Was once the favoured son of the video game industry

>was once the favoured son of the video game industry
>now he works as a pizza delivery man and fucks trannies on weekends for petty cash

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


>you will never watch the new xplay episode after school while eating bagel bites again

>now he works as a pizza delivery man

Is he really a pizza man

His twitter is just sjw ranting the mans lost it

Someone said so on the internet, so it must be true.




Trump's election broke so many people. Probably just sped up the process in most cases.

Post the grilled cheese martini one please.

me on the left
how's it going, Sup Forums

I hope some of them come back to sanity, I really want Adam to be like he was again

He did a lot of crank.


Hi Adam

Holy shit, darkest timeline. Is this confirmed?


He must think that the cishet patriarchy destroyed his life because of speaking the truth

Yeah I remember him talking about it during his job of shilling Friday the 13th.

That was from E3, 2013.

Apparently Sessler stayed up for like 4 days straight tweaked on something.


>crowding the beef and cooking it on too low a temp so that it greys instead of browns

Man that's fucked. Guess he didn't have much else to strive for after Xplay tanked and Morgan wouldnt fuck him


Looks good


>cooking with cheetos

fuck off /ck/

fuck my irl wife watches these videos and it always turns out shit

That'll be $170 plus tip.

>irl wife

im glad i cant taste the rancid shit my online wife prepares, she keeps watching those fucking channels

He didn't do crack, but amphetamines. A lot of them. For a long, long time. He might have graduated to coke, but it's doubtful he'd be rich enough to afford the habit for long.

m8 tell me about it, shes just on her phone on instagram all day watching this shit and then complains about me shitposting and playing games when i get home from work, my life is a fucking sad cartoon strip

Did he have ADHD and started getting addicted or something? Everywhere I'm looking people say coke but that he has physical symptoms of amphetamines

He had a super high intensity lifestyle and job. Going for the cheapest and most accessible stimulant comes with the territory, but you can see when it started consuming him, and now he's a neurotic mess who's always on edge and twitchy.

He also drank like a fucking fish whenever he had the chance.


Damn, darkest timeline for sure. Lost a decent one.

>and fucks trannies on weekends
Well at least it's not all bad.

You'd be wrong.

He spurned the industry and fans / customers who made him what he was.

Not sure why he thought this was a good idea. I guess he thought he was Hollywood or something.


I should not have inspected that photo. Jesus Christ i'm not even hungry anymore.

holy shit

*blocks your path*

oh no

Can his arms reach a fully grown man's face without jumping?

hes an anti-goobergimper trying to appease the establishment for coke money

>*punch people who disagree with me*
>*Call them nazis to justify my moral bankruptcy

I guarantee when one of these fellas actually do punch someone, and they receive any pushback at all, they'll suddenly call for civility and decency, while blaming the right for causing the violence.
The second coming can't happen soon enough.

>chemical weapons dealers have a more tolerable consumer base than videogames

Well, he's not wrong.

Sounds like he's moving up in life. Good for him.

>implying he isn't on the bottom

He's a former methhead with a self-destruct timer. If anyone's actually about to punch a nazi while fucking a tranny, it's Sessler.