Anyone else still play KINOMAN (2016)? Who are you assassinating? Hopes and dreams for Season 2?
Game is boring as fuck, way to heavily scripted and little incentive to replay. I think if it was done right, a hitman game with procedural generation would be great.
Yeah, currently working on suit only SA runs. I'm a shitter so pretty late to it, but it's the right mix of tense and mildly frustrating so far.
sounds like you need to turn notifications off before you can post with the big boys you casual fu--
>procedural generation would be great
nice bait attempt user, you almost got me
I finished like 4 out of 6 missions, and I play one mission for a while every few months. It's a really fucking good game. (And I bought it for 50% off a really short time after it was fully released)
Played throught it once. Tried going back, but it always ended with a mountain of corpses instead of me going for silent assassin, like the first time.
Got any advice on the SA/SO runs? Other than coin spamming
>get Hitman 2016 episode one on PS4 several months back
>game is amazing
>buy new episode at the start of the next cause I'm spending my money on other shit
>do this for a couple months
>only need the last episode for like $5 on PSN
>log on to buy it
>can't buy anything anymore besides a $30 GOTY edition
>just the complete game with some gay ass costumes
Meanwhile I bought a retail copy of the complete season to avoid downloading a large game, but it did 30gb in updates anyways, and this was before the GOTY non-SquareEnix version update landed.
Shit is great none the less, and hopefully IO can stay afloat with their next thing.
I liked normal mission based full game Hitman more instead of this episodic shit
Thats why the studio went under.
They forgot that Valve tried exactly that only to drop it.
Originally they were to release it in just 2 parts. 3 big missions first and the other 3 later.
You can wedge doors open by placing an item in the doorframe. This makes Hokkaido in particular much more doable in a Suit Only run. The easiest way to kill Yuki is trapping her in the Sauna (hanging out nearby should trigger her to go there)
The Lawyer in Thailand can be killed really easily and almost immediately by spiking the sushi at the counter with rat poison and following him to the bathroom
There's an invitation to the upstairs auction left in one of the bathrooms in Paris. I think it's on the right hand side relative to 47 walking into the building from the main entrance. This lets you just walk upstairs and kill the female target very easily by hiding in her room.
There's a "secret" tunnel leading from the market to underneath the embassy in Marrakesh. You can work out where this is quite easily by looking at the map. You probably know about this one already.
Sapienza is easy if you work from the basement up. Start in the morgue next to the church and knock out the scientist who comes to visit, take her laptop dongle. You can use this on a laptop above one of the small lab buildings in the basement to sabotage the entire lab, triggering the female target to come down the stairs on her own. The other guy can be taken out quite easily by opening the telescope roof panel and waiting for him to come and check it out alone.
I got bored of it after Marrakesh and started to do reverse stealth runs where I murder literally everyone.
Tobias Rieper
The end product is functionally the same thing you weiner
I just installed it and I'm gonna go ham when I finish my exams, any recommendations for play like appropriate difficulty levels and such?
>The Lawyer in Thailand can be killed really easily and almost immediately by spiking the sushi at the counter with rat poison and following him to the bathroom
Might as well use poison, nobody can see you do it regardless of disguise and it is functionally the same as an accident kill.
If this game had less conversations and more music I would like it a lot more.
Jesper Kyd music, that is.
you havent played the game or just use casuall options.
Contracts>Blood Money>47>Absolution>Hitman 2> Hitman 2016
Absolutely patrician taste my friend
Terrible opinion, 2016 is great.
HITMAN>Blood money and i have played 200h of blood money.
stale meme
Atmosphere is half of what Hitman is.
wheres ok I've had enough-kun
I'm just so happy IO interactive was allowed to continue Hitman, it makes me really happy every time I think about it.
I still need to play the Patient Zero stuff. Is it worth my time?
>Absolution anywhere but last
I missed the last elusive target because their stupid app didnt send me a notification
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Yeah, its pretty fun.
Nice might pick it up again after I finish the dishonored 2 expansion
>actually putting 47 above anything
Now this is some shit opinion.
HITMAN > Contracts > Blood Money > Hitman 2 > Absolution > Codename 47
they reuse the maps from memory so theres nothing new
The only thing that pissed me off was buying the pass at the start of the stagnated episodic release schedule to them have a 2nd campaign when it finally released and then charging extra money for it wa
Their release format has been all kinds of fucked up. I kind of wanted to buy the "upgrade pack" or whatever for the Patient Zero stuff, but not when they're forcibly bundling it together with a bunch of costumes I have no interest in.