BotW-esque world, including climbing

>BotW-esque world, including climbing
>play as a pokemon ecologist/researcher/photographer (pokemon snap anyone?)
>need a team of pokemon for protection
>combat system (where of course you're playing as the pokemon) is like a less zoomy dbz xenoverse, where a shoulder-button-hold opens up your 4 attacks, but is otherwise real time and allows for basic attack.
>you of course need to capture pokemon for your research
>team rocket or some shit captures the legendary pokemon you're investigating and you gotta rescue him

what dreams do you have?

Other urls found in this thread:

>real time combat in Pokemon
Into the trash!

Sounds like shit

Just mod Skyrim with your shit idea and watch reality kick your balls

hey! it could be fun

nah, you're wrong



so ni no kuni?

what's wrong with real-time combat in a pokeman?

How are they going to make the pokemon from your old games compatible with real time combat?
And before you say something like "who cares lol" remember that one of the biggest complaints about Ruby and Sapphire was how you couldn't use your pokemon from gold and silver

its a change people think they want but they dont
its way to daunting of a task to balance even an 8th of the current existing pokemon for a real time combat system
it would end up being pokken but worse

/thread. >

>asks a questions
>gives the answer that they themselves think would be the dumbest answer
>triggers themselves in the process

>could be fun
No, it couldn't, you tasteless troglodyte

>Changing from one game to another
It's more rehashy thank CoD, it's been running 90% on nostalgia for years now.

As much as I'd like to see some big rework of the series it's just going to be the exact same game it's been, just in a higher resolution

Remember you're not dealing with Nintendo here

yes as long as it's spinoff and not mainline.

i dont know why people think a mainline openworld pokemon game would work. it would have to be spinoff.

>people want them to destroy the old combat system infavor of meme combat
>would force them to cut down the number of pokemon to 40 at most

The thing about Pokemon that you need to keep in mind is that it's popular with kids and vagina-types, therefore, it's highly unlikely that they'll adopt real time combat for the sake of accessibility.

I do think the idea of having a more interactive world with actual Pokemon in the overworld has potential. It would be really interesting if you could capture your own photos for the Pokedex (if you wanted to) in the field.

What if the real time combat was like this? Actionfags, don't deny you'd play the shit out of this if you could, you know it in your heart.

This sounds good for a p
Pokemon Ranger game

I want a Pokemon game where you play as individual Pokemon and instead of groups you have 'Trainers'. Maybe different types of trainers confer different bonuses and play styles so players can decide what kind of overall group type they wanna go with.
I mean I'm gonna get caught by a Hex Maniac as soon as possible but it could make for an interesting system depending on how well the trainer AI is handled.

>photographer (pokemon snap anyone?)
I would rather just have a proper dedicated pokemon snap sequel.

>>combat system (where of course you're playing as the pokemon) is like a less zoomy dbz xenoverse, where a shoulder-button-hold opens up your 4 attacks, but is otherwise real time and allows for basic attack.

my nigga

>this gif
>this is what real combat fags want

>How are they going to make the pokemon from your old games compatible with real time combat?
The same way they always have except incompatible moves are deleted.

>its way to daunting of a task to balance
Yeah because Pokemon is the epitome of balance

As opposed to Pokemon mindlessly staring at each other? Looks good to me.

What a shit fucking picture. Take your normie facebook shit to where if came from faggot.

Looks like fucking garbage

>Real Time
With VGCs being as alive as ever, I doubt that they'll alienate turnbasedfags.

I hope they change the main game to be double battles instead of singles.

It's pointless. Turn-based works just fine.
That's what some people thought about BotW and look how that turned out. I'm reasonably hyped to see what GF will do with Switch's hardware.

>including climbing

Fuck off

>>would force them to cut down the number of pokemon to 40 at most


How? They only need to redo the moves, not the Pokemon themselves. It's not like people want a full blown fighting game where each Pokemon has 30+ different unique moves and animations. Also Pokemon's current combat system is basic boring garbage, nothing would be lost if they revamped it.

Literally this, screencap this post.

How can adult males care about a childrens' series like Pokemon?

Pokemon was always about roaming the countryside. They can expand on that idea without going full BotW.

>all 700 Pokemon need unique animations of them using moves
It would be easier to keep the old system so they don't lose the following they gained or have to kill the cash cow that is Comp Pokemon.

how can an adult male care about a children's toy like video games?

what mature videogames for mature gamers such as yourself do you like?

>>all 700 Pokemon need unique animations of them using moves

The current games already have this.

Cute girls, cute girl monsters, collecting and good music.

I'm pretty sure Game Freak thinks it's about a story of making friends with people the player has no reason to be friends with.

how would climbing be a bad thing? fucking Sup Forums contrarians

They don't, they just have effects for the attacks.

Well, that's not what it was about originally. Just like Zelda was not about Fi's autism.

Is this not an attack animation to you?

Well now you got an animation for Tail whip, now you need one for the rest of the possible moves charizard can use.

>now you need one for the rest of the possible moves charizard can use.

No you don't. You can just reuse the same one.

To all you deniers:
Why not making it more Diablo like, rather than Pokken lite?
Kind of like X-Men legends

Then whats the point of having more than one attack that uses that animation?

wtfisup with people acting like animating attacks would be so hard? Jesus christ people, it's just stupid monsters flailing their limbs around and shooting effects, it's not fuckin' pixar.

To save time and the fact that it's not a fighting game so precise attacking animations aren't important.

Explain how you would balance someone using their Wailord in the same combat environment as someone using a Magnemite?

So what your saying is theres no reason to change the battle system.

ex: flame thrower and acid breath can use same animation, just different particle effects, dum dums.

There is

Because people who don't play the series and never will want them to adapt a meme gameplay style that crippled other RPGs?

just make it play like a moba

BotW was made by Nintendo. Game Freaks are not actually Nintendo developers. They will just do the same but in HD and somehow with worse framerate than the 3DS games.

The most hated genre in gaming.

if it's not a fighting game what type of game would it be then?

>play like a moba

So how does Wailord go against Joltik?

how do you show that?

for reference joltik is 10.2cm tall and Wailord is 14.50m

an rpg

>thinking GameFreak would ever put in that much effort
You're going to get a small region with 720p, 30FPS with dips, less new Pokemon, no exploration, hallway caves, plenty of cutscenes and some shitty 1-generation gimmick and you're going to love it

who gives a fuck about proportions, autist?

>an RPG

make your mind up. Pokemon currently plays like an RPG

Nah senpai is gonna be 900p with 26-28 fps with dips into 15. Region will be around the same size as the one in Sun and Moon. I do agree is going to have lots of Gen 1 pandering tho

It could play as a better RPG though. I want to roleplay Pokemon battling, not Pokemon politely taking turns while they stare at each other with boring idle animations.

Shitton of ways something could be worked out, like really big pokes acting more like bosses rather than possible PCs, having them have so much DM that plain physical attacks couldn't hurt them and creating a need for elemental attacks to be used, exclusive enviroments for some aquatic types with the rest being amphibious, or merely excluding the most unworkable pokemans
I'm talking about more of a spin off kind of game, mind you, but a lot of mechanics can be more easily translated into another stat based game, rather than a fightan type that relies more in its own kind of frame based balancing

>who gives a fuck about proportions, autist?
No one. but if you're going to change the game to make it more realistic you better believe that I want a real sized snorlax to use body slam on a real sized pikachu.

Who gives a fuck about changing the battle system that currently works, autist?

bigger pokemon have higher stats but are easier to hit

smaller pokemon have lower stats but are harder to hit

Deus Ex 1 remade in a new engine with everything else the same.

>rather than possible PCs
I don't even need to read the rest of this to know that I will literally never even bother playing the game. I refused to play Pokken for this explicit reason, and I'm not enough of a shill/cuck to purchase a game just because it belongs to a brand.

You're describing Mystery Dungeon but with a trainer instead of a leader pokemon. 3D mystery dungeon would be cool.

They have to remake the assets anyway. 3DS assets are extremely low quality, they'll look like absolute garbage on the Switch.

How the fuck did you think it would be when I said Diablo like?
Why did you even asked?
You don't believe a shitload of poeple want to play as pokemons in real time combat?

what about pokemon like mew and manaphy? small legendaries?
nah they're high poly models. just google it.



Underage are not allowed on Sup Forums

>BotW-esque world, including climbing
why would I want the zelda climb when I can get on the back of a climbing pokemon?

In-battle models? Yes. But everything else has to be remade.

Do you really think that they will remake shit? This is GF nigga, they will use the same shit from the 3DS

>Ashnime tard

There's nothing wrong with gameplay, it's the story that needs fixing. And also we need a bigger map with more shit to do.
That's how you make a new mainline game.

oh I get what you mean, you're right.

How did you start playing pokémon? Did you miss the part where I mentioned little kids?
Oh wait you're an autist, of course your reading comprehension is as shit as your taste.


Gamefreak kept the same 17 types for more than 10 years, refused to nerf dragons for about that long. They're just as resistant to change as the fans are, animefag.
The story was fine in the first 2 games. But I know they wont go back to that.

Yeah, and you are a little kid for taking the Ashnime seriously back then

You fucking autist lmao

>Looks like fucking garbage
Well, no shit. It was a proof of concept fangame made by a few people before nintendo nintendo'd it. At least it'd be better than pokemon being babies first turn based rpg for eternity.

Different angle, same shit though. Lazy as fuc, 2bh pham.

>it'd be better
No, it won't

Sounds like the first Pokemon I would buy since HeartGold.

>Turn-based works just fine
Turn based is archaic and should be abolished from existence.

>The story was fine in the first 2 games
no it wasn't. take your nostalgia google off and play them again. both of the games have next to no story and shoestring along until you fight team rocket and defeat them and then you've got to fight the league. that's it. at least it's more involved from gen 3 onwards.

Have you seen what 3DS assets look like in HD? They simply won't cut it.
I dunno why you think GF is so lazy. They always made big leaps forward whenever they moved to the new hardware and remaking everything is nothing new for them.

How? Divinity worked fine.

I also dream utter nonsense.

Care to explain why then?

obviously you understand what he means, so why disparage?

You're taking a children's game seriously after 20 years