Let's settle this

what's the best handgun in RE4?

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This. The increased headshot chance is too good to pass up. The Blacktail, despite being quite good, is a woman's gun. Punisher sounds like shit when fired, and the Red9 takes up too much space, since you need the stock for it to be effective.

Red9 with stock is GOAT, that gun saved my ass so many times

Blacktail is objectively the best. 35 round clip and hits like a shotgun maxed out.

Blacktail, only slightly weaker than the Red9 but fires like three times as fast

Red9 wins on style points alone

You literally get about 100 free bullets just from upgrading the capacity


>Red9 leading

>no broken butterfly
>no Killer 7

fucking meme shit.

Those are revolvers

That is a topic on its own.
Killer7>Broken Butterfly

>no mention of Matilda

The basic shit pistol is probably the most useful, but the red9 is technically the best.

RE4fags... they never notice.. these kinds of things

Not sure.
For wii: Red9 | Aim as fast as any other gun, get highest damage per shot. Get it early. Cons: Slow fire rate. Extra 2 slots.
For stick controllers: Blacktail | Faster to aim, fast fire rate. Cons: not quite as high damage, have to wait until reaching the castle to get it.

I went with the punisher my first play through.
The best decision equip wise is pick what you think looks good. You can be satisfied with that and not worry. Game might get harder but it's not about doing everything easy anyway.

this. the red 9 is just too good.

Seems good but it doesn't go through helmets or shields. And it's slow fire rate and reload may get you killed when swamped by enemies. Though the shotgun and TMP could be used for that, handgun just to save ammo for them.

>not having played through RE4 enough times to do a gentlemanly pistoleer run
>not coming to appreciate all handguns, the magnum of your choice, the TMP for destructible objects and the odd flashbang
>not learning that all handguns except Blacktail have a place
>not learning that Punisher can be more effective than a shotgun

>100 free bullets
>that are trapped in a shitty gun
What a waste

the only thing you want from a man revolver is Power which, broken Butterfly is the best.

>no Matilda on poll

shit only waste your bullets.

TMP is best pistol. Does pistol damage when upgraded, fast action, steady aim, accurate, does everything a pistol does like pinging melee attacks and saving ammo, which you naturally get in abundance with a TMP. And when things get serious you can unload all of your clip in a boss or tough enemy.

There's very little reason to even consider the killer since it does way less damage per bullet, and you don't get a lot of bullets for the magnums to begin with.

Doesn't take pistol ammo. It's MG class. BB & Killer 7 are Magnum class.
Agree though, use TMP all the time.

For anything that isn't the original Japanese or NA release this isn't even a discussion. Every version that released after that has the Red9 at 6.5 power, 30% stronger than in the earlier versions.

On a first playthrough basis killer 7 will consistently outpace the Butterfly up to the Exclusive upgrade.

At the sane time you get a free Broken Butterfly midway into the castle and can upgrade it well into the section of tye game the Killer 7 is available, or later on even free. So it might be a wash to throw it away.

Ultimately the Butterfly wins by virtue of having insane damage, being a budget Handcannon and their speed and accuracy being nearly identical

>Using pistols to kill
>Not using pistols to knock down ganados and stabbing them with your knife
What a bunch of casuals

Yeah moron. TMP gets TMP ammo but it always drops in higher units so if you use a TMP like a pistol your ammo consumption rate is basically halved by default.

If I was doing a first playthrough, I'd hang on to magnum ammo until I get an actual magnum, and just blow through all the shotgun shells the game loads you with until then.

Then again, the basic bitch shotgun's not very good, either, and the first rifle takes like 10 seconds between shots. What the fuck are you supposed to use early in the game?

i mean, yea, killer 7 is better. i know they are called hand cannons in game but they are handguns

>playing Separate Ways
>get to Saddler boss fight
>always lose the will to go on

That boss fight is just such a bore. And a waste of ammo too.

I like you

>If I was doing a first playthrough, I'd hang on to magnum ammo until I get an actual magnum,

These happen at the same time. Ganados drop Magnum bullets when the Magnum is available.

True. I use the free RPG on him every time.

what? after that fight, you reach the final point of the game that only takes like 5 minutes to complete.

I don't remember the ammo dropping that frequently, but I played nippon release when the game came out a hundred years ago.

In my country, the mauser is not really good, while everywhere else in the world, it's apparently got buffed damage for some reason.

I think everyone knows that. Everyone is so used to survival stuff they headshot or legshot everything they can and use the knife or suplex to stock up ammo.
TMP is better for accuracy too, not quite good enough to snipe with though.
Nobody is saying that the TMP isn't the best thing to use all the time. Though you get a lot of handgun ammo and you need TMP or shotgun for crowds.
Thread is about which handgun to pick.
Something to get rid of your handgun ammo with.
I haven't tried it but the utter shit starter handgun for fools might be right, with a critical chance enemies might not have stuff come out of their heads. TMP to kill such things could burn through half a box if you aren't careful.

The starter handgun is the best gun for shitting on mobs. If they don't pop to the instant mega critical hit, they'll be stunned, then you can go wild with the knife.

What is objectively the shittiest weapon in the game? My vote is on the punisher.

Daily reminder that in order for your opinion to be valid, you must have a minimum of 120k points on every character in Mercenaries on every map

Semi auto rifle > TMP > OG pistol > Red9 > Knife > Riot Gun > Blacktail > Striker > OG shotgun > Punisher > Magnum weapons > Actual garbage > bonus weapons and the mine thrower

>ever playing new game plus

It's the other way. Playing that garbage makes your opinion immediately invalid.

Playing as Krauser in it on the Wii is god tier gameplay. Deserves his own game.

Sorry for being an asshole.

The rest are forgettable. Magnum would be useful for chainsaw enemies though. An entire game with merc mode gameplay could be good. Like time crisis or something. Or revisit areas after buying better gear, so getting more objectives done, deeper into the levels, eventually rescuing people.

Its my favorite but not the objectively the best.

It however, does the look the best. And that's what really matters.

I'm honestly surprised capcom havent just made a mercenarys game with the RE6 engine, since the gunplay was the only good thing about it, if all else fails it'd keep the actionfags quiet for a time

atleast you would not have to deal with the shit AI.

childhood is crutch red9 meme
adulthood is realizing blacktail has the superior DPS by a long shot

>played this game for years
>noticed just recently it has dynamic difficulty scaling based on your chapter rating
>speedrunners dying on purpose to skip shit

Shit's not even close, Red9 does 30% more dps.

So i finally got around to playing this for the first time. I'm fucking hooked on it, one of the best experiences ive had so far. I just got past the catapults in the castle. I got a red9, the basic rifle, shotgun, and machinegun. I got good provisions for everything.

What weapons should i buy/replace next? Merchant sells a lot of new stuff now and i think the new case is big enough to fit the new bigger guns.

Any suggestions? No spoilers please

depends on which version you're playing, iirc the red9 had 16.5 damage in the EU gamecube version

You can buy a new shotgun later in the chapter (not the riot shotgun)
Its pretty good

Red9 can last you the entire playthrough, you'll replace everything else naturally as you progress for nearly zero cost (selling older, upgraded gear nets a fine profit).

My only real suggestion would be to always have a rocket launcher in your bags, it makes quite a few encounters and bosses piss easy, Verdugo, Salazar and the twin Garrador fight can all be cheesed with a single rocket.

Confirmed for not having played on professional. Handgun firepower becomes pointless as you use it only to stun enemies to roundhouse kick them.

punisher. Ammo, rate of fire and ability to shoot through 2 enemies and shields makes it a winner

>muh professional mode

Nobody gives a shit

having to kick and knife nearly every fodder enemy gets boring fast

I'm happy new players like the game, what else can you say about it? are you enjoying the atmosphere? which parts have you liked the most? things that surprised or scared you?

>tfw playing the original PC release
how do i git good with the arrow keys?

why the fuck are you doing that

>RE4 mercenaries


>play steam release
>even on the lowest settings looking at the middle of the map creates a massive slowdown
>some mods are only available for the OG release
>its way harder than steam version because you literally cant aim for shit with arrow keys


It's slower, but if you're good with it, you never have to worry about getting swamped. Maxed out Red9 can kill enemies very quickly. 1 or 2 headshots would fuck up most enemies.

>Not replaying it so much that on your third or fourth run you play as Mafia Leon with the Chigaco typewriter and the infinite rocket launcher

Shit's fun as hell

To me, its how survival horror should look like. I was pretty shocked at the first real fight (1st village where you need to survive). There was so little stuff to use, and i thought i had to kill everyone. I said fuck it, ill make a last stand then retry. When that bell rang, it was like a gift from God. Very few modern games can make me feel that pressure. Scarce ammo, scarce everything, lots of shock value (those mutations are sick)

I also played re5. I like the levels as long as they are not made up of labs and research facilities. There-s something really unnerving about a rural area full of primitive peasants who are now infected, and about the way they shamble toward you. It-s as if they know you are fucked and got nowhere to run.

did you enter the big house and see the cutscene?

After over 4 Years in development, hopefully it'll have been worth the wait. 90% done. Only minor map adjustments & actor models left to do.

>not knowing its name


So many plebs in this thread dickriding the Red9 and blacktail because it "does the most damage" or "has better rate of fire" without realizing the Silver Ghost Handgun's 50% crit rate outpaces them by fucking miles

not him but everyone thats not a newfag knows this

Personally, I don't like relying on RNG.

The Red9's higher damage is constant.

The crits on the default handgun (as with any crits) are RNG based.