Why is R1/R2 used to attack in this game and not square/triangle? What a stupid control scheme.
Why is R1/R2 used to attack in this game and not square/triangle? What a stupid control scheme
So you can attack and control the camera at the same time dumb dumb.
>Romanticising tank controls
So you can easily use the face buttons to use items, dodge, and swap between 2 handing your weapon, along with using the thumbstick to control the camera.
Just re-bind the controls if you don't like it faggot
Using face buttons to attack should be reserved for button mashers
Dark Souls has one of the best control schemes of any game. The only thing I dont like about it is how my hand feels after playing long sessions with my autism grip
Tank controls are the best.
Tank controls make ground fighting require skill and is fun. Fighting flying enemies are impossible with tank controls though.
no way.
film yourself playing anything, pls.
I can't.
Probably because you can have different weapons in each hand that function independently.
Fucking Quarians and their Xboxes.
The only reason I preordered Demon's Souls was when the cashier told me that the trigger buttons were the main controls.
It's not that weird. Imagine running in dark souls while using the right analog stick to look left and right. I then switch to a traditional grip when i dont need to move the camera
I haven't played a souls game in a while. For GTA V thats my grip. I think souls uses circle/b for run so just imagine the finger more tightly packed up
This isn't my post
They could have made it so that you move the camera with R1 and L1 but oh I guess that kind of control scheme is too damn dated for you underaged shits now isn't it?
in a camera lock game
Nioh did it better
i know op it's fucking terrible, the trigger also aren't an immediate press which sucks
the best controls? yes thank you
please play devil may cry 3 and ninja gaiden black
>Dark Souls has one of the best control schemes of any game
just no, it's poorly done shit that doesnt even manage to isolate a dedicated jump
only thing i hate about the Ds button layout is that i have to do that grip to sprint
It has an excellent control scheme. And why does it need a jump button? There’s barely any platforming.
i just really dislike the lack of immediacy on the trigger pulls and unlocked combat is imprecise and clumsy
if the game would use the face buttons they'd have to design around that and create some sort of soft auto aim
Yeah this is what I do, too. But I don't curve my index finger, I just keep it extended and push down with the knuckle of it. Very effective.
i never had problems with it
There are four attack buttons. Two for each hand. It's more natural to attack with right side of controller when you attack with right side and vice versa.
Also, controlling camera is easier.
>if the game would use the face buttons they'd have to design around that and create some sort of soft auto aim
Besides autism, what reason would they have to intentionally gimp the controls in such a way that they'd need to do that?
Imma make this easy for you. explain how the fuck dual wielding would work without shoulder buttons.
because it'd add more depth to the combat other than
>pull 1/2 enemies, roll + r1
LB as a modifier, LB+X or Y, this isn't some groundbeaking shit this has been done since the ps2 era
you can't have your thumb on the stick and the buttons
Right, because if you still needed to do the same thing except with gimped controls and some auto aim bullshit added in that would really add a lot.
Good thing the face buttons aren't used for attacking then.
>still needed to do the same thing except with gimped controls
it really sounds like you've never even played a pre 360 area action game, dark souls is shallow shit
>using lock on in souls
what a scrub
feels good man
You are seriously a fucking autistic retard.
>hey just completely change the game and gimp it with shitty controls because dark souls is le shit xD upboat me pls
Being able to look up and down as well is important for thrust weapons like rapiers and spears
Your character will stab in the direction you're facing, and against some enemies will completely miss unless you manually aim
>Left for the left arm
>Right for the right arm
Dark souls is slower than something like DMC, so the slower, more defensive controls benefit it. I wouldn’t want to play DMC with the shoulder buttons but I also hate playing slower games like Nioh with the face buttons
>in a camera lock game
If you've put any amount of time at all into these games and still rely entirely on the lock-on function, you are a shitter
Rom in bloodborne is magnitudes easier when you drop that crutch