck off.

ur in my thread m8. control ur autism, i literally do not care what u think.

How do I get good with Yamcha
Cell is easy enough but Yamcha just feels weird
Also any suggestions for my 3rd, I can't decide on someone

>i played many others before that..
Holy fuck how do you people even live? I can't imagine any one this retarded being able to take care of themselves.

>less than a minute apart
this your first day posting here too?

Just throw a goku in there for easy assist chains.

>youtube "x combo", "y combo", "z combo"
Bad advice.
Combos are one of the last things you need to learn in fighters. Getting a feel for the game and its zoning, neutral,ect is much more important

spam wolf fang fist, git gud and mixing up with wolf fang fist, know the properties of wolf fang fist and how to catch people mashing buttons and how to make it safe on block, learn to combo into wolf fang fist, learn how to approach with wolf fang fist, learn how to hit confirm the heavy EX version of wolf fang fist into a combo, learn how to add your supers into wolf fang fist, learn how to turn aerial hit confirms into more wolf fang fists, breathe wolf fang fist, live wolf fang fist

yeah it is more important, you're right

but playing without some BnB and just relying on autocombos?
that's asking for frustration

doesn't take long to learn a combo or two

this game is made for babies. i cant imagine someone above 12 that plays this. its a dead game anyway.

the balance is pretty dumb in this game, yeah

The bread and butter combo is still important to learn, and teaches good mechanics in of itself. I agree learning massive combos isn't necessary, but the basic non-auto one I consider important.

Yamcha is all about ground game and mixups. If you focus on adapating wolf fang fiat into a mix up tool and asisst to cover gaps, you will be monster. Best assist for yamcha are beams

Not him but majin bot can easily do half a health bar or more with one combo string. Got it done on me like 5 times today. Whoever is using her blue alt and adult gonna blue alt, fuck you if you’re reading this

it's funny
it isn't even the game's balance
it's real world balance

you're simply worse than someone else

no everyone says 16 is SS tier and he isn't fun to watch.

every character can do half a bar in one combo

except gotenks maybe

dragonball internet defense force is all out today

who is everyone? Sup Forums?
you can see this thread to see how knowledgable Sup Forums is on fighting games

actually I mean fighting games in general rely on your skill mostly

so if you lose, it's your fault, not the character tier or balance

yeah sure, it plays a major role. in dragonball too but the mechanic behind is no fun though. maybe its subjective. i personally just dont like this tag team comboing. i like the 1 v 1 system..

>hurrr durr
Please make better bait

I actually prefer 1v1 aswell

I got used to teams now though, it does increase your combo or setup potential substantially

>Please make better bait
>gets baited

Yes it is because of the amount of resources used to do it. You didn't get stuck in a ToD combo because you're new and you kept pressing buttons instead of blocking and died.

Anime fighters are hyper aggressive and this is the easiest most casual one ever you happen to be complaining about.

they should add some sort of 1 v 1 mode, if the chars are balanced around 1 v 1. but yeah i hate that system, because if u get caught u can put ur controller down and watch how ur char loses 2/3 of his life. i find the worst part, is that u cant do anything while stunlocked. they should atleast add taht when ur stunned that u can atleast use teleport if u have Ki left.

what do you mean "if the chars are balanced around 1 v 1"?

also, it's classic MvC system, the combos can be quite long because you have 3 characters
it's not balanced for 1v1, it's still a team game

and that's a horrible idea

I let my nephew who is seven play online and he won 12 times in a row. I asked to see what he was doing and he was just literally spamming square and the shoulder buttons. That’s when I told him he could have the game. It just wasn’t the right type of game for me.

You have 3 life bars user. Relatively speaking, this game is actually very low lethality among fighters.

Wtf is a jump cancel

ironically when asked where to start for a new player most pro players recommend combos as the best starting point, specifically mentioned by clockwerk, daigo, and kazunoko

those other aspects mentioned take longer to develop typically and require a lot of time to focus on, it takes an incredibly minimal amount of time comparably to learn the combos. Not to mention learning the combos let you know what routes you'd prefer and how you'd want to get a hit.

So new players should definitely learn combos first.

>thread about touch of death combos
>nobody posts links to videos
Y'all a bunch of dildos.


You just jump out of the attack. It hits and you press up.

Pasta's stale nigga.

I feel like this one is useless in a real match. You basically leave your Tien with 10-20% life and use up your sparking at level 1 just to kill a single character.