This enrages the talimancer
This enrages the talimancer
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This is the most stupid of all romances, in ME1 Garrus berates Tali because the Quarians created the Geth, in ME2 they still don't like each other and then all of a sudden ME3 happens and they banging.
But user, Garrus is MY boyfriend.
Tali is enjoying a nice swim on Rannoch
I romanced Tali and it felt so good knowing that if you don't do it you have best boy to look after her.
Sexual tension and stress
get away from him you thot
The Normandy was also Turian tech.
and what school of magic does this class use?
Fucking suit rat.
>wanted my bro Garrus to get laid since he deserves it
>didn't want to bang him myself though, must remain cute space lesbian
>mfw seeing that
Good for him.
Tell me about it
Yeah but Shepard is still the one who let her on board and the commander. He'd likely take all the heat for it.
Was he really in the wrong to suspect her?
Garrus is your wingman in all things. He's always got your back, tying up your loose ends.
It's more likely that she told the Quarians, "hey the Normandy's stealth system is super neat" And then they figured it out on their own, because there's only so many ways to hide a starship.
Quarian reputation didn't come out of nowhere
Seeing as she didn't do it and he had zero evidence that she did? Yes, innocent until proven guilty.
Quarians have a reputation for stealing shit and he only realised he lost his credits after bumping into her. He was wrong but I don't think it's unreasonable to assume she stole it given their reputation.
They are space gypsies after all
I repeat, innocent until proven guilty. Burden of proof is on the accuser, to prove that the accused did the thing, not the other way around.
did they ever explain that
>replaying ME1
>on Feros, coming back to Zhu's Hope
>fight through creepers, have to retreat because dumb squadmates die to vomit and Unity is on cooldown
>thorian creepers somehow revert back to fetal mode and start chasing me around while balled up
>I can't damage them, but they can still barf while scooting around like assholes
>unbug themselves after a while
Man this game is some serious jank. Love it, though.
You catch Tali sending data on the Normandy's stealth systems to the fleet prior to that
>innocent until proven guilty
This is not something that applies to gypsies though. Not even space ones.
>You catch Tali sending data on the Normandy's stealth systems to the fleet prior to that
When was this?
I think 2. I'd need to check up on that, though.
What's to explain? Tali goes with Shepherd on the Normandy, tells the Quarians about it's stealth system, a couple years later, they've puzzled out how it works, and made their own version. Once tech exists, and it is known that it exists, others will be able to replicate it, given enough time and resources.
Tali knows about how the ship works arguably as much as Lt Adams. (when she first gets recruited Adams says she'll know more than him if she stays on more than a month, which she does) She likely knew exactly how the heat dissipation system worked.
It's out of character for Garrus. He's always been pretty cold toward her. But Tumblr faggots got too attached to her for them not to ship her with someone if you don't yourself. And who else but Garrus is even an option. She's not gay/bi (since she can't be romanced by a female Shep), and what males are left available by 3? Kaiden might be dead, Wrex might be dead, Mordon might die, Thane dies, and Joker's fucking the space ship.
>Join the navy
>Get stationed on latest and greatest ship in the fleet
>assigned to engineering
>learn all about how the shiny new thing works
>tell all my friends back in the old country how amazing this thing i learned all about is
>They start copping the design
Your ass would be in jail for treason and espionage. At best she's an idiot who blabbed military secrets, but lets be real, she's a space gipsy, of course she's a filthy thief.
I refer you to my earlier post, that syas there's only so many ways to hide a starship, and the Normandy isn't concealed inside a hollowed out asteroid, so that's one method down already. Even if Adams didn't tell her or hint at how it worked, Tali is smart enough that she would have puzzled it out on her own before too long. It's entirely possible that the quarians were working on their own version before Tali ever came on the Normandy, so all she would be doing is confirming that their own research is not a waste of time, because the humans and turians already figured out how to make it work. Given that you don't see the new stealth ship until three, which is set, what, a year or two after one, I'm inclined to believe that's a strong possibility.
>play femshep
>romance Garrus in ME2
>Tali wants a threesome in ME3
Problem solved
I think it's called character development.
Most of the characters change.
Some more than others
>She's not gay/bi (since she can't be romanced by a female Shep)
Only because the VA was an intolerant bigot who got freaked out by the idea of her character being queer.
Why don't they make antibiotics worth a shit
And why do they have their fucking toes split up like that in their boots. Shit would be murder walking around
I dunno, why hasn't humanity made a cure for the common cold?
>not physically
Bullshit, she has way bigger tits in three than she did in the first game.
I need picture proof. For research.
Yeah, because "they don't like each other but they like each other" is such an unusual trope.
Just look at this romance manga cover
Whoops, wrong image :^)
Will there ever be another space opera action/rpg?
>dat conversation those two engineers have about whether or not Asari breasts continue growing throughout their lifetime and that he wants to spend his retirement in an Asari assisted living facility
>tfw games will never have lad banter like this in them again
I was about to post that
>not getting your FemShep to gladly worship Vakarian's thick, glistening cock on a daily basis, chugging down gallons of rich, highly intoxicating cum
Dayum shame.
Is it me or does her face also look a bit older
So she's not a degenerate piece of shit? Awesome. Tali best girl confirmed.
Someone did the math. Liara is 17 in human years in the first game
Hi stress lifestyles will age you faster than anything else.
She would still gladly remove her (the most intimate thing for a quarian) suit in front of femshep tho.
>x is y in z years
People need to stop this, it's stupid, you think an Asari would go around laughing at humans because "HAHA they're only 7 in me years!"
No, just link their suits so they share bacteria. Kinda different.
She does remove her helmet in front of femshep in 3
>ywn sit on Garrus' pulsating turian cock and have in cum in you
no homo tho
To feel her homeplanet
Even still I imagine she wouldn't have just pulled it off in front of anyone.
Sorry innocent until proven guilty has no place in citadel space.
Did nothing wrong. Universe was going to be screwed anyway pre hudson retcon.
Well, they did survive the suicide mission
They probably decided to just yolo and fuck whatever they can get
It doesn't make sense, but I don't mind it. Garrus and Tali are two of my favorites, and if ain't me, I don't mind losing out to the better man.
>DUDE what if physics was the real enemy!?
I can't be the only one that thinks this shit is dumb.
Because we're too busy killing and getting killed by niggers
tali is for krogan cock only
It's not a romance; they're just friends with benefits. Tali herself says she just likes to bang him and that's it.
the risk makes it better
What a slut.
They don't need to puzzle shit, she knows exactly how it works. Remember that she needed to give the Fleet something to justify her place there, and the info of the stealth systems was just that. It's very clear she stole Human/Turian tech
Is he telling her not to swallow?
Sup Forums has a reputation for blowing up vans
so naturally any terrorism should be blamed on Sup Forums
Why does alternate quarian fanart ignore that they blantantly have had humanoid faces since ME1? Do they all use CRTs and can't make out the eyes and nose?
Keep your shitty fantasy of Tali cucking you with Wrex to yourself cuck.
Yes. He tells you to watch for any bugs Cerberus might have placed with Miranda iirc.
I agree.
>Why don't they make antibiotics worth a shit
Not every infection is caused by bacteria
Yeah, she only cucks you with Garrus.
I'm a Tali-fag and I approve this ship if my Shepard has already waifu'd Liara. Good for you, Garrus!
Tali helped saved the Galaxy with the info she provided regarding Saren, giving Humanity a new Spectre and leading to it being the savior race of the Galaxy. With that in mind, I'd say Tali stealing the Alliance's and Turian's co-op ship design is a fair trade.
I'll give her a pass on that.
Not really, but, since Tali is my waifu and I have a personal preference towards Quarians, I would've kicked that Volus out the airlock if I had the opportunity.
That would actually improve the quality of this site.
I'm not cucked if I'm fucking Liara in that particular playthrough, dullstone.
Tali already received compensation for her Intel by being rescued from assassinated by Saren
tumblrettes always seem to pick on the best of the best out of jealousy.