Peach Beach Splash comes out on PC today

Who's gonna pick it up

what would your mother think if she found out you were playing this game on the prebuilt pc she bought you

God Bashou is cute. Something about that embarrassed face really gets me.

>not playing co-op with your mom

Pirate it up maybe


I'll stick around to grab the pirated copy.

was planning on maining Hibari online but now that I got Nep DLC free. time to Nep people up
4GO is fun. just need finish up rank 8 missions and last few achievements then done

can't decided between regular and special version.

I don't think this game is worth more than 30 bucks.

>tfw mom will not even try to play video games

Truly, Bashou is wife material.


Already played it on PS4.

I want to marry and impregnate Asuka

Already preordered it.

Hi Sony marketer.
>tfw pregnant mods are already confirmed

Wouldn't Mirai have an advantage in this type of game since she usually uses guns?

how is it?
is it fun, how's the gameplay?

Looks like complete garbage, like all other weeb games.

I want to splash Yumi's peach on the beach

Fuck off, SJW cuck.

>buying weebshit produced for the most desperate weebs

is the Special Edition worth the extra 10 bucks?

>buying western garbage created by the most retarded trannies

All boobs and anime shit aside, it actually looks kind of fun. Too bad I won't be playing it because my friends would make fun of me for it.

Insescure weeb.

Still unsure.
It was definitely fun on ps4 and the lower price makes it tempting to double dip.
It has enough single player content for me at least if I just pirate though, but at that point why bother?

does it have VR mode?

I want to breed an Elin

Time to fuck Haruka

She uses weird magic purple guns though.

I want to marry Ikaruga and start a family with her

Got it for free.
Already done with story mode.

I hope online will be more entertaining.

And Kafuru uses water guns, so i guess that's not an issue.

Chestlet pls go

>And Kafuru uses water guns
Pls delete, this character has an unfair advantage against the other girls.

>At least hes not gay.