Is there a chance a decent Star Wars game will be announced at this year's E3?

Is there a chance a decent Star Wars game will be announced at this year's E3?

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Doubt it, they killed off the Visceral game that was supposed to release this year.

to be fair, the game still exists they are just going to make it open-world garbage with tons of mincrotransactions and a tacked on multiplayer.

Not since the Disney buy out

Quite frankly Star Wars is completely dead. Between The god awful new books and comics, EA's microtransaction bullshit, TLJ, and the utter lore rape the last few episodes of Rebels is responsible for, there just isn't anything salvageable left. All hope is gone.

It was dead the moment the Force Awakens was concieved

>tfw no kotor 3 where the Exile goes to the sith empire with HK and T3, finds Revan, faces off against sith with new force powers and face the emperor.

>implying kotor is good

What happened in Rebels? That's the cartoon right?

One question I have is, why was Disney so hellbent on ruining the lore? Like, why couldn't they create the new movies without touching any of the preexisting expanded universe? I mean, of course there would probably be some inconsistencies that propped up, but the direction they've taken the franchise in has been such a mistake compared to the old EU, and essentially saying the old EU is non-canon/irrelevant/never mattered is kinda a slap in the face to anyone that ever bought the old games, the old books, the old comics, etc.

star wars has been raped so thoroughly that there will never be a decent star wars game ever again

there's no chance of a good star wars game as long as it's in disney/EA's court

That all happened and the Exile was killed by a literal who while Revan was kept alive for hundreds of years

I liked TFA. And Rogue One. But man oh fucking man, it is truly down the drain now.

Filoni failed George Lucas.
>Thrawn and his entire Star Destroyer fleet killed by, I shit you not, space whales
>Ezra and Ahsoka, two powerful Jedi, now confirmed survived through the OT into the post-RotJ era, breaking the lore of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Luke being the only ones
>Time travel is now canon
>Mary Sue magical wolves that use the Force to travel through hyperspace help the Rebels defeat the Empire from Lothal

the exile was always a bitch compared to revan

The Mortis Force Gods had a mural of them in the Lothal Jedi temple that opened a gateway to a realm outside time and space. Ezra saves Ahsoka from death during the collapse of the Sith Temple from Season 2 and tries to save Kanan before being talked down by Ahsoka pointing out that he'd invalidate his sacrifice and create a paradox. The Emperor realizes Ezra opened the gateway and uses uber tier Sith Magic to peer into it and he tries to snatch Ahsoka and Ezra. During the finale, Palpatine tries to bait Ezra into opening gateway into a perfect world where his parents are still alive but he never met his friends as a result. Ezra destroys the last gateway which makes the Emperor chimp out.

Oh no it goes further. Revan is then bitch slapped by four literal whos that are the players and then further slapped AGAIN

I know but that was what Drew did in his shitty kotor novel. I get the impression it would have been different in Avellones take of Kotor 3.

So canonically who was stronger, Revan or the Exile after becoming a wound in the force? Do they even mention any of the wound stuff in the kotor novel?

It's not the last gateway though, It's just the only one Palpatine has found. Lore raping deus machina all the same though. And all because Dave Filoni can't just let his OC waifu die the death her character arc needed and keeps clinging to her.

>Thrawn and his entire Star Destroyer fleet killed by, I shit you not, space whales
Was disappointed that Bendu didn't show up.
>Ezra and Ahsoka, two powerful Jedi, now confirmed survived through the OT into the post-RotJ era, breaking the lore of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Luke being the only ones
Ahsoka is pretty much a fallen Jedi that has kept in touch with the force and spent several years in a Sith Temple and Ezra isn't even really a Jedi.
>Time travel is now canon
As just another mystery of the force.
>Mary Sue magical wolves that use the Force to travel through hyperspace help the Rebels defeat the Empire from Lothal
Literally just pet doggies that took after their Force God masters.

Ahsoka is pretty much the best nu-canon character if you take out Kanan.

still, survived longer and got slapped by 4 instead of 1 literal who.

Ahsoka is old canon, she was created by Lucas and TCW is from many years before Disney bought Lucasfilm. Kanan and Ezra were good though. The problem is that Ahsoka had a perfect ending to her story, dying fighting Vader. And now that is ruined and invalidated by time travel to have her overstay her welcome and purpose.

Ya and all of Sup Forums will get layed and anime will finally be real.

Isn't he weakened when they fight him? Plus Exile got stabbed in back so neither of them exactly had a fair fight.

Killing her off then would've been good but at the same time kind of a waste. I'm fine with her existing as some sort of force sage. It'd be one of the only good things in the nu-canon's pathetic attempt at moral ambiguity.

>All hope is gone
not unless someone greenlits Old Republic era setting

I remember seeing people were worried that Rian Johnson's new trilogy or the two chucklefucks behind GoT's star wars show would be kotor.

>decent Star Wars game

Face it, we won't get that. She's a Jedi. She lives, thinks, and behaves as a Jedi. No matter how hard they want to pretend otherwise, it isn't the truth. What we'll get is Filoni still refusing to ever kill her off and some more character rape of Luke Skywalker by having him meet her and she'll be more powerful and upstage him somehow to satisfy Kathleen Kennedy's rabid feminist obsession.

Are you implying the force isn't female you fucking CIS lord?

I'd honestly prefer a totally new character, someone with stakes in the new sith empire.
A former slave or sith apprentice perhaps

Rumor has it that Rian Johnson's trilogy takes place completely in the Unknown Regions thousands of years before the main saga and involves, no joke, the Yuuzhan Vong invading and going to war with some new alien civilizations there. No Jedi or Sith (but the Force will be used and important), no Republic, no familiar locations or aliens or anything like that. No idea how legit these reports are, but those are the whispers about it going around.

Oh god, I hope that never happens. Just give her a comic starring her and Sabine's wacky adventures in the Unknown Regions none of that "feminist" bullshit.

>A CIS Lord?

A grey Sith? A light-side Sith even?

>female only comic
>not feminist

How naive.

>mfw SWTOR does both of these to a T

safety helmet, safety belt, safety harness, safety cup, and safety gloves on to the goddamn max if they're going with that

Female protagonists doesn't automatically make it feminist. If they're saving Ezra or some bullshit then it would be feminist. They're trying to find him.

Not so concrete character is X
more like a DA:O style background where you have a personal history within the world of the Sith empire but going forward your choices shape who the character becomes.

I know but it feels too much like a cartoon sometimes, graphical style aside.
I never bought that the TOR storylines were 'real' in the way that KOTOR 1+2 were.

I have a feeling that Kanan and Hera's son is going to be a really shitty and lame character.

How is SWTOR? I always hear the imperial agent and light side sith warrior are pretty fun. What about Inquisitor, do I get to be like based Sheev?

Inquisitor is my favorite class in the game and I loved the story for it. Spec as a Sorceror and you can absolutely Sheev it up with tons of Force lightning.

Imperial Agent is James Bond in space but if he were the bad guy. Sith Warrior whether Light or Dark is amazing. You can be the evil fuck who murders and corrupts everything he touches or a mischievous rogue that surprises everyone by being the only sane Sith in the Galaxy.

Quick question as I've come back to SWTOR after years and just started the Kote storyline, just crashed in the swamp after being unfrozen.
Do your choices actually matter? I kneeled in front of Valkorion ans the game sais it'll be remembered but I doubt that.

Don't. Just don't. Avoid that piece of shit.

Well, I mean, I kinda wanted to do the storyline from a dark side perspective and then from the Light side, at least once. That and then go on to Eternal Throne.

Why is it considered bad?

>accepting TOR as cannon
Gross. It's actually fan fiction. TOR was a mistake. Bioware is a terrible company who caters to terrible gamers. It's just an inferior version of WoW anyway.
Kreia lied about a lot of things but at the end when she dies she says you're the strongest she's ever trained.
See my first point.
>Do your choices actually matter?
When have they ever? Especially in a Bioware game. Hope you haven't spent any money on TOR it's better to pretend it does not exist.

Can you stand Villain Sues, retarded characters, and contrived bullshit?


I have barely seen Kotee for now, as I've said, I've just started but my main gripe is that for all their talk of "hurr durr force users who aren't solely light or dark" for now they seem pretty Sith to me, especially the princess, Vailyn or whatever.

They are literally all fucking Dark.There is no ambiguity there whatsoever.

Thrawn isn't dead.

That is what Star Wars needs, new content. But I literally do't have any fair from anyone born in the last 30 years to make anything artistically correct.

The old republic has a cool aesthetic and lore and disney flushed it down the toilet. Unbelievable.

There is always a chance, shit could happen, but you'd have a better chance if you were hoping for a really good Castlevania/Mega Man gets announced instead.

Rumours say Disney might be looking into partnership with another since EA's game didn't work that well.

It would be a cruel irony of they went to Activision or Ubisoft.

they gotta do what GW did with 40K, where they basically rent out the lisence out to anyone who can afford to pay Disney a fee up front plus a percentage of the total sales

Eeeeeh I'd argue that since SW is a lot more mainstream it'd risk damaging the brand with shit games, but then again there are a lot of shit SW mobile games already.

>it'd risk damaging the brand
Didn't stop them from making TFA and TLJ

>tfw no more based Kyle Katarn
It hurts.