This game will be release on Xbox One

This game will be release on Xbox One.

So PC version is only a matter of time. Like Final Fantasy XV, Injustice 2....

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Yeah Kingdom Hearts 3 also, it's only a matter of time, r-right? It doesn't matter if the previous games were released on PC or not, companies would never keep games from PC. PC is too important to ignore , am I r-right bB-bros?


If it has whatever wild west version of shark cards, and its contained to consoles, I call that a win.

Honestly what is wrong with shark cards? Only normies buy them, and they fund further development free of charge for me.

Would you rather buy a Season Pass for all your DLC?

>Honestly what is wrong with shark cards?
Anything to do with in game purchases will invariably lead to development of the game in a manner that time gates or delays or straight up rewards payment in that direction.
The ones paying for it become the customers and the rest become slaves for the paying customers to look down on.

Just keep waiting bro

it isnt worth the grind if you don't want to pay for the thing you want
end result is severely limiting as people will only unlock the cheapest supercar (etc) or buy the fastest, most expensive one possible
everything else is a waste

What the fuck are you even talking about? I don't buy shark cards, I just play the fucking game and earn money. I'm not some "slave," as you so oafishly put it.

What gameplay elements do you feel are directed towards shark card buyers? What makes you think that?

Who cares? It's going to be microtransaction riddled trash.

>too much of a grind
Literally anything you do in that game earns you money. Sure, grinding imports/exports and Headhunter gets old fast. That's why I play lots of varied game modes with friends, while my bunker churns out cash in the background. If I fill my bunker, the sale nets over $1m plus all the money I earned doing missions, racing, or in deathmatches.

You're playing a treadmill, a waste of numbers thinking you're 'beating' a system by playing it without paying, but the system was designed in the first place to be a maze.
More and more elements will slowly increase the game loop, trying to frustrate and delay you, but you'll keep thinking that you're winning without paying anything.

Totally unware of the slave that you now are.

>most expensive card is $99USD
I hardly call that a microtransaction

>playing a fun video game makes me a slave somehow
Sign me up

You sound like you're far too jaded to enjoy vidya. Maybe you should pick up a hobby, like whittling

orbital cannon for one
probably one of the worst mechanics ive ever seen in a multiplayer game, literally just a paid 'i win' button that only shark cucks will use

Thanks for ruining video games.
You have no arguments.

Shark cards are one of the main reasons Rockstar got lazy and never released expansions to GTA 5

everything in the game gets old fast
you cant tell me that you find those missions where it spawns you at one end of the map and you just have to drive to some arbitrary point to start the actual mission are fun
or better yet where the whole mission is just driving like a ups delivery van
rockstar doesnt know how to make a fun game anymore

>orbital cannon costs $500,000GTA each time you fire it
>Bull shark card ($500,000GTA) costs $9.99 USD
Do you even play GTAO? I haven't even seen a single player use that bullshit. Not once.

>never released expansions for GTAV

The first RDR was too, but there still isn't a port.

hes talking about the singleplayer fuckstain

Did you play the doomsday heist?
Have you played any of the smugglers run missions?
They're fun.

Also, only loser faggots play the same mission over and over. Find some friends and get into shenanigans

PCfags were saying the same thing about the first one

This. Take two has tasted the 1 billion microtransactions can bring, now there's no stopping them.

Name 1 other GTA title that had a singleplayer expansion besides IV

GTA 2 lol

Who cares if there are microtransactions. Just dont buy them?

Retard. They will alter the fundamental game design. Fuck off

>Features will be locked behind lots of grind so people buy shark cards.
>"Lmao just dont buy them xd im a retard btw!"

that wasn't a problem in the past because they released a new GTA in 2-3 years. If the leaks are true, it will have been 9 years with zero GTA content between V and VI

Do I wait for PC, buy for my PS4 Pro, or buy an Xbox One X?

Fair, but you get my point. Most GTA titles don't have expansions. Get over it, faggot

What has been altered about GTAO?

so becuase most gta titles dont have expansions than 5 shouldnt have one? great logic dipshit

>the largest version is hardly small

odd post this

>0 GTA content between V and VI
>what is the newgen update
>what are PC mods
>what is RDR2

>everything is behind a paywall
Do heists until you can buy a bunker. Passive income, faggot. Get some friends while you're at it.


You're just a sniveling little kike faggot, never pleased with what he has. We're you whinging this incessantly when GTA:SA didn't have an expansion? Go choke on a bag of dicks.

listen I'm here to tell you that I appreciate a good bait game but that first half of your post is about 3x as obvious as it needs to be. Tone it down

>posting objective fact
Ok kid
The truth is, R* have been putting out GTA content regularly for the past 5 years.

>has no argument and just throws a bunch of insults
kek stay btfo

Sry if I wanted to grind to earn money I would get a job.

>This game will be jewish online

My argument is: you're greedy and want too much.

thats not a valid argument when a good majority of people were expecting single player dlc because rockstar promised it

>pushing a button = grinding

>R* promised single player DLC

Its a fact that single player dlc got shelved because take two didn't want GTA online to lose players.

I mean GTAO had that scavenger hunt mission on PC, seems cruel to give it to them and then not give them RDR2


This is a good point.

when the game came out

I have never heard anything concrete about a single player DLC

well maybe you should have been paying attention then.