You ARE playing RIFT Prime right? Only ~10 more hours

You ARE playing RIFT Prime right? Only ~10 more hours.

10 hours till what?

why in the fuck would i play this terrible WoW clone that already died and went f2p, people are actually going to pay for this


It's literally a fresh start server, so it'll be back to when it was good™.

I genuinely liked Rift, and I'm actually quite excited to play a P2P version again.

The servers are going up around 11am PST.

>no old-school Salvation-threat Justicar
What's the point.

it was never good


>Chloromancer > Justicar > Warlord > Saboteur

Best specs in the game. Prove me wrong.

I played RIFT many years ago when it went F2P and Storm Legion hit. I never got to raid as often as I wanted, my Hit was usually too low for most of the non-pub raids, so I only spammed heroic dungeons. Sometimes joined in with guilds that did the Vanilla and Ember Isle content. Did ALOT of Conquest, or w/e that one giant pvp mode was called, with RoD. Luna was a tactical genius. He was always theory-crafting, never cared if you were well geared, and would constantly strategically outmaneuver that one Defiant guild that only accepted people in full Warlords pvp sets.
I stopped when I hit 65 after constant grinding. Tried to get back into it when 70 came, but it felt like too much work unless you were a patron.

>a Rift thread
What a time to be alive.

All post-F2P Rift was complete crap. Try Rift Prime and see if you like that better.

I tried but then had to get to spend countless hours catching up to end game till what i did could carry any relevance.
Thats when i remembered why i no longer play mmos.

You should try it now then, everyone starts fresh at a new server that's capped at 60 and that you can't transfer to. Everyone will be level 1 today.

Hate what they did to defiler. I know it made designing raids a total bitch due to it's nature but it was so fun!.

so fun pvping with it and the occasional accidental killing myself through absorbed damage.

>I stopped when I hit 65 after constant grinding. Tried to get back into it when 70 came, but it felt like too much work unless you were a patron.

levelling's a total bitch especially from 68-69 and 69-70

this was pre-f2p. quit right before then when i got tired of how they would "balance" for pvp and it would completely break solid pve build, because people actually got creative with the soul system, which was supposed to be encouraged.

>splintering an already dead community even further

What is Trion even doing? Do they really think Prime will result in people returning? Because it won't.

The good old days. Gods Rift was strong then.

I thought Rift was an amazing game, but then Trion lost all their money on some shitty war game and as a result cut a bunch of staff and made it F2P.
It was a truly terrible awful turn of events that was my final MMO experience.

At this point they're really fighting for a minority that wants that older TAB-targeting and slower pace MMORPG to play. These people still exist.

>Trion is still the publisher

lol no thanks

Exactly. Rift died when it had to go F2P to play for Trion's failed monstrosity Defiance. Fuck that game was so weak it hurt.

Ever since Rift Trion's been making one mistake after another and it sadly just cascaded on their flagship title.

Admittedly not horrible TPS MMORPG that tied into a TV show doing poorly. Supposed to get a re-release so it won't be crippled by last gen consoles anymore?

>End of Nations
RTS MMO that sadly got cancelled.

Goddamn mismanaged trainwreck that felt like a new game with all the problems that brings despite being out for a year in Korea.

MMORPG-lite with Minecraft visuals? Supposedly not horrible, but I have no interest in it.

H&S RPG and already getting sunset from what I understand so another localized waste of effort.

>Atlas Reactor
Turn-based MMORPG meets DotA or something? Havne't played it.

Chloromancer was the most fun I've ever had as a healer in PvE in an MMO

>These people still exist.

Yeah and they all play FFXIV

Fuck off, it had it's own client when I tried it.

True, the problem was that once one bombed the chosen son of the family, Rift, had to start compensating. Rift just couldn't carry the weight of all those bad decisions, and when it went F2P the game was essentially over.

I'll come back to Prime to dabble in some nostalgia, but we'll see if it lasts.

Chloromancer was disc-priest on crack. What's really interesting is that for all the shit people fling at Rift for being a WoW-clone, Rift thought of the Chloromancer playstyle years before WoW ever did.

I preordered it on steam for the red particle effect thing you could apply to your weapon.

so no, fuck you.

I pre ordered the physical box since I'm not a self hating, altruistic piece of garbage that uses Steam.
So fuck you, reddit spacing faggot

>mfw they said "servers for Prime might not last"

Why would you say that?

It's an experiment in a dying MMO. They're banking on this turning it around. If it does, it'll live on forever, if it does not, it'll die and kill the game.

Wait, so I bought Rift back when it launched, and now I have to rebuy it? Or it becomes P2P again?

They should give people a way to test it again.

If only they could bring back their good staff that regularly interacted with the community and a player population made for the size of the world

I wouldn't be suprised if Trion just put them up to make some shekels from nostalgiafags. Once those leave they shut them down.

>play on RP server because I'm a bit of a faggot like that
>devs and staff would play their own characters and would help guilds fill in roles in their RP if requested
>would spend hours RP'ing with devs who were really into the world and the lore
>devs would build their own dimensions and host lore-classes where they talked about things that had come before

Trion used to be quite based.






I really liked Vanilla Rift. Seeing the rifts open and if nobody did anything, they would just take over the map killing quest NPCs until a group formed to weed them out.

It's still free so you can still play it, but the Prime server will be P2P. You can still install, create a character and play on the F2P servers though, just expect all the F2P shit to be gone from Prime.

I dont think you know what altruistic mean.
showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
"it was an entirely altruistic act""

>The wardrobe system

I know, but they should make people TRY prime. I want to see if it's what I remember or if it's different. I also want my two headed turtle.

They actually added the ability to wardrobize weapons, which was neat.

I no next to nothing about Rift, but I've played WoW for 13 years. Can someone give me the run down in what to expect from Rift? I'm genuinely curious. I'd like to try a new MMO and this seems like a good time to jump on.

I forgot his name, but there was a guy on the forums that did various forum games and lore discussion and sadly he was one of the first to be cut. Each character I made received a "Detective" title because I participated in a forum game of his.
I don't think companies realize how much this enhances their game since there's a human element to it instead of something mechanical.

Tab-target MMO with the worlds most interesting class system. Remember back in the day when WoW had talent trees? In Rift you pick 3 trees, and make a class based on all of them.

You chose the trees and which trees get what points, in order to make some cool playstyles. It's pretty fucking neat and by far the biggest selling point in Rift IMO, but there are a ton of other things to like.

A good game when it launched. Went to shit once it went F2P. Now an empty hell only whales still play.

my guild had each class's wardrobe color coded for raids.
it was autistic, but funny

huh? hasnt this game been out for years?

Rift Vanilla was a better WoW Vanilla in my opinion.

The main gimmick was Rifts that would open in the sky and become a map event and would make people have to kill off the invaders. If nobody cared about the Rifts then they would gain a Foothold on the map and start to send enemies along the routes to capture and kill NPC's.

It also had only 4 classes : Warrior, Priest, Rogue, Wizards. But every class had 5-6 Talent tree and they could choose 3 of them to make their own "WoW like class". So imagine in WoW being able to pick Restodruid, Protection Paladin and Affliction Warlock as your characters talent tree.

Rogues had Bard to heal, Warrior had Paladin, Wizard had Water if I remember.

It was really cool and neat to have the whole map run to a specific spot to beat a Boss Rift.

I think I remember that. It was back in the days before "community manager" was a filler-role for the diversity hires.

I remember a live-stream every Friday where the devs used to make up competitions and award winners with unique in-game items and titles. I remember the dimension-building contest was fun as fuck to watch.

Yeah, but that questionable nature alone will put people off.

He means the Prime server.

Okay what the fuck it's a rift thread? Well shit. Guess I have to install it. The the fuck kind of odds are those.

When does the new server go live. Going to be honest. Going to be a broke nigga for a bit but I got that mmo itch and I loved rift at launch.

For me Rift was WoW meets EQ2 with the addition of its own taken on public quests and Souls were an interesting take on "make your own class".

it's literally as much of a wow clone as you can get, only beaten by Runes of Magic in terms of being a wow clone

They're going live at 11, so rob a bank or something and get some money for that sweet sub-fee.

>4 classes
They were called "callings" (because Rift wanted to be unique?) and there was Warrior, Cleric, Mage and Rogue.

I love the game but couldn't really get into it because the combat feels terrible. They managed to make tab targeting feel even more soulless than it already is by having ineffective spell animations and visuals. When you use a spell/skill and see the enemy take damage it feels less like a video game and more like a pen and paper rpg if that makes sense.

Neverwinter is 100000x the game that rift is. The feeling of combat in rift is so ass and that's 90% of what you do

Fuck Trion for making the game p2w in the first place. It was fine as p2p, fuck I'd still be there if it was still p2p.

In addition to what the others have said, the artifact-hunting system and dimension (basically decorative player housing) were pretty great solo content. Artifacts were little sparkly items you see on the ground that you can collect. They have lore flavor text like pages of a book or whatnot, but you can also buy and sell them and get cosmetic rewards from them. There wasn't any in-game skill involved, but there were lots of them in hidden, out-of-the-way places so it was a blast as a guy that loves to explore.

I really do miss this stuff. MMORPGs are so damn cold these days.

It's going P2P now. That's the big sell of Prime.

>Rift Vanilla was a better WoW Vanilla in my opinion.
Completely correct in every way.

This is true, melee characters were especially awkward because there was no "oomph" to the attacks. I really liked the casting visuals, however.

>F2P MMOs are so bad they're using P2P as a selling point.


Like you yourself said though, Rift used to be good when it was P2P.

If Rift dies, I really hope we can get a Rift Private server. I dont think there is one right now since the game is F2P

Take a look at your average F2P game these days.
P2P is a selling point now.

It was the only MMO where casters actually used their weapons to cast magic. The spell actually left your weapon making staffs feel like more than stat-sticks.

I really liked original Rift pvp and the open world pvp dailies/weeklies...except the "Clerics are unkillable machines" meta

>level up my warrior as a dual wielding warlord/champion/that other warrior single target spec
>have a fucking blast
>get to endgame only to find out it's not viable and that you're supposed to play THIS three class with an optional switchable one and using a grand FOUR macros you're supposed to mash indefinitely
Shit game

There's fuckall wrong with slowpaced mmo combat
Hell, it's flat out better in almost all scenarios, look at ffxi where people actually have to combo together and shit, still better than just about all other mmo combat to date

Tab targeting on the other hand, not so much

>dat feel when they killed the EU RP server

Fuck off.


Neverwinter is also absolutely nothing like Rift.

rift still exists?

i was in top 10 raid guild near the start quit around hammerknell guilds were faith sagespire then incognito that later merged into purge 2 win

>menzoberranzan renegade
>panther pet
Salvatorefags are a mistake

I remember playing Neverwinter real early on and then their game's economy went to shambles and i quit.

You are aware that your ONE character can hold up to 7 specs at a time, right? If you really need bleeding-edge DPS then you can reserve a slot for that. 99% of the time, guilds won't care what you're rocking as long as you're doing okayish and having fun.

I cry daily over Argent's death. Such a good community we had too... I'll try Prime, but I'll never truly forgive.

I actually like the way NWO does "expansions". They're free, but if someone wants to fork over serious cash for extra shit they're free to do so. None of it is in any way game breaking.

So whats the lowdown on this? Only played Rift for a short while in pvp and it was just wow-lite. Is this like wow classic servers for rift or just p2p with the same game as before?

So uh what's Neverwinter like these days? Is it's community the undiagnosed mentally ill or is there some decent folk on there?

Oh man you just reminded me that Dominators were a thing. After the mage buffing patch that I knew was going to come eventually Dominators became such a complex and fun class.

I know that was my point. I've been saying this shit for years. I'd much, much rather pay to play or just buy a game than play a f2p game because the way f2p games make money is inherently bad for gamedesign. Except for DotA and PoE, but one is backed by a money making machine and the other has extremely overpriced cosmetics.

Not back then at least, I had one spec stuck on my leveling spec just to do shit around and have (unoptimal) fun, but rest of my specs were different single target-multi target and situational bullshit that you had to milimetrically min-max to be accepted in raids in my guild. Eventually realized I spent longer looking at buffs/debuffs and numbers than at the actual game, so I lost interest in playing a spreadsheet simulator and quit

one of the things I've seen Rift do better than most other MMOs I've played
I don't know why others don't just straight copy the system

This, shill it to me. I'm curious why I should play Rift Prime if the current game is absolute dog shit.

Can't squeeze as many microtransactions in that way

I played Warrior and there was this spec that I ran in pvp that allowed to swap from 2h to DW mid macro to two shot combo low pvp armor people. Was so OP, yet so fun. Then they nerfed the synergy, but it had the effect of ruining the pve dps specs for warriors. Felt good and bad man.

Oh, well you can hold a million specs now, and all of them have their own respec-costs so you'll practically be free to experiment as much as you want. It's good shit nigga.

Stop playing a debuff/buff heavy spec if you don't like monitoring those things.

I think the absolute worst thing about Argent's closure was the timing and lack of foresight on Trion's part.

>shut down the server with no real explanation
>game launches on Steam
>influx of new players crowd up servers for couple of months
>things get so bad Trion opens up a new server

Couldn't you have, you know, kept the existing one that also happened to be the ONLY roleplaying server for the EU region. Jesus Christ.

Rift classic with P2P instead of F2P. They keep some of the technical backend though, meaning it'll run better.

Cash shop?

I'm tempted to join and play if for nothing else than to do another race for server first artifact collecting