20 hours

>20 hours
>still in central Yarnham
>finally get passed the werewolves on the bridge
>after 3 tries kill the boss after the werewolves
>sense of pride is overwhelming
>stride forward through the gate looking for the lantern everyone has been telling me about
>actual boss comes
>panic and throw all of my molotovs
>die in 1 minute
Fuck this fucking game. When does it get fun? Is this the fun? Am I enjoying this? Also I won't be reading this thread because I don't want spoilers.

I thought I sucked

Youre literally trash lmao

>20 hours
>still in central Yarnham


>>still in central Yarnham
No I don't believe you

Okay, Sup Forums. I downloaded it. But this game better not be fucking spooky.

You get to punch the shit out of ayylmaos and werewolves. You tell me if that's spooky.

away... AWAY!!!

>Also I won't be reading this thread
Then why did you make this thread you fucking clown. Is it to somehow validate your lack of skill? Justify your retarded time investment for the easiest part of the game? Treat Sup Forums like it's your personal blog where responses can be taken with a hint of salt straight up your ass?
This thread is shitposting to the max and mods should take care of it. If they aren't busy jacking off their tiny dicks in some furry thread, that is.

God what a great fucking game.

Papa G is the realest.

how did almost every single person here fall for so such blatant bait

>20 hours
>Central Yarnham
Dude wtf
I can help you out user, you can summon me before the boss if you wish

>>after 3 tries kill the boss after the werewolves
>>sense of pride is overwhelming
>>stride forward through the gate looking for the lantern everyone has been telling me about
>>actual boss comes
What did he mean by this? There's nothing between the cleric beast and the lamp behind it.

What the fucc?
I'm usually starting the big boy chalice dungeons like Loran and Isz 20 hours in. What's wrong with you, user? Are you dense or something?

20 hours? Holy fuck kill yourself op if you are not joking

Any good strats for that faggot king at cainhurst?

I have a kirkhammer +8 and a holy blade +7

Back when dark souls came out and keep in mind it was my first souls game it took me 30+ hours to even reach blightown

lol new faggot spends all his time dicking around the city and boss rapes you up the ass.

Father Gas is gonna have a ball with your weak ass lol

>needing tips on any basegame bosses
Are people seriously this bad? Try any dlc boss and ask for tips then
Like seriously just try him more than once and youll beat him

Visceral to skip his big exploding shit when you get him to like 75% or whatever % where he switches phases. Then you can keep using viscerals.

Because he's a faggot. bar none.

Just parry him to death like every other boss.

The whole game is like 20 hours outside of the DLC and chalice grindan'.

I think he meant the block swinging troll.... He thought it was a boss somehow.

Only use your sword form as you need to be quick. Dodge to the left after getting in two hits, otherwise his red skull will fuck you up. When he plants his staff to buff himself, visceral attack him from behind. Then just continue whittling him down with a few hits at a time. You can shoot his sword when he plants it, and stay away from the edge.

Hey you know that move where he flies toward you?

A well timed forward dodge leaves his back open to you for a charged backstab with the sword handle of the Kirkhammer.

I would agree but I hate Logarius and I have no problems giving tips to help people beat his crusty ass. Fuck that bitch.

I know this is bait because I fucking suck balls, had never played a souls game before, died to the first troll like 5 times and even I one-shot Cleric Beast. Literally just dodge.

Scrub here, what I did was to hit him and roll away until he starts flying towards me, at which point I time my shots for viscerals.

I had a LOT of trouble with the werewolves, but 20 hours?
If you are not enjoying yourself, just quit. This game is not for you.

Shoot the sword he stabs on the ground. Heavy attack him to his back when hes changing phases. When he floats up dodge left. Hope that helps.

Logarius is fucking hard though. He's the only boss that's taken me more than 10 tries. I haven't fought OoK yet though.

>kill the boss after the werewolves
The big nigga with the brick? How did you think that was a boss. God, and I thought I was the shittiest Bloodborne player.

Reminder to eat 3 cords, Keep Iosefka or Arianna safe and pick refusal near the end.
Nobody deserves to have the final boss be MWN

>Werewolf at the Orphanage

It took me 12 tries to kill Micolash


Don't worry. It took me 5 hours to beat Orphan.

>try bloodborne on my friends ps for the first time
>defeat Cleric on 4-5th try and Father Gascoigne on first try

OP are you still here? If so I am genuinely willing to help you. BB is my favorite game.

lol perfect file name I'll change it.

Also to add what you said about Arianna and Iosefka, once you get the nun in the church only take her blood and not Arianna. The nun is a bit Yandere. For Iosefka if you want a cord only visit the back of her clinic after Rom

>do the whore's sidequest
>find the old workshop
>kill Iosefka after the Eclipse
>kill Mergo's Wet Nurse
>now have four thirds of an umbilical cord

>hit enemies
>don't get hit
>if you do get hit, just hit them more
Bloodborne isn't that hard guys.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I destroyed the game's legacy in the process also.

I managed to die to Ebrietas. Not in the chalice dungeons, the regular version.

Neat how many hours did it take you

>sense of pride is overwhelming
This multiplied by 100 is the fun, Bloodborne is great for shitters like us.

Ten days so 240 hours.

Post a screenshot

So you played 10 days straight without sleeping?

gascoigne is the casual filter. use the music box then spam molotovs at him. everything after that is pure beauty and perfection. enjoy, man.

PSN plus was a mistake

What happened?

Bloodborne is the free game of the month.

please post wanking werewolf, need for science

I heard the aliens thing was goofy but GODDAMN, son.

Is this not normal?


>This guy again
Fucking stop please with your "blind but i used a guide" save scummed internet trophy


Sup Forums hasn't had any ability whatsoever to recognize trolling in about 12 years, and even back then people were still shit at it.

I platinum'd after ten minutes. And by that I mean I uninstalled it. This game is shit.

The werewolves are completely skippable and the level design basically encourages you to do it,
Explore more.

shit bait

>kill the boss
>actual boss comes
what was the first thing you killed

Never played this game (did play souls) and started with the cane whip because it sounded cool.

Did I fuck up? My friend tells me it's the worst starter weapon. Not far in yet so I could reroll I guess.

the guy with the brick

There is some spooky stuff but thats much later.

>First time playing bloodborne
>Have to choose a playstyle
>Decide to make a long range character
>Farm pebbles for two hours
>Each ennemy takes a lot of pebbles before dying
>Quite thrilling
>Cleric beast comes
>99 pebbles isn't enough
This game is shit, there's only one playstyle, fuck you Sup Forums

he's a big guy

I remember that movie.

You'll be fine user.
It works well and if you end up not liking it you can get an alternative skill weapon pretty early on as well.

I had a good time with it, but you can pick up the saw spear in the sewer if the damage is too low

>20 hours
>still in central Yarnham

pebbles are a pure strength weapon


How? How many times did you die to the witches?

Theres a random floating statue in the sky of old yharnam near the very beginning where Djura talks to you.

>Throwing a fuckton of pebbles and knives at Paarl
Worth a chuckle

The cane is a god-tier weapon, especially later in the game. Granted the saw cleaver is about as easy to use as a longsword and the axe is cheat mode for early game.

The cane is fine. I think it has serrated damage in it's whip form so it does more damage to beasts.

They're all good weapons. I don't really see this as a bad thing, unless you think starting weapons should be crippled in some way to empower later game weapons, but to me that just opens up reasons to play NG+ and keeps the pool of weapons interesting as none of the tools fall off arbitrarily.

The axe is garbage for early game. It's good against Gaston but you'll get fucked by Amelia.

But I fucked Amelia with the axe. She and many other enemies probably have good blunt resistance but I brute force my way through all of them with axe anyway. The R1s on the untransformed state only deal regular damage.

I love the hunter's axe, I did a run where I killed every boss just using it.

I mean sure if you actually waste all your shards upgrading it, but if you don't plan to use it late game and it's only +2 it's going to be worse than just using a saw cleaver at +0.

What? No I'm not arguing it beats certain weapons like the saw at certain tasks, not at all. I'm just saying its a very good brute force weapon so that even in situations where its not efficient it can still put up a decent fight and has an entertaining moveset. The saw is probably the most minmaxing effective weapon.

It's not a horror game but you'll be fighting some spooky stuff

>20 hours
>only up to the werewolves
lmao what you doin