Why does nobody complain about Monthly subscription MMOs.
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Why does nobody complain about Monthly subscription MMOs.
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Because everyone gave up complaining about something thats been around now for more than a decade.
Either you pay for it or you just dont care anymore. It's just been accepted. If a company wants to be a super jew, they can and will and no one can stop them.
Either pay it to play or you move on. Simple as that. Complaining about it for more than a decade did absolutely nothing and there are so many free games nowadays that it's easy to not care and move on.
They do but they got drowned out by corporate cock sucking fans that by the time any of it matters the main support has long been gone due to being ignored.
FFXIV is a great case of such where the Dev Team looks to just please ERP Fags/MogShop Whales (Balmung and Mateus) and only react drastically if the JP Community reacts which is rarely given how silent and unwilling they are to voice the slightest complaint unless it hits an extreme boiling point.
Because they're as old as dirt. And unlike most online games whose justification for needing continuous revenue is flimsy at best, MMOs like FFXIV do have ongoing costs e.g.
-Regular free content updates
-Paid employees that actively manage the game's back end
-Paid employees that actively manage the community and fulfill GM roles
-Server infrastructure including energy costs, hardware costs, software costs, licencing costs, and general maintenance and development, and employees to do it.
Some shooter going "waaaah we need microtransations to support the game because one guy makes a skin every six months!" or "waaaaaaah servers even though we just rely on the PSN/Xbox Live infrastucture that gamers already pay for access too".
>They do but they got drowned out by corporate cock sucking fans that by the time any of it matters the main support has long been gone due to being ignored.
holy fuck you have no idea how
> Free Content Updates
Its not free if you're paying a monthly sub for it you twonk
You're right. I was using it as shorthand for "regular content updates that come into the game for all players at no additional cost to the subscription", but describing it as free is still wrong.
F2P is a bigger cancer.
back when I played this snooze fest I'd just get sub time by selling gil to some guy on my server in exchange for time cards lol
>Monthly subscription
It serves as a firewall to br monkeys
Honestly, this. Keeps out the majority of RMT and International players that intentional hack, bot, or are terrible at the game. This way if they really want to do those things, they'll have to pay.
Besides, XIV has enough content where a sub is okay. Despite what hardcore raiders will tell you.
I'd kill for all mmos to be subs.
Please make black desert sub and remove the cash shop.
It's not okay because it has an ingame shop too. Microtransactions + monthly fee is ridiculous.
>inb4 it's all cosmetic
I don't care, cosmetics are essential in MMOs
No, I agree that microtransactions are bad. And I do agree that having them in-game as earnable or craftable would be preferable. It's just good that there's nothing really good in the cash shop anyway for it to be a deal breaker.
why would i hate my mmos having a sub fee? it keeps out a lot of underage or sub human trash. seems like a good thing to me
Nice empty area full of nothing. Pretty good picture to describe the game.
your game would die, again, with a sub fee
I'm 2 tired to anti shill
Fireden me senpai
plenty of poorfags complain about things that cost money
The problem isn't the sub fee.
The problem is the game being designed as a tool to milk the sub fee.
MMOs aren't made to be engaging, fun, or interesting. They're designed to be long winded and full of chores so you stay on it, craving some sort of reward at the end that makes it all worth it.
Only there is no reward at the end. Only more chores. There's no point to any of it. And then players convince themselves it's worth it because of occasionally, the fashion and character creator being good, but really, then you're just paying to be in a glorified chatroom. Which you're free to do, but games shouldn't be like this.
Could you imagine if singleplayer games were designed like MMOs? Literally nobody would play them. MMO players only put up with it because they're either too stupid to realize what's going on, or because there's no real alternative, because the genre died ever since WoW became a hit.
But to answer your question, OP, because most people who play sub mmos do it with their parents' money, which means they don't care, or with their own money as an adult, and the sum is usually small enough that they also don't care. Also it keeps children and bots out, mainly.
My question is, why don't MMO players complain about playing the same game for nearly 20 years now? A game that wasn't even that good to begin with? There's this stupid idiology that has remained, where MMOs all have to have levels, and grinding, and raids. They fucking don't. And unless players realize the only way their voices are heard is through their wallets, we'll still be getting WoW: Catgirl Edition in another ten years.
t. Hopelessly addicted sheeple
>WoW: Catgirl Edition in another ten years.
im down for this
>ffxi will be $13/m until the day it dies
The only modern game that has a mandatory subscription model is that and Warcraft. Everything else is either free or buy-to-play, or so old that they haven't bothered to change anything.
Blizzard provided alternatives to subscriptions with a hybrid model that not only equalized markets but effectively legalized RMT. Now instead of combating gold selling you can make your own money by printing value in the form of time. That's huge profit since it empowers the people who don't mind spending money by giving them real opportunities to make gold hand over fist. Now contrast with Square Enix: there is no real nuance to service subscriptions, you either pay or you don't play.
There are a few subscription games coming up from Kickstarter (CU and AoC), but none are as egregious as Square Enix's payment model. It's sad that people are okay with that when it is quite simply a relic of days past.
your absolutly right user /thread.
post of the month
>Could you imagine if singleplayer games were designed like MMOs?
You mean like Monster Hunter World, one of capcom's best selling titles of all time?
You realize the main reason your game is only dying and not completely dead is because it doesn't have a sub fee, right?
Black Desert isn't free. That's also a poor argument against it, considering how many people still play it.
Great, so BDO would be P2P and the outfits would be acquireable in-game.
The auction house prices would still be set in stone and amount to playing the fucking lottery for whenever you want to buy something, and the game would still have always-on PVP which is both laggy and buggy as fuck, and always comes to a gang of turbonerds sitting on a road waiting to ambush some hapless fuck who just wants to do his quests or go grind something.
well it's a lot cheaper if you, like, Russian as example. I ve bought yesterday 3 months of ffxiv for, like, 12-13$
It's literally 5 dollars. It's free.
And the vast majority of those players (that are still nowhere near FFXIV or WoW levels, which, by the way, are both doing terribly too) are fucking idling because half the game is fucking idling.
I honestly cannot think of a sadder MMO than BDO.
Free is free. Free is not a time-limited trial or money up front to play the game. It's no money asked. And I'm not here to defend shitty games, but BDO has been on an upswing after Kuckao went all out (double the population from last year). That's not to speak of its quality but it runs counter to your original argument: blackdesertonline.com
And there are plenty of sadder games: Trionshit that stabs itself in the leg every time, Wildstar and its ghost town, XIV is also one with a subscription model for a game with as much to do as a free-to-play title.
>play xiv
>sell clears
>rmt the gold
>spend part of monthly earnings to resub
Didn't they change it for you and BRs? I remember some fiesta when they said they'll bring prices to what everyone else has, and game got review bombed on steam by mad monkeys.
You know everyone pays for a monthly cash shop buff item right
Played enough trash MMOs to know that p2p is the only way to keep MMO somewhat decent.
Something that's been around for over 20 years.*
I don't because I'm not interested in them. If multiplayer requires money: It's a shit game, and it wont be playable in 10 years.
I'd have liked to play FFXI, and Destiny, but I'm glad I didn't. I know that they're just addictive. I used to feel sorry for the victims who played Diablo 2. Utter shit grindan.
It's not videogames.
Multiplayer shouldn't need servers. Should have no delay in joining matches or respawning, and should be playable offline with good bots.
Even the internet should be free, but that's capitalism for you: Nothing is done for other people. Nothing is built to last and built right the first time.
they have changed it, for usual payment, but auto-payment steam still works
Because servers cost lots of money, and they're being paid for either by a sub fee or something else. And I'd rather pay a sub fee than "something else". Also I'm not poor like you.
You could just work a job instead of raiding.
FFXI was the only good MMO. All others were for casuals. The game literally ruined any and all forms of MMO for me. I have never been able to get heavily invested in any kind of theme park mmo. Just having a game hold your hand saps all the immersion out of a game. Not to mention the world itself never feels like a threat in theme park mmos. In FFXI you had to pick your battles carefully and make parties just go level up or do certain quests and even story missions. The game is way way wayyyyy more casual these days but no game can hold a candle to old 75 cap ffxi shenanigans.
The thing is you're still going to be paying a sub fee nowadays on top of them still having a cash shop.