gosh lord,this game is cringe as fuck,i don't understand why the game got so many positive review on steam..
gosh lord,this game is cringe as fuck,i don't understand why the game got so many positive review on steam..
because is good in you a niggger
>He doesn't have emo powah
Because chicks dig giant robots
not so fast.
>tedious story
>unimpressive graphics
>anime tropes everywhere
meh,persona did it better.
The only user speaking sense here.
>everyone gets their limit breaks early in the game
>protag gets it in final chapter
Why falcom keep doing this?
falcom is retarded,that's why.
Every time I see Cold Steel compared to Persona as if they're even remotely similar games beyond the surface level I want to kill them.
In case you're too retarded to notice the literal point of that scene is that he overcame his negative emotions enough to control that power. Pretty much the opposite of emo. Sure, it's edgy, but a healthy does of edge is nice every once in a while.
Behold the balance of the Falcom school!
To be fair, why deal with Rean when Kevin had a way better episode on it instead.
>He played Cold Steel first
Why not both?
Because the writing gap between Sky and Cold Steel is fucking laughable? I seriously don't understand how someone could play through the amazing Sky Trilogy, then jump to Cold Steel and not be utterly disappointed at how fucking ass it is. CS2 especially.
Cause Kevin only needed one game and a half.
probably because it's broken shit
The only thing I was disappointed in was how much of Cold Steel 2 ended up being filler, and I still liked the game. The twist at the end was genuinely great, and from that moment on everything I'd initally expected out of Cold Steel got flipped upside down.
I can get hating anime beta pussy magnet #12425 Rean, but dead inside teacher Rean is fantastic
>Sure, it's edgy, but a healthy does of edge is nice every once in a while.
dude,the very existence of MC-kun is edgy incarnate,it's not healthy at all
I can't beat the final boss so someone just spoil the ending for me, or tell me how to beat it. I'm talking about white shadow or whatever the fuck his name is. I'm level 140 but he is level 150. Am I suppose to just grind a bunch or something? I have the best weapon for Rean and Laura, also got Tauros, domination, mars gem, etc on Laura for the one shot power, but she still only does like 150,000 max.
How do you do so much damage? I've only been able to get 150,000 maybe 180,000 if I'm lucky. What set up are you using?
I never got that much damage with Laura. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
The twist at the end is the only good part of the game. It's also the only part something actually fucking happens. The moment Osborne walked onto the screen it was like I was woken up from a coma.
>dead inside teacher Rean is fantastic
I'll be the judge of that when it eventually gets localised. There were faggots telling me CS2 was better than CS1 before I played it too. What a lie that turned out to be.
woops missed reply
You are doing something wrong, i can get 700k with Rean or Sara on nightmare. Level 140 is the perfect level with Revolution quartz.
pic related but Murakumo does more damage than Tauros.
The whole "evil force inside me" took me by surprise cuz its so fucking overused and Cold Steel being so serious with its plot I never expected to find that trope there.
But it did make for some cool scenes like that fight against Laura's father.
>Rean Schwarzer, the Ashen Chevalier and possessor of the Demon Heart allowing him to go true form, practitioner of the Eight Leaves style, tutored by the master of it himself
>Willfully 'imprisons' himself on the enemy ship
>Nabs their hostage, the princess Alfin, who is hungry for his demon cock
>Cuts through a legion of Enforcers, Stahlritter, Jaegers, loli spy agents, and even his best friend (I cry every time)
>Only gets stopped when all of those finally surround him
>Don't even get a chance to try and take them all on before his faggy friends come and 'save' him
>That girl from the first games with the gay chibi overhead shit
>Gets abducted like the dumb whore she is after falling into an obvious trap
>Nearly pisses her panties when Gay Orgy and a bunch of enforcers show off in front of her
>Tries to break out herself but gets beaten down by some faggot (Either the blue haired one or silver haired one doesn't matter lol)
>Has to get saved by her edgy twink boyfriend (who couldn't even fight the other faggot 1 on 1 he had to rig a trap for the shit what a pussy)
Gay as fuck
Calvard when?
Ah. Well I have Revolution but don't have equipped so that might help if I equip it. I mean that's a 100% boost on top of everything else, so that might explain why my numbers are so low. If I equip Revolution then I should get like a 300% damage boost.
Also overdrive 2 gives you more damage.
I just want Rean to become the Erebonia's Divine Blade of Fire. Maybe in the fourth game
Yeah, see I fucked up and got relationship level 7 with Jusis for Rean instead of Laura. My relationship with Laura is only level 6, granted I can level it by just linking them in combat and grinding for it. But I can't get that damage boost for Laura, only for Rean and Jusis.
You made the right choice anyway user. Laura is boring as fuck. Jusis is the best.
Jusis was shaping up to be the #1 guy from what I saw of him. I should've maxed him out instead of waifuing, I got little from doing that.
I hope he dies, would almost redeem CS.
Granted I'm still glad I maxed out Jusis, but I hate that I can't get that extra damage with Laura because I'm not maxed out on my relationship with her. Makes it harder to do Laura's one shot technique without that extra damage booster.
Jusis is the number 1 reason to play Cold Steel
Altina is number 2 but only during 3
Are these games good? I see a lot of people compare it to Persona but Persona is just meh.
Which game is pic related from? Is that game good?
I really like Jusis. He grew on me in the first game, but in the second game he was like my best friend/brother.
Game is good, but it's in the middle of the series.
You play as her in a short, but separate chapter at the very end of TOCSII.
It's nothing like Persona really.
Zero and Ao. And Cold Steel 2 kinda.
The Persona comparison is only a surface level similarity made by people who started with Cold Steel and don't know what they're talking about
Rixia's games are Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki. They're only available through fan translation. Play the Trails in the Sky games before them, otherwise a lot of stuff will go over your head. And yes, her games are fantastic.
>He grew on me in the first game, but in the second game he was like my best friend/brother.
Pretty much. Easily the most well-developed character on the good guy side and has the best bantz.
he is pretty much best boy and best girl at the same time
>That scene where they have a rematch on the hill again
>Both laying down afterwards
>Out of breath
>Start laughing together
That was such a carefree scene between them.
>gosh lord
Kill yourself
Hilariously, Jusis kicked my Rean's ass because he got Treasure Blade out and froze me.
But that scene was great, Jusis is basically a brother to Rean.
>There were faggots telling me CS2 was better than CS1 before I played it too. What a lie that turned out to be.
That's probably because they had JUST finished it after it came out and they were coming off of the end of the game, which as you said is the only good part. There is a high that comes when you first finish that game. Only once you have spent some time away from it do you remember how shit the first half of the game is. The same is true for SC.
I liked CS2 despite the filler but I think SC handled its filler better. I appreciated "go to these four towers and fight these four unique bosses with special dialogue depending on who's in your party" way more than "go to four dungeons to fight four identical nameless bosses to get some rocks".
It also helps that the filler stuff had some really nice moments, like Estelle's dream.
Because the back story/lore is actually kind of interesting.
I still want to know
>who the Grandmaster of Ouroboros is
>who saved me in Legram in Trails 1 (woman)
>what is the Black Workshop
>can McBurn and Count Arseid be defeated
>will Erebonia become a "good" Nazi Germany
How fucking evil is the Chancellor and he is actually behind everything? (aka the Grandmaster)
Having finished CS3, or even just Ao makes this entire post laughable
Not him, but clearly a lot of us haven't played the 3rd game, so we wouldn't know those answers.
what the fuck did you expect?
CS > Persona
Grandmaster is still a mystery at least. Especially since they said its someone we know.
>Still haven't gotten to see what Master Yun-Ka-Fai looks like.
>Haven't even seen him in action
I really want to know just how strong he is, or what he fucking looks like.
Yun-Ka-Fai is grandmaster and end game villian.
Not really, but could you imagine? Kek
It worked in SC because the it served to develop Ouroboros with the Enforcers and they being related to the main characters had you looking forward to something (dialogue) when you had to fight them again, then you get the payoff by actually defeating them in the final chapter and getting a bit of closure or a start (with Renne).
CS2 you lose pretty much every fight so it never pays off, you don't defeat anyone in the final dungeon before the fight with Crow and most of those fights (McBurn, Xeno and Leo, Duvalie and the steel maiden) are setup for CS3.
Typical modern anime shenanigans
tfw Joshua was so broken you could easily tackle the whole endgame with him
Yeah I like the Sup Forums threads since I don't have to look at screenshots for the games I can't play for years.
Speculation is going around that Falcom wants to do what they did with Cold Steel 1 and 2; that is, license 3 and 4 as a package deal.
Do the main couple get together in the first Trails in the Sky game or is it a romance that spans multiple games?
He is just your standard shounen mc. Mostly skip stuff where he chimps out completly.
I love some of "npcs" and sidekicks though.
>that merchant school girl who is terrible and always argues with the merchant guy
>the little girl who defends Laura
>the girl from Machiases town who thinks the hotspring is a trap
>Millium/the black bunny
>Elliots father
I don't want to say too much, but what happens at the end of the first game with their romance is genuinely my favorite plot twist in games period, and it's from there that the second game picks up and resolves the plot.
he was talking about Sky, not Cold Steel. Read a bit before you post.
I sure hope not
That would be quite the retarded move.
Two games that's all I will say
Cute couple
thanks guys. google didn't clarify for me
He said Trails in the Sky not Rean's Wild Ride
Persona 5
>be cuck
>get bossed around by furry midget cat
>robin hood justice rip off
>dungeon crawl
>be trunks but with black hair that turns white during super saiyan
>be manipulated by immense political maneuvers
>house of cards ripoff
>be gundam pilot and have better paced dungeons
is sara playable in 2? will falcom let rean give her the dick in 4?
Rean is a Mary sue AND a pedophile
Playable and broken as fuck for the second half and a bit more.
Yes. No.
>persona 5
>kill evil God, save the world and break out of your chains.
>gets your friend killed, doom the world and gets chained down like a dog
I'd like to give Towa my guff
>counting cs3 as the end
>implying he won't have a happy ending
Persona 5
>Your weapon appearances Change
>Your weapon appearances DO NOT Change because dev lazy as fuck
Alfin and Rean are perfect match
Falcom is poverty
>Personafag only cares about aesthetics
imagine my shock
Because XSEED has a delusional and unhealthy following. Ys is the only thing worth paying attention to from Falcom. Refund and ignore.
I'm sorry
Xanadu Next was great
Maybe but only because his friends save his ass as always.
Rean (((Schwartz)))
>criticizes Rean for needing muh friendship
>as opposed series that is entirely about muh friendship
I'm sad we'll never get another game like that. I didn't even dislike Tokyo Xanadu either, just wish it had combat that felt like Ys VIII
This CS2 moment was pure fucking kino.
>slap your rival's shit with the power of your Bonds™ in your Gundam
>Duke McBitch summons Mecha Satan
>You drop all your best arts and S-breaks on the boss to provide an opening while tiddy witch juices up you and your rival's Gundams
>team the fuck up to perform sweet combo attacks and kill Mecha Satan in a blaze of glory
>heroic sacrifice; all the friendship in the world can't bring him back, but he left such an impact that Rean Coldsteel prepares to slap the fucking Chancellor
fuck meant the thing about xanadu for
Emma best girl
>heroic sacrifice; all the friendship in the world can't bring him back
>he doesn't know
Easily the best moment in English Kiseki games
A man of culture, I see
you mean breast girl
If only that scene wasn't in every playthrough. Wish it meant something romantic instead of being a normal event.