Anybody else thinking of buying Metal Gear Survive just because of how fucking obnoxious the people who hate it are?

Anybody else thinking of buying Metal Gear Survive just because of how fucking obnoxious the people who hate it are?
>It was the same shit for MGO

>More people made Metal Gear Solid than Kojima. The guy who worked on the story of 1 and 2 arguably as much as Kojima did was axed before MGS4 was event a concept

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I, too, am a contrarian retard spending my money frivolously.

No, I don't make up fictional people and do things to spite them despite them never being able to learn of my actions in any scenario.

honestly i still think the game looks fun af

i liked metal gear solid 5 a lot, and more of the same sort of gameplay with some survival elements mixed in actually seems really rad

Anyone seen the latest vid from /ourboy/ YongYea on the debacle known as Metal Gear Survive? Also #fuckkonami!

it really isn't. it suffers from Skyrim syndrome + the devs who developed it were FORCED to do so by Konami. They intentionally sabotaged it on top of it being boring af. Skyrim syndrome is when a game looks cool but actually uses a horrendous engine which makes the combat completely garbage and unrealistic.

This is some 86D shilling

>Fox engine
Well this opinion seems well informed and completely trustworthy.

Nope, save your the money and buy a game that IS actually fun.

If you aren't then what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?

>>More people made Metal Gear Solid than Kojima. The guy who worked on the story of 1 and 2 arguably as much as Kojima did was axed before MGS4 was event a concept

I agree.

>It was the same shit for MGO

That's stupid. 10$ for a save slot is stupid. Just because other games had the stupid idea dosen't means it's a good idea. I'm never going to support that.

>fictional people
The Bill Cosby part among other shit was drawn from actual posts and comments I've read.
Also I don't care if they wont learn of my actions. I'm still spiting them regardless.

dumb animeposter

I'm not spending money on a game I won't enjoy to spite people I hate
Only fool in that situation would be me

Go ahead. A retarded weeb and his money are soon parted.

maybe you should kill yourself instead

A joke's a joke user, but that's going too far; even you know that.

I think Metal Gear Survive is absolute dog shit and I want you to buy the game.

>I'm not spending money on a game I won't enjoy to spite people I hate
Why are you even here?

How about you buy it because it's fun, rather than because you want to be a contrarian?

You're only hurting yourself, dude. If you drink poison, who will die: you or the person you despise?

>Let me waste money because some niggers on Sup Forums is making me mad for hating a not so good game

Gee, OP. I guess go for it?

>paying money for basic functions

The rest I agree with

>If you drink poison, who will die: you or the person you despise?
That analogy bears no resemblance to the topic at hand.
It'd be more akin to "If you buy bad meat from a bad store to take sales away from the store you hate across the street, who will suffer more?"
And it's debatable if I don't even eat the meat and have money to spare.


>ITT: People proving OP right that they're asshurt kojimatards.

>tfw bought it just to see if it was actually good
>tfw it's actually pretty good

I love going into games with very low expectations and being pleasantly surprised when they aren't bad at all


Why don't you make me big boy?

Fucking this. The people who hate this game are so asshurt that it must be good if people so unfathomable hate it so much.


>food analogy

Now I know I'm being baited. Nevertheless...

Do you realize nobody here wins or losses anything if you waste your money, except for yourself losing and Konami winning, maybe?

gas all animeposters t b q h

No because I'm not retarded.

The reason is retarded, but you're right about haters.
I bought the game because I'm curious of what's for Metal Gear series post Kojima. Game is no masterpiece, but it's good and I'm looking forward to next Metal Gear game.

I will buy it when it is bargain bin price. Should be there within a year.

I barely pay any attention to whatever game is most popular/most hated at the time because Sup Forums gets insufferable and I already don't pay attention to the types of people on other websites that would become obnoxious memelords about it, Sup Forums in particular tries hard for any and every new failure to be a TORtanic

>Starts with a poison analogy
>Food analogy is for some reason verboten

>nobody here wins or losses
Me saying I'm THINKING about buying it seems to make retards mad, I can only imagine the asshurt if I actually do buy it and leave a Positive review.

Imo he fits right in.


The people defending it have been far worse because of how hard they go on using "Kojimadrone" as an argument to deflect criticism. They don't just go after people saying you can't like this game becuase of what happened between Konami and Kojima. You are simply disallowed to say anything bad about this game.

Hi there Reddit!

>buying things because people on the internet whom you don't even know act like shitters
I'm sure you're a well-adjusted human being.

In this case it's no Sup Forums, but the rest of Internet as well.

I belong here. Can you say the same?

welp here come the drones *sigh*

Maybe don't get it because it's a shit shit game and a cash grab by using the name of a beloved franchise.


The game is actually very good for a zombie survival crafting game. Definitely better than all that early access indie trash trying the same thing. I don't understand why most people on Sup Forums are shitting on it. I suppose they just regurgitate the opinion of their favorite jewtubers that didn't even get past the tutorial.

Yeah, haha, that'll stick it to these guys on the internet! Haha, legendary prank. plsbuymygame

Nigga, I doubt anybody cares what you do with your spare time. You feel you're making a powerful impact into anyone's life with this? You're just buying a videogame, man. A videogame. If you want to see how good or bad it is first-hand, then go ahead. If you do this to spie for 5 minutes someone you don't even know... then, go ahead, I guess.

I'll leave now, but I want to tell you something, my man: live your life for your own good, not to please or spite others. Others will forget you over time, but you will remember yourself daily.
I hope you find Jesus in your life. Peace.


>Does anyone else feel the need to be contrarian and purchase something with a very anti-consumer price model because consumers don't like it?

No, I'm not a fucking moron, thanks.

Yeah go blow $40 on a shit game just to stick it to some anonymous posters on a korean tapestry painting forum now that's some real shrewd thinking

>very anti-consumer price model
Selling xp boosts and a character slot that most people will never have a use for in the first place?

Seems pretty mild in comparison to lootboxes and shit.

stop posting my wife and kys

Remember when horse armor created outcry? I drew the line at any level of nickel and diming and I always will.

It's a pretty solid 6/10 game, pc co-op is already pretty dead though. The story is really simple and kinda stupid, but that's the norm for Metal Gear.

>it really isn't
As person who actually played through it not by cancerous youtube videos i must say it's really is.
It does have downsides and right now servers are fucked up but still i't great, otherwise i wouldn't spend over 60hr in it.

>pc co-op is already pretty dead though
It's just the matchmaking that is completely fucked I can get a full match instantly or have to wait 4:30 minutes before the lobby suddenly and instantly gets populated.

Konami needs to unfuck it and quick.

>tfw its cheaper already because of assholes doing crappy reviews about how mad they are you dont get a way to clean water til mission 7

You don't even NEED clean water. If you get aids from drinking dirty water it's only a minor annoyance.

>buying a videogame because of what other people think of it
And you think you're smarter than these retard

I'd like to buy it just to spite kojidrones

contrarians on Sup Forums WILL defend this

Who is this cutie?

I believe if you vomit you lose some food point, but you have drugs that cure poisoning almost all of times.

>haha don't you hate kojima?
>it doesn't matter if the game is good or not, you should buy it just to spite kojima!
>please buy our-uh i mean this game

>unironically shilling for konami
I seriously hope that you kill yourself, OP.

Here you go OP.

Tama is a miracle of the universe.

>it's the same shit for MGO
I don't see how this justifies anything, 10 bucks in the good old days was the cost of an expansion pack that added a lot of content to a game..

>its a doesnt know where they are episode
dont bother replying to me, I have explained this a million fucking times, if you dont get it, seek neurology cause ya got brain damage.

>B-b-but Konami!

I agree OP. It seems you can't say anything positive at all about the game because Sup Forums gets triggered hard.

I wish I was this underage. Getting old blows.

Stop paying attention to e-celebs.
Stop taking the posters that parrot them seriously.
The game is great, killing zombies never gets stale, and the nautical stuff seems so out of place it makes me think it has to tie into death stranding.
This leads me to believe the microtransactions are probably a red herring as they only effect unimportant things such as additional save slots that aren't necessary because you can switch between classes and change your appearance at no cost.

Only Sup Forums would defend literally DayZ by Konami just because literally everyone else hates it


No. I've seen gameplay and it seems really boring. It looks to play like mgsv but worse.

DayZ with good production values, no glitches out the ass, and the fox engine.

It's only being hated because people got sick of zombie games but the game itself is pretty good.

>dude just use fences lmao
>ten dollars for a save slot
>literally nothing interesting to do for the first several hours
>m-muh fox engine
if its a competent dayz its still a dayz, notice how only the most contrarian and corporate dicksucking of places (like Sup Forums) are defending this?

>>dude just use fences lmao
I'm so sick of seeing this being parroted around. Whoever started this meme needs to get quartered.

the entire game can be beaten just by using fences
>can't even refute the other points

It can't, you'd know that if you bothered to look at the game other than the first 2 hour footage of your favorite jewtuber.

It literally can

>buying a shit game just to make people mad

Wow you sure showed them goy, don't forget to buy all the dlc too!

I'm gonna get it as soon as its on sale. That video showing how all the the ecelebs (even the ones who don't like Metal Gear) were lying about basic mechanics really opened my eyes. The game is a victim of a grand media conspiracy to push the narrative that Konami are evil and Kojima is a misunderstood genius.

Can't trust any critic reviews and when you look at user reviews (on Steam so you can see the played time, not Metacritic where any delusional fanboy can give a score whether they own the game or not), the consensus among people with significant played time is that it's a worthy entry to the series. The average is dragged down by retards with 1 hour played who only seem to care about the save file issue.

>a worthy entry to the series

It's a good game but not a metal gear game.

>That looks like shit

Autism OP.

Are you the kind of person who saw Ghostbusters 2016 to spite the haters?

I'm thinking the same except with HDTF
The people against it cannot even bring up legit criticism, they just insult absolutely everything they run into even if it's not actually the game's fault, things like graphical glitches even though that's fucking Source's fault
They run through the game just going wow... that's awful.. WOW LOOK AT THAT THAT'S SHIT WOOOWWWW... just.. awful wow...
In the end you still bought it and wasted so much time on it, more time than you would on a normal playthrough where you don't stop every few seconds to insult things, who's the winner there?

I couldn't handle 5 seconds of the faggot at the beginning, you got a tl dr?

user I want you to live a long happy life. You should spite me and do something about it

>a grand media conspiracy against konami
or maybe the game just sucks just like DayZ and all of its clones.

It doesn't compare to any of the real Metal Gear games but it's still better than Phantom Pain, sadly.

Stop using Tama for your garbage posts you humongous faggot.

Sure smells like corporate shill in here

>the consensus among people with significant played time is that it's a worthy entry to the series
>the people who enjoyed it played it longer, therefore their opinion is somehow worth more then those who thought it was shit and therefore played less.
You should try applying basic logic.

It's fact that the first 2 hours are dreadfully boring. There's no denying Konami fucked that up.

However it does get significantly better after you get some gadgets.

Nobody cares about your narcissistic explanations or spite purchases. Honestly, you talk like you expect everyone to revolve around you enough where you think they give a shit if you waste your money or that you've exhausted yourself white knighting anime too often.