As someone who slightly prefers Souls games to DMC games, would I be better off playing The Surge or Nier Automata?

As someone who slightly prefers Souls games to DMC games, would I be better off playing The Surge or Nier Automata?

I am aware of Nier's higher quality presentation, but also its worse PC port. I also know that The Surge is a bit of a cheap imitation of a Souls game. The two are at relatively comparable price points right now (Surge Complete Edition is $25, Nier is $30). All factors considered, I'm pretty much in the middle. Convince me.

obviously on Sup Forums you're only going to be recommended to play nier automata purely for the porn involved, ask somewhere else

Nier's port issues are fixable with a mod.
Surge is just a pretty trash game overall.

You have to be a faggot to even consider playing The Surge so play that. If I told you to play Nier you'd be back in about an hour and a half with a "I can't believe I let Sup Forums meme me into buying this game...." thread

Nier is nothing like DMC or any action game whatsoever, please don't go into it expecting a character action game. You're setting yourself up for disappointment

>I am aware of Nier's higher quality presentation,
the fuck you smoking
Nier looks like a shitty PS3 game meanwhile Surge has actual good presentation

both are mediocre games but at least in the surhe i dont have to play shitty space invaders or listen to cringey dialogue

I wouldn't compare Automata to DMC or any other Platinum game really, it has flashy combat but that's not the focus of the game. Please don't go into the game with that mentality because you'll probably hate it.

The Surge is just a clone of Lords of the Fallen, which was absolute fucking garbage.
Also those games aren't similar at fucking all.

i played both...nier automata is a masterpiece on its own but its more dmc like you think. the surge is just okay..i,d say: play hollow knight instead.

What a dumb comparison. Let me guess, you're gonna repost this thread a few dozen more times, right? Kill yourself shitposter.

I've played both, they're both rather average. NieR is very much carried by it's story and characters, as the combat, while flashy, is a bit bare bones. Then again, if you haven't really been into Platinum's other games, then the lack of depth to the combat in this one shouldn't disappoint you as it has many other. The Surge isn't very good, but it's not at all story heavy, so if you want something you can tune out and play while you watch youtube or netflix or whatever on your second screen, be that monitor or television, it's pretty good for that.

>don't go into it expecting a character action game
Noted. It looks like one on the surface.

Already played Hollow Knight to its completion. Would've got the full 106% if I didn't hate Trial of the Fool so much.

I'm not saying the games are similar at all. I just want to know which one is more worth my money.

If you choose nier you are set up for dissapointment no matter what you expect except mediocre 3deep5u story and generic chanting soundtrack. The way nier is praised is on levels of scam citizen fans.

This. There's little gameplay depth in automata, it's merely passable with a couple large flaws. The game's qualities lie in the story and presentation.

It's very simple.
Nier is last year GOTY, a game unique in it's style and storytelling, with incredible music, slightly marred by somewhat mediocre, but serviceable combat.
Surge is utter shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

So pick whatever appeals to you more.

Sounds like you're gay

Nier is GOTY while Surge is some Slovakian shovelware

Surge is fun for awhile, the little finishing moves, chopping off bits you need like armor, weapons, etc. I played with the chainsword for awhile doing the whole "for the emperor" thing but surprisingly found the staff to have the best rhythm.

For that cheap money, its fun for awhile, the medbay music sticks in your head.

Automata is still a great game though, definitely worth 30 bucks.

I'd pick Nier desu.

All you need to fix the port is Borderless Gaming

It's an action RPG with button mashing combat and an off beat story. Masterful soundtrack as well

The Surge felt like a shittier Lords of the Fallen, so I can't really recommend it.
At least in Nier you get a cool story out of it.

Did the second expansion come out for surge yet?

the surge easily its not even a contest

I know that the park DLC for the surge adds alot to the game. The devs also made alot of improvements afew months after launch. If you like souls games then it's worth it.

It was my understanding that The Surge made improvements over LotF. What did you think was worse about it?

I think both those games are mediocre, so it really comes down to your preferences. Nier 2 is not like DMC. The combat system is very basic. The story is very short but you have to play it several times to get the whole thing (I'm saying it's short considering that) but you can do dozens of awful MMO fetch/kill x quests. How much you tolerate retarded anime nonsense really matters in your enjoyment.

The Surge is very minimalistic. You barely meet any NPCs, it's all about combat and exploration. It's not great at either but not bad. Item variety is on the sparse side but you can upgrade stuff so even the starting gear is useful late game, level design is straight up confusing at times with lots of interconnecting corridors and shortcuts everywhere.

Overall I think I liked The Surge a bit more but the difference is rather small, but in your shoes I probably would've picked Nier 2 just to see what the weebs are making a fuss about, only to be really disappointed. Thankfully I pirated both.

>Nier's higher quality presentation
What? The environments in Nier 2 straight up look PS2 quality sometimes and the majority of the dialogue is not voiced. If anything, its presentation is barebones.

>the medbay music sticks in your head.

I put my weird Al collection on the medbay list. Somehow it seems right.

Nier is a meme game. Combat is primitive. Graphics too. Although it has style and atmosphere. If you are a pussy-hungry virgin who never played slashers - by all means try nier.
Surge is generic souls wannabe. The devs completely missed all the things that made souls series good and interesting.

But if you prefer souls I'd say out of these two mediocre to shitty games pick the Surge. It's basically a soulless souls clone.

Sup Forums has a lower opinion of both these games than I expected. Not really a clear winner here, and I can't tell how much of it is legitimate hate and how much is contrarian shitposting.

Why not grab Nioh instead?

Missed the sale. It would cost me just slightly less than buying both games I started this thread for.

Now, if you think Nioh is better than both games combined, then maybe that's a discussion we should have.

Nier was voted Sup Forums GOTY. It's just standard retardposting.

I really liked surge and wouldn't say it's mediocre. It has some satisfying level design and fun gameplay

Not him, but yeah I do believe Nioh is MUCH better than both of those combined. And on top of that you'll also get more playtime out of it than both of these other games combined. It's easily the superior choice.

If you haven't played the first Nier then go for the surge or pick a third option and get Bayonetta or something similar.

I second this. It's a much better Souls-like game than The Surge and it's super long, not to mention difficult.

For the love of god dont buy Nier, it's mediocre at best times

This. Bayonetta has a few issues especially with QTEs but otherwise is an A+ action game.

Already bought and played through Bayo on WiiU, and planning to trade and rebuy for Switch at some point, probably when the price drops.

What's all this hate for The Surge? Can someone actually tell why they think it's shit? I liked it.

Nier is just button mashing combat without thought in empty and bland areas because the dodge is so OP.

>only 5 bosses
>boring map

Played it only for an hour or so, hated the fucking slow ass combat with all my heart

Dark Souls = Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Nioh > Dark Souls III > Dark Souls II > The Surge >Lords of the Fallen

I don't think it's shit, it's just mediocre. What makes Souls games for me are combat, level design, itemization, atmosphere, characters and bosses. Combat in The Surge is all right. It's somewhat slow, and the animations aren't quite as satisfying to watch so it feels a little jankier than Souls but it's not bad. However, in every other area the game just falls short. The bosses aren't memorable at all and there are very few of them. Outside of the greenhouse area the levels are just samey corridors with the most generic sci-fi aesthetic you can imagine. There's no real sense of progression in terms of gear and there aren't many interesting items. You don't meet any characters like Logan or Lucatiel to make your adventure more memorable. There's just not much going for it.

That said, I still think it's better than Nier Automata.

So, what do you think makes Nier worse?

mah nigga


I would recommend The Surge. There are definitely flaws compare to the soul series, but one that stood out the most was near end game, where the mobs are very beefy. Overall a good game.

how do I duck under this cunts attack?

also, fucking inbred cunts for using this as a straight up ref for the first "boss"... it's literally in every artist ref folder

They put the Bagger 288 in The Surge?


Im sure both games have inbred game developers

at least in contrast to dark souls

how the fuck do I duck

I played the scripted intro sequence 4 times already. why the fuck should I bother with this game ?

>nier on release
>15/10 gotyay
>Nier now
>4/10 garbage do not buy

Goddamn I hate Sup Forums. Too contrarian for their own good

tell me how to duck you fucking cunt

neither of these guys.
Nioh is both similar to DMC and Souls. Made by team ninja, the characters and story are stupid and forgettable but the stylish combat is unmatched. Nier has a nice story but it's a grind, i got the Surge on sale and I can't bring myself to finish it. Nioh is the game you want.

You're on about NieR?
I did the same, played the start of the game like 7 times on that "one life" difficulty mode. The way I eventually got through was by getting really good with the dodge, it's broken, i-frames. R2 btw.

this bullshit is not really good game design

ye but where the fuck to duck, what button do I even press?

I know the dodge button, the jump button, but neitehr seem to have effect.

pc ver.

if you just spam dodge you can not possibly die.

I feel like some of it can be chalked up to the cycle of hype and buyer's remorse Sup Forums refuses to stop putting themselves through. Though, just hating things because they're popular is definitely also a factor.

also I am so happy the game auto pauses every time I tab to another window

I wouldn't want to miss anything of this FUCKING IMPORTANT DIALOGUE OR INTERESTING CUT SCENE

The story relies entirely on twists, there are dozens of side quests and they're almost all painfully dull derivative MMO type affairs. Of course, even the side quests are all about those epic! twists. e.g. "help me with this quest, it's very important to me -> oh you helped me with what I asked, now my one goal in life is gone and now I can can kill myself." It's embarrassing, and the whole thing is like it's written by a twelve year old. The characters are all basic anime cliches. The areas are full of invisible walls and restrictive design. The game often switches from the standard TPS view to a top down or sidescroller view or throws in dumb mandatory SHMUP minigames and these are not only low quality but also obviously jarring as fuck. It's visually inconsistent, it often looks plain ugly and it overuses color filters. You have to play the game and go through the same environments and events several times to get the full experience, and this is tedious rather than exciting like in Max Payne 2 where it was actually handled well. The combat gets the job done but it won't keep anyone coming back.

So I think Nier just fails a lot harder in what it sets out to do, whereas the Surge at least keeps its main strengths at a higher quality.

I don't think there's a duck button user. There's not even a parry ala MGR, all you're stuck with is the jump and dodge. The original NieR had a guard button which was broken, it'd negate all damage from all angles. Automata is broken too, the dodge is OP. When you get further into the game it just becomes Witch Time also. Seriously, don't try dodge into the attack, dodge just before you get hit, in any direction mind you.


does automata play like legend of korra? i platniumed that game so i guess i liked it

>Should I play this game that was completely bashed on Sup Forums for a week after it's release and then was quickly forgotten about or should I buy this game that is discussed every single day in several threads at once?

it plays like stabbing your balls with a needle

and not the erotic sexy big titted lady that oils your body before and you both enjoy the pain, like dark souls, but the kind of herpes disease ridden janitor that rapes you and leave you scarred for life.

fucking weebs supporting this game can go fuck yourselves

Whatever you do, don’t get nioh. What a pile of shit

>Automata is broken too, the dodge is OP
but is it fun to play 14 minutes just for once chance to dodge an attack?

what the fuck is this game design?

No. I was so hyped for that game then was largely let down by the starting sequence. I had a friend who gave up and just put the difficulty on easy, enabled all those bullshit "the game plays itself" chips, then switched everything back after the first encounter.

>should I play this game that received several patches to improve the experience long after Sup Forums forgot it or play the one that the developers refuse to patch, forcing people to rely on a fan patch to fix the broken port?
Also you and I both know most of the discussion in Nier threads isn't about the game itself.

>enabled all those bullshit "the game plays itself" chips, then switched everything back after the first encounter.
literally what I'm doing now

I'm okay with fucking playing even handicapped, like axe only or caster only. but I can't fucking deal with this fucking piece of shit intro sequence

how fucking proud can you be of a really shitty intro clip to force it down my throat like this?

it's fucking garbage, I don't want to hear this dialogue again.

>how fucking proud can you be of a really shitty intro clip to force it down my throat like this?
also as a game designer vs user

user that gets forced to do repetetive shit. stop listening..

literally shitposting, chatting and watching youtube with the game muted now. because this kind of shit sequence isn't worth anything

Yes it is.
Maybe my brain filters out people posting porn automatically, because I don't like people sexualising 2B, but most of the threads I've seen on Sup Forums are discussing Nier/Drakengard lore, philosophy, or the story itself. No one discusses the gameplay, really, because it's mediocre and kind of easily broken with equipment/chips but decent and fluid enough that it doesn't get in the way of the experience.

Don't play Automata it barely has any gameplay.
It's purely because it's a weeb game and tits and ass also a shota why it's liked by a lot. Music is great but story is your typical anime.

Alright, I think I've worked out a solution. Surge has a demo, Nier doesn't. Nier has a torrent with seeders from what I found, Surge doesn't. If I enjoy either of them enough from the demos, I'll make purchases.

Nioh will probably be a consideration I make in the next sale.

>Yes it is.

it's genuinely 80% shitposting/waifuposting/shotaposting

Both are literally the worst of their respective subgenre in terms of gameplay. Nier is worse than western crazy like God of War, Lords of Shadow, Heavenly Sword, etc. The Surge is worse than fucking indie Soulshit like Salt and Sanctuary.

Surge is shit regardless of whether or not you like souls games.
Automata is more of a JRPG than a pure ARPG and it's superb in its own way.

Holy fuck are you trolling, or have you never played a video game in your life. Press R2 to dodge attacks, its fucking easy.

No, Bagger is in Automata.
He's also transforming into a giant-ass mecha called Marx and Engels.


these fucking inbred retards that cant get past niers opening sequence jesus christ


Surge is fun havent played Nier

Probably because they are "so hardcore" and pick hard. Or very hard without even reading the description. Wouldn't surprise me.
It takes some effort to die on normal.

who the hell buys games anymore, its 2018

Surge is genuine bad with awful mechanics and controls, it's also pretty buggy at times. It had some great ideas and a few actually awesome bosses but it's not with the price of entry or the time investment to see them.

Nier is overrated, the combat is shallow and while the story has some great gut punch moments and superb ost and VA work is still pretty retarded. All side content is boring fetch quests and the game has a ton of backtracking, it felt like a chore to 100% that said despite its flaws the true ending was worth every bit of inconvenience because it was truly amazing.

Performance on PC is pretty trash though, but there is a few fixes and tweaks out there for it, wait for a sale and ignore the DLC, it's trash.

Maintaining ratio is a chore and forces you to keep bad games on your HDD long after you have played them.