>a game where you find a dynamic group of companions with their own personalities and quirks
>they have stories of their own that develop with yours
>a game where you find a dynamic group of companions with their own personalities and quirks
>they have stories of their own that develop with yours
isn't that most jrpgs...
Wait isn't that what Rainbow Six Siege is about?
seriously? should I give new vegas a try?
most jrpgs are shit with the soyboy cuck main character being dense around a harem of thots. Shit gets boring and nothing worthwhile develops
also i saw you post this on Sup Forums
i asked for the source
>he hasn't played fonv yet
I fucking told you it was called goblin slayer you fag
Darkest Dungeon in a somewhat twisted way
Idiots, this is a shitpost thread where OP acts like a retard and posts some Sup Forumsiral garbage manga. Either derail it like or ignore it entirely.
OP said stories that develop user
Goblin Slayer, aka medieval doomguy with actual interaction with other humans. Also, we are one chapter away from the E1M1 event.
>bioware companions don't have developing stories
>new vegas faggots do
Leave, obsidiot
Baldur's Gate 2.
Everyone's stories develop, and with some influence depending on your decision.
broquest isnt derailing
oh shit, will check it out
Just finished Pyre, this was the only part of the game I actually liked.
elaborate right fucking now
There was so many buzzwords in your post that my head spun.
Fucking this. Back in the Black Isle days. While the timing was funky, your companions having full conversations and banter and shit mid dungeon was amazing. And some of their personal quests were great. I still remember Keldorns to this day.
>tfw fuck up anomen's quest
>he goes from being an aspiring paladin to being an unhinged, mentally deranged fuck who will eventually try to murder your good aligned party members
>what is the trails series
step it up kouhai
Because its probably better off a novel, comic, etc.
Specifically because you're not describing anything gameplay related other than "its a game".
People who make videogames have to consider what stories are good for games and what stories aren't at every part of the process in any game with the slightest of narrative. What you're describing seems doable, but not worth it.
Also Alliance Alive.
trails in the sky is a shit
This thread sucks
>Not Rance has a break down after his elf gets killed by a rock eater almost immediately after he vows to protect her
I was honestly surprised that they didn't get gobbed
name a good jrpg then.
I know i was just saying that was me so we could be friends
novels, comics, and ect does not allow you to decide anything, keeping you at the mercy of the author. Games are meant to give you full control of how you want to act, thus books don't cut it for the experience OP is asking
So does Goblin Slayer kill goblins or is that not the main focus anymore
Summon night swordcraft story 1
Summon night swordcraft story 2
you underaged micropenis
When has that not been the focus?
stop, you're making me remember how lonely I am
Yes, he continues to kill gobs. The hatred will never go until all the gobs are dead or he dies.
Baldurs gate
Have you ever played an rpg before?
>soyboy cuck main character being dense around a harem of thots
Main character of Sky is a girl who loves her bro and they become a a couple by part three. A cast of dozens of characters with proper development and interesting interactions. Exactly what op asked for.
>Effeminate reluctant orphan boy! You must travel the immediate area and assemble a ragtag-group of misfits to save our generic fantasy land from the god-like villain! Go and defeat him, for your friendship is stronger than any oppressive power....
Why are JRPGs the shittiest genre?
>Goblin Slayer looks fun, decide to get into it
>its a total fucking rapefest
Meh, I never thought I'd say this, but maybe you don't need so much rape in a story. There's just so much.
>I've never played a jrpg: the post
Not it not, is minor as fuck, actual rapefags ragequit in disgust after being blueballed for months.
>incest shit
what the fuck
>Game where you hust fucking kill all goblins
Why isn't there a game like this
There's an orcs must die but not a Goblin variant
Yes because the author is shit and uses it as a crunch to mask his otherwise shit writing and character development.
Literally the plot of several Final Fantasy games, Secret of Mana, and Chrono Trigger. I've dropped them all for this trope-filled shit
he knows, he just didn't want to admit it
Every level one character in every D&D game.
>shallow gameplay with an even shittier story
lmao what was that your first jrpg?
You can get more rape in one single doujin that in all GS' run, i don't get why thenrapefags memed like it was the next wolf guy.
>I have shit taste
we know user
Because when rape happens its really really bad in GS.
Is fucking nothing, holy shit.
user forgot to mention that it SHOWS YOU in the beginning that the guy was left with her father. They're aren't related at all and don't even look similar.
user I'm familiar with Goblin Slayer, don't lie to me.
is broquest finally dead for good?
Yes but i want a game that COMPLETELY specialises in Goblin killing
Single pages, flashbacks panels with literal whos is all what happens and now nothing has happened in months. Is fucking nothing.
All the rape in GS is essentially the Troll arc in Berserk.
>its okay user the goblin rape and suffering happens to nobodies that means it doesn't count
user please. Don't even get me started on that prequel shit.
>GS watched his sister get raped and murdered by filthy goblins
>Cute monk girl gets pages of back story before the party wipes and she is raped and murdered
>Now I'm constantly worried the farm girl is also going to be raped and murdered after all that focus she got and the successful defense of the farm
its alive in our hearts
What i mean is that is minor as fuck, rapefags make it sound like it was Wolf guy, aka that fucking shit with 20 straight chapters of nothing but rape on the same girl. The prequel also blueballed the rapefags, the only possible target for their fetish was eaten by a fucking rock eater worm.
Don't give me that shit user I saw GS's sister and the other women getting raped right at the fucking start.
Burn in hell all who do this.
Druid girl is CUTE
What part of "minor" you don't get? And the sister was offscreen.
I like NBR
>game where you play the elder gob and have to manage your gob band, kidnapping and breeding women to bolster your ranks never
That doesn't change the fact that it hardly exists because its better of as some other media.
Let's make a game with a cast of characters that grow and change and have their own stories while you remain the silent self insert hardly works and OP wants the bumped to 100. Persona is similar and even then its strange because the player is simply a mirror in comparison the the cast.
Fucking gobs, you deserve nothing but extermination.
>that feel when you will never have friends that care about you
in White Knight Chronicles, you're a fucking nobody. The protagonist was an inept asshole with plot powers, and you just kind of carry him along with a group of fun enough characters on the side.
At least, that's how I remember it.
>main character being dense around a harem of thots
>while posting Gobslayer
Gobslayer is exactly that you fucking fag.
>Gobbo Genocider invades your lair
>have to sacrifice all your underlings so you can escape and start all over again somewhere else
I think I dropped the first one after some bitch got kidnapped even though my dude was standing right next to her the entire time during the cutscene
>Implying GS will let you escape.
There is a reason why gobs doesn't make "doom legends" of him
No, GS is not dense, he is insane and broken, he intellectually understands romance (he could pick up that paladin girl liked not!guts) but his heart is full of hatred and cannot feel it.
literally every rpg? i played divinity:os 1 + 2 and it was like that.
>Game where you're the fucking Goblin Slayer
>Tactical action game, no overleveling bullshit
>Use a fuckhuge variety of weapons and items with their own strengths and weaknesses
>Light/med/heavy armor for your preferred level of defense/mobility
>Delve into various caves and dungeons, disabling traps, setting up your own, navigating without a map and shit
>Dynamic Goblin AI that picks up on your preferred tactics. Survivors from one dungeon will spread the word, preparing them for your next extermination. Like to get up close and shank? Prepare for a shitload of archers and area denial.
>Graded based on % of Goblins murdered, plus any special bosses that happen to get in your way/protect Goblins
>More dead goblins means more cash
>More cash means new, exotic weapons and items
>More weapons means new ways to experiment and kill goblins
Monk wasn't murdered, fucking retard
>muh headcanon
I'll just stop posting now
>Implying that you would allow survivors
That wouldn't be true GS, even the gobs that escaped after his true doomguy episode were all killed later by a falling celling.
>we never got the Avatars story dlc
>Game where you can pursue a relationship with the antagonist.
>Slowly try to get them to open up while still opposing them
>Keep trying to get them to put their trust in you
>Outside of battles, invite them to neutral social events
>Eventually they have a breakdown at the end
>"W-Why do you keep bothering me! Stop it! Stop pretending that... that you care about me! No one does!"
>Best ending: "I DO care!" They believe you and you embrace beneath the moonlight
>Sad ending: "I DO care!" They don't believe you, they're defeated in the final battle while you hold their broken body close/try to ease their passing
>Secret Ending: While embracing you find out they're a trap.
Why are there no games like this?
There is. It's called breath of fire 3.
GS wouldn't allow survivors, but a game requires a failstate. The player has to be able to suck and die. It's when you git gud that you really start to seem like the real Goblin Slayer.
>While embracing you find out they're a trap.
They're a mimic? Fuck off, vorefag.
No user, it means the other type of trap
What's wrong with mimics?
What?? D:
You're right, you just reminded me they found her mind broken much, much later instead after intense breeding.
>much, much later
Like less than an hour later, she probably got fucked by the hob which mind broke her
You guys are fucking with me. Priestess gets fucking raped?
Early 10s Sup Forums was so fucking lame yet sincere.