[beats you]

>[beats you]
>lol girl power gg


>>[beats you]

>boy wins in a game of league
>he types ggwp
>look it up
>it apparently means "get good, white power"

Why are boys so toxic?

wtf i love girls now

Whats wrong with her arm?

>skinnyfat whiteboi addicted to dota 2

>girl(penis) power
Nice try.

>Not psyching them out by saying you are physically disabled and have trouble playing the game because of it


>Playing SFIV late one night
>it's basically dead now
>get matched up with the same guy multiple times
>I was Juri he was Dan
>we each won a few
>had to go to sleep eventually
>sent him a message saying "GG"
>laying in bed
>remember GG isn't polite anymore

I was just trying to be nice

ERP with him to make up for it

>[beats you]

>no re

how is it not polite any more
I've been out of the loop of multiplayer lingo and the intricacies between courtesy

>ITT: things that will never happen

she jerk off lol

GG is basically the new "owned"

are all koreans psycho?

I see, said the blind man.

how would it not be polite in that context user?