
>tfw poor and still playing games on my ps2 and 2008 PC

What are other toaster bros playing right now?

Get a part time job or something

>PS2 and 2008 PC

I was literally like you to a T until I eventually scaped together $70 for a PS3 and $300 to build an ebay gaming PC. It'll get better OP

Anyway MGS3 and Alien Hominid

All I have is a Wii U that I bought off Craigslist for $120 then hacked. When nobody is watching I pretend the gamepad is a switch.

I have considered getting a modded ps3 but I don't have a HDTV. I have 3 crts for the retro consoles and those are my main tvs too.
And spending 200$ on a modern tv plus 70-80$ on a ps just so I could continue to live a decade into the past... it just sucks.
Getting my PS2 around 2011 was the best purchase of my life, hands down. I played so many great games over the last 6 years.

How can you be this poor but have a place to live, eat and pay bills?

I live in a country where average monthly salary is around $500. You make do just fine with necessities but luxury tech is something else.

Just get a cheap HDTV on craigslist or normiebook buy/sell groups. The TV I'm typing this on was $50 and does 1080p, I guarantee there's something like that out there.

im playing mass effect on my laptop, i think it's safe to assume, i won't be playing 2
>tfw turning textures from low to ultra high improved performance

FFXIV. Pc is from 2009. I can run it almost maxed, but fps is only 30-45. It's okay for cutscenes and casual shit like crafting, but in raids i had to turn everything to minimal settings or else i get 20 fps or even less. Especially new raids in stormblood are bad in this case. Huge fps spikes in Rabanastre and Kefka.

I just got a ps4 slim so I can play so new games, fuck building a computer with the prices now.

Is FFXIII any good? I'm pretty sure I can run that.

>fuck buying a computer with the prices now when games can be pirated for free
>but I will buy a 300$ console where every game costs $60 + monthly multiplayer fee

It adds up pretty quickly.

I've got a shitload of JRPGs on my 3DS right now. Bravely Default, Bravely Second, Etrian Odyssey V, FE: Birthright, and FE: Awakening, which I'm currently playing (female Myrmidon).

Anyone have any happy Pepes?
All of mine are either angry, sad, or suicidal.

you're me back when I was in college OP
to be frank it was pretty comfy, kinda miss it in a way

I want to make it as a gamedev, win the lottery with Minecraft shit or something. The problem is that VR tech is the future and I fucking hate making indie games.

Living expenses are necessities while video game equipment and computers are luxuries.


>Happy Pepes

>where every game costs $60 + monthly multiplayer fee
what is custom firmware/playing offline?

Dumb frogtoaster

I don't have a toaster, but I'm playing Morrowind, emulating GameCube games, notably skies of Arcadia, emulating luminous arc 2 for the 3ds, and playing elona+, dwarf fortress, and poschengband. Basically, you have a ton of older games to choose from, go back and play the favorites you missed!

>Is FFXIII any good? I'm pretty sure I can run that.
Is it typo? XIII and XIV are different games.
XIV is mmo. It's like WoW but with anime paint and good story and fun raids, but with dead pvp and dead world.
It's fun to play just for the story and to do some casual content, raids are also good, but require autism to clear with pugs or find a static. Also you have to go through ~500 MANDATORY story quests to unlock current raid tier. They are pretty good story-wise but gameplay-wise it's your typical fetchfest.

And as i said world map is dead, nothing to do there but gathering. No world pvp. Nobody plays instanced pvp.

I hear Skies of Arcadia is pretty good but it has one of the worst random encounter ratio. I can't stand random encounters.

Yeah I know they are different, and no it's not a typo. I just remembered XIII got a PC port.

Yeah, the GameCube game fixed it, but it's still kind of annoying. You do get an item that decreases the encounter rate though

2007 pc here
Played Before the Storm: Farewell yesterday before the champions league matches to kill time,other than that... Shit. Im bored out of everything. Occasional league of retards with a friend and im basicaly waiting for K3 WoW. I was thinking to play some dark souls but ive already spend so much time in it that it feels boring as fuck.

XIII is horrible unoptimized port

Well, if you like the Anime space pirate thing I recommend Rogue Galaxy, its on ps2 and PSN I think.

It's basically a jRPG with an action combat where you have both guns and melee attacks, its all in real time, you can jump etc. Its like a super lite version of DMC combat. There are random encounters but not in the typical sense, as you explore the enemies spawn around you but without a loading screen, its instantaneous. But if you keep running they will stay behind so its not as much of a chore. There is quite a bit of combat though.

Its done by the guys who did Dark Cloud 2 so visuals are amazing. I am super picky about my jRPGs but this game I loved. It also has an incredibly addictive weapon fusing/creating mode.

Try playing Battlestar Galactica online.
Its an MMO set in space. It's really fun and most shitty PCs can run it at minimum 30FPS

I'll have to look into that, thanks

>Never build a PC before
>hold off for all these years doing so
>RAM is expensive, GPUs are dried up like your mother's ovalries