
Late night Wipeout thread. What's your favourite game? Team? Track? Song?
Can someone who bought the Omega Collection answer me how the controls are? In terms of customization, HD/Fury was absolutely incredible and let you assign analog thresholds to all buttons, plus customize the motion controls to work with either pitch, turning or both.
How does that work in the OC? The DS4 doesn't have a motion sensor, does it?

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Goteki45 for life

Weird way to spell Icaras, but alright.

>tfw nobody to race against in Formula Fusion or Redout

How's FF? I heard bad things from the demo, but also heard they were listening to feedback and were working on making it better. No idea if they delivered.
Redout was a bit disappointing if you were looking for Wipeout. It felt like a pretty standard racing game. It looked cool and all, but it was closer to F-Zero than Wipeout, in terms of futuristic hovercraft racers.
Something about how the crafts handled and felt glued to the ground didn't sit right with me, but to each his own.

They released a patch to fix performance issues I (mostly) never encountered and apparently I was the only person upset at the visual downgrades. There used to be really pretty sunsets and loads of these cool animated billboards but they were all mostly removed and the maps look more bland and that 'wew this game is beautiful' feeling was gone and that was actually one of the best parts about it IMO. Pick it up for a few bucks if you can ut otherwise avoid. Redout is difficult for me. I find it hard to actually see the track sometimes. I don't know if I'm retarded or not (probably am) but it's like Battleborn where the colours and everything blend together and it can be difficult to discern where the track actually is if a sharp turn's coming up way too fast.

Wow, did Sup Forums swallow my post? Fucking hell.

Pre-patch: youtu.be/sQlNlI8JU0Y?t=8s
Post-patch: youtu.be/5tfwdVW5PM0

One of these videos is playing the reverse track but you can still tell from looking at them there's a big difference. As far as I can tell both games are being played on the highest settings.

>favorite song
music turned off

Which F-Zero game is this?

man i regret buying formula fusion it just feels terrible, there's like next to no weight to the vehicles and they bounce around like plastic toys

redout is great though

>Redout was a bit disappointing if you were looking for Wipeout.
>Something about how the crafts handled and felt glued to the ground didn't sit right with me, but to each his own.
I'm pretty sure you're just complaining that the camera is fixed to the craft instead of adhering to the track more and swooping around in turns etc.
Because Redout crafts certainly aren't glued to the track. The entire game is basically managing momentum and drifting and sliding correctly through turns.

I had some fun with Formula Fusion

>I'm pretty sure you're just complaining that the camera is fixed to the craft instead of adhering to the track more and swooping around in turns etc.
Actually, no. When I play Wipeout or BallisticNG, I set the camera to center on the craft. That's not the problem for me, but I can see why people would think that. Having the craft sway back and forth definitely gives it a more floaty feeling.
I gotta admit I didn't invest a lot of time into Redout, whereas I have at least 100 hours in Wipeout HD/Fury and F-Zero GX, as well as some 30 in BallisticNG. I could just not be used to the intricacies of the physics of the game.


Redout, Antigravitator, Formula Fusion. Opinions on these? Omega was fun but enough is enough with the remasters.

But its 12.00

>Been up all night again

>Sebenco Climb

I love Sebenco Climb. Once you get good at it it's amazing fun.
Chenghou Project on the other hand. Fuck that track.

>chenghou prject
>last race of an elite phantom tournament
>need 1st to win

This. It's tricky to get the hang of at first, but there are some neat tricks you can do to gain ridiculous amount of speed.
>Get to the peak
>Pitch slightly back and barrel roll right as you fly off the highest part
>Land before slope
>Get a boost to send you flying all the way down the slope
>Land on boost pad
>Squeeze in a roll in that tiny drop in the tight curve to the right
>Boost is enough to send you flying over the chicane
>Get a barrel roll in and boost towards goal

chicane always does it for me. If I make consistent jumps over it with rolls the track is as good as won, but if you fuckup even once that can be game over, especially if other racers fly through normally in the chance, I've been taken for max shields to dead in seconds getting rammed there.


How does it feel being objectively wrong?

>was obssessed with noisia
>machine gun for fury trailer


I'm still super pissed they didn't have the proper soundtrack in omega those stingy fucks

The new soundtrack isn’t bad but I agree, sucks to not have the proper one. Wish custom soundtrack support still had the audio fuckery that happens to the built in one

>didn't have the proper soundtrack in omega those stingy fucks
Wait, what? They fucked it up?

Man, I don't even care if the grafx aren't as good as the other Wipeout clones, BallisticNG is the best thing I could have ever asked from this timeline.

It's shit, there's like one decent track and two bearable ones.

The soundtrack changed from electronic/trance/techno in HD Fury to clubby dubstep in 2048. Omega collection has a selection of tracks from either, which pisses me off because it would have been fantastic for them to include a fuckton of music from the old games.

Personally I think the music is fine, but there are a few songs I skip immediately and it feels like Invaders Must Die never comes on.

also no Cold Storage makes me sad ;_;

Zone mode is the best mode of any racing game. I fucking love it. There's something so cathartic about the smooth, clean visuals and slowly increasing speeds.
It eases you into these ridiculous speeds and by the time you're going fast, your hands have merged with the controls and you're not even thinking. You're just doing and it feels so good.
It's rare to come across a game that invokes this special feeling.

Yo fuck that jump. The rest of Neptune is great but that spinning station can get lost.

>never experience joy from flying up the skyscraper for the first time again
it's dead jim


I Understand you perfectly. I feel extremely relaxed after doing zone and use it to clear my thoughts very often.

Yeah, you get it. I always feel so satisfied after doing a run of Zone. Taking 20 minutes to focus on this one thing is a great way to clear your head and sort of restart it.

I find Speed Lap a lot more relaxing than Zone personally, I just go round the track constantly chasing my ghost until I enter the zone (not the mode) and get a new lap record.

>Put it to 99 laps
>Just go around trying to shave off time
>That feeling when you start to become really efficient and know the track like the back of your hand
Feels good.

>No ColdStorage
>Shitty wubstep

>Race tracks have tonnes of lighting effects
>Crazy colour schemes and strobe lights
>Levels could more than likely trigger seizures at the speed your racing at

It's such a good feeling
>When you stop thinking and just feel your way around the track, only to be broken out of your trance when you do a barrel roll you thought was way beyond your skill level.

>Can someone who bought the Omega Collection answer me how the controls are?
No one has really answered this question yet, but I looked some stuff up and found this.
>The controller supports motion detection via a three-axis gyroscope and three-axis accelerometer
That's neat. Light motion controls are highly underrated in racing games.
>The DualShock 4's buttons differ slightly in functionality from the DualShock 3. Only the L2 and R2 buttons are pressure-sensitive, a change from the functionality of the DualShock 2 and 3.
This however sucks. It was really cool to be able to control your acceleration by lightening up on the pressure. I guess it wasn't used enough to justify another implementation though. Shame.

Who here /ass guy/?

If they only played Omega Collection they have a point, though.

My fellow tribesman.

*blocks your path*