Slugs are pieces of shit. Repeat after me, slugs are pieces of shit
Engi B is underrated
Double vulcan is the most overpowered combo in the game
FTL bread
>there's an alternate timeline where beam weapons aren't shit
>Engi B is underrated
>beam weapons are shit
>someone somewhere believes this
Highest damage potential, but shields everywhere to make it not happen.
Isn't this the Sci-Fi version of Oregon Trail?
that's why you set your weapons to manual, pause when they're all charged, and fire a full volley at the same time
Isn't this common knowledge?
>mfw he doesnt stack double glaive beams and hack shields then 1-shot rebel flagship
>mfw he doesnt stack ions and charge up glaive beam till shields go down and 2-shot rebel flagship
>mfw he actually thinks shields are difficult to deal with
>wait till beam is charged. Fire all projectiles/hack shields.
>drag beam across multiple rooms
>He doesn't play on Hard.
Next you'll tell me it's not your screen shot.
What do you think, boss
Why are Abandoned sectors literally the comfiest?
>finally install captains edition mod after 100 hours
>immediately regret not installing it sooner
One of the best mods for any game. Absurd how much content they were able to fit
What's you favorite weapon in the game? CE included
Mine is the hullcrusher artillery laser, too bad I almost never get it
Because we too, are abandoned by god.
Flak Cannon for sure.
Literally what about the Engi B is even a positive? In exchange for having a few extra utility drones, you need to deal woth not having sensors, having one of the weakest starting weopon set ups in the game (which can’t even reliably deal wih 2 shield bubbles), and, oh yeah, no crew.
>Double vulcan is the most overpowered combo in the game
Nah, that is any number of flak cannons.
The only positive I see of it is the defensive capabilities early on that you can keep and tweak as you come across shops. You have immediate defense against intruders and can near immediately repair systems from the get go.
Everything else is mediocre.
>down to 1 hull point
>weapons are shit
>have to blitz the enemy weapons with my crew teleporter to prevent missile fire
>have to sacrifice 2 crew during a gauntlet of enemy ships
>get rewarded with a vulcan and find a shop to repair at
>vulcan single-handedly saves the run and demolishes the flagship
Most intense yet rewarding run in a while.
Also fuck the federation cruiser. It's such a boring ship to play with since you have to tailor your playstyle to this auto-fire artillery that doesn't synergize with any other weapon in the game.
>installing infinite space mod