Worth $15?

Worth $15?


B-but titwitch

Anne is best girl. Also yes.



who to believe?

Save your 15 bucks for something you'll still remember a week after finishing

sure, if you don't feel comfortable pirating

Just buy Berseria or literally anything else, Star Ocean is fucking trash.

It's barely worth the disc it was put on.

I'm beginning to think SO2 was a lucky mistake. SO3 was alright, but 4 and 5 were absolutely fucking awful.

Blows my mind someone like this has little to no hentai floating around..

So if not this, what are some good underground weeb games for the PS4?

She is, but her game isn't.

Apparently it makes SO4 look like a masterpiece. So.

Because it's annoying as fuck to draw, so why would anyone bother when barely anyone even knows she exists?

This, Just get SO4 Remastered.

I get the feeling that will easily win my dick and will easily win my heart.


And Anne is now obtaining both

I'll dump what I have of her. Not Hentai but whatever.

Even better.




If you like pears.

Hes has giant thighs and hips in the game.


All I got

I'm a gigantic weeb and would recommend just about any JRPG when asked. But dammit, no, this particular game is not worth it.

I was in love with Star Ocean, I even loved Star Ocean 4. This game broke my heart. It's barely Star Ocean at all, and sucks badly on it's own merits. Couldn't even finish it, even as short as it is.

Never seen this before, is this still SO5 or a new game?

Phone game so close enough.

2 out of 3 of the holy trinity of ass, thighs, and hips

I beat the game twice and I still wouldn't recommend it to people.

Why was SE ass so tight when giving tri ace a budget? This is the thanks they get?


Steam when?

Couldn't beat the final boss because it's horse shit so I dropped it, but overall I had fun with it up to that point. Maybe I'm just not a high enough level, also might not be the final boss. I got stuck on some part of the game/fight and said "fuck this" and never played again. Don't remember which part though.

You can beat him if you power level like a madman.


Everyone's saying don't buy the game with their words.

But these webms speak through my penis a mighty yes

You might as well play the mobile game that has all the cute girls from every game, to ogle at.

>I even loved Star Ocean 4
Highly doubt that. Combat is fun, but lets be real that's it.

>Power level like a madman

Yeah, no. I don't have the patience to grind that much.

Even neps are higher quality than this shit

$15 is a pretty good price I guess... You could probably get about 15 hours in before you realize how bad it is.

This is the game that sealed Tri-Ace's fate to left to rot in the mobile game dumping pit.

Godamnit. why did they have to fuck this game up.

No budget.

>no good porn

What's the point?

ooof yes

Nier 1 had a budget of beans and rice and that turned out pretty great.

They had a budget, they just blew it all on the character and environment models.

You need to take care in what stat boosts (or whatever those ball things are called I can't remember) you give your characters. I got stuck on those turrets in the research lab because I had the wrong ones on.

>based drills
>stupid frilly skirt/tail


No. Just no. For $5 it could be worth it, but 15 is too much. I wanted to like it. Star ocean is a cool concept and the music has been always great as well. But man is it bad to play. The only game on ps4 that I regret buying, and I have a few bought.

From what little i saw of my friend playing it...I'm curious WHAT in the environment ate budget?
The characters I can believe though.

No the combat is so fucking bad. The story is slow and boring. Frame drops all over the place. All they had to do was make a decent action based combat system and a typical story like 2.

Still bugs me that all those exposed diamonds and her belly button is covered

Sometimes I feel bad for character artists, like Nomura. They have great designs sometimes just to get shit on by the developers, like that bad chick with glasses in FFXIII.

>that bad chick with glasses in FFXIII
Oh Jesus, that little tie she wears just kills my balls.

In Japan if you expose your belly button too long you will catch a cold and die horribly. Doesn't matter if you are completely naked otherwise but that belly button better be covered.


One fight comes to kind especially. It was something where Anne had to hack a computer and the game gives you a prompt for a few seconds saying protect her and the battle starts immediately. After I failed that it made me sit through all the cutscenes with no option to skip. Fucking hell, the small irritating things are the worst.

is this real?

Its almost impossible on hard unless you use that widely abused exploit.

So why didn't you protect her?

IIRC, you can make the MC take up poses during PA's and/or cutscenes.


No. It's not even worth $5. And that's coming from someone who actually enjoyed SO4.

Shit, is it that bad?

What about 4?

Why didn't SE just let Tri-ace make a high budget porn rpg?

After SO5 I wouldn't trust Tri-Ace either.

4 is worse

It'll give PA's a whole new take
>Anne likes cute things
>tfw she thinks your dick is cute

the combat is not good. I've tried to like star ocean combat, it is not good. if you like it, you'll like star ocean. the story is the best part but you can't get through it without endless hours of combat

>those fucking jap titles

How does "Integrity" and "Faithlessness" make sense together, usually you have integrity for something you have faith in.

The correlation between japan's fertility and the absurd amount of cowtits they produce is hilarious.



What is this mobile game everyone is referring to?

Are you literally fucking ESL? When you see "fire and ice" do you think it's supposed to mean that they are similar instead of a contrast?

Star ocean anamnesis. That's the mobile game.

I genuinely enjoyed it, but i also liked Tales of Zestiria, which everyone hates..

I love games where I can roam around fields and caves fighting monsters, level and find treasures.

Dayum, rip SO.

Masyallah, why does cuboon like to reuse the same?

*same face

I paid $8

PC version when?

Ask again in a few more years.

I wanna buy this badly because of that sexy witch but I need to stop picking games with my dick. Is it at least a LITTLE bit fun to play? Then I could get behind buying it

I'm the same as you, but I've been holding back with this one since I have heard NOTHING good about this game. It must be really really bad.

Same with that Valkyria Revolution game.

Not worth $1.


If it's on Sup Forums it's already mainstream

No. Nier plays and feels like budget gaming

>that ridiculously low threshold for jiggle

Did you play and enjoy Star Ocean 3?

5 is like a more meh version of that game

It's fun. When you finally have a full party the fights get insane, but the AI is retarded so you will have to babysit it somewhat.

Don't expect an amazing story though.

It's great.

Getting the camera positioned during cutscenes to look at Anne's pantsu was a true joy in this game

Suddenly I'm very interested in Star Ocean: Anamnesis.

When is the US release?

Probably never.

What a shame, I don't usually play games on my phone, but would love to play this on my breaks.