Not really surprised. I knew this was coming in a year or two.
False as fuck.
He’s about as credible as that tranny with the silly hair.
It's gonna be portable.
Haha. No.
But the PS4 has barely justified its existence. It feels like its just getting going now.
PS5 by 2021
They don't care. Got to get more money.
>Nintendo icon
>PS5 devkits
>4 years and a month into the PS4's lifespan
Nah Im calling bullshit.
Its just too early and they don't really have any competition to rush like this.
>Marcus Sellars
PS4 devkits started going out two years before release and every non-retarded analyst thinks 2020 is when the PS5 comes out.
What's so strange, that'd mean it likely wont come out till at least 2 more years.
For PS2/PS3 it was 6-7 years too.
Have you seen how poorly MHW runs on a base PS4?
seems plausible
PS3 was released in 2006 and PS4 in 2013
7 years between and now sending out devkits ~2 years before release works since 2020 will be 7 years aftrr PS4 release
Fuk you. Sony world superpower by 2020.
it needs to happen because we are at the point where nvidia has no competition and doesnt need to make better gpus either since everyone develops for consoles first which were already way behind PCs when they released
Given they moved on from using weird architectures, PS5 will likely just be a PS4 Pro 2.0 with BC, now with its own games that have no need to support the older version.
Games take a while to make and only the 7th gen generation took that long time. With pretty basic architecture of current gen consoles and mid generation consoles, PS5 will probably be backwards compatible or maybe even share libarary for first years, as in same discs, with PS5 getting their own upgrades over PS4s similar to Pro over regular PS4.
I mean even at this point you can bet they're going to use Ryzen in PS5 and next Xbox.
You are implying that anyone was interested in a new MH to begin with..
They should have seen that coming,games are out interactive movies are in.
There wont be ps5 before the 2020
I will buy PS5 in a blink of an eye, but think about this.. only souls games we got on current gen were BB and DS3. Fucking TWO games.
And one of those doesn't even require a PS4 so that's really just one game.
Ps2 had shitton of games though and PS3 was an upgrade when it came to graphics. we already saw what happens with 4 awhat happens when you release console too early. No games. Again. And now it will happen yet again.
Check his Twitter feed. It seems that he's just throwing one-liners that just might happen at some point (e.g. Fortnite coming to Switch) without giving any kind of sources.
Fuck off Nintentard go back to sucking on you cardboard box which Jamal fucks your mom.
yet they still look like ps3 games
lol dude your paranoia is strong
like PS2 and PS3 did, PS4 will just keep getting releases for several more years anyway, not like it's going away
I guess this is the first time I skipped a generation, literally not a single game that defined this gen.
Now the question, will the PS5 even be able to play PS4 games.
I have no doubt it still won't be able to do PS1-3 at the very least.
laura is the best leaker in the industry you fucking biggot
To be 12 and young again
>tfw i haven't played a single game released in 2017
>tfw there is nothing to play
Of course not.
They are not gonna say no to remasters profits.
Thats the only system that can't play it or won't be getting it. So eat a dick handheld fags.
cant wait for more checkerboarded 4k at a glorious rock solid silky smooth 20 fps.
guys guys
what if it's a misunderstanding and it's actually a Vita 2 devkit
so, Death Stranding was cancelled for PS4?
>tfw last guardian was released and isn't being announced for PS5 and cancelled for PS4
>another 3 years in the making
>6 years total development time maybe more depending on Sony cash stash
>given that theyve moved on
>1 console
Fuck you. Super-Cell returns 2020.
I'm so tired of this. Companies announcing their game 5 years prior their release.
Funny how nintendo is the only one not doing that.
>talking to yourself
Yay, we finally get silky smooth movies in 4k at 20 fps
Can't wait for the cycle to continue and the newest PlayStation is accused of having no games and the previous one is suddenly good
maybe they're trying to prevent that by sending the dev kits not 1, not 2, but 3 years ahead of time
No picture one isn't me.
Jesus Christ, already?
Who cares
No Ape Escape 4
I mean, it's pretty logical with a 2020 release in mind.
7 years is enough.
You're wrong.
You may be a contrarian faggot/salty PCkek and hate it all you want, but it's a fact that this game was one of the gems of this generation and I feel sorry for anyone who haven't got a chance to experience it.
I also feel like BotW may be another game that this gen will be remembered for, but I wouldn't know because I don't have Switch.
inbefore someone posts the full version
>people thinking it means it's releasing next year or something
it won't even be announced this year I'm sure
so it's literally the same as with the PS2 and PS3
I wish. Vita is alive and well in Japan, they just need to release games for it everywhere else.
It isn't when there are no games you fucking retards
>Funny how nintendo is the only one not doing that.
>what is Bethesda
Also BotW was announced in 2013.
>hurr lets stay on outdated hardware for a decade
the only retard here is you
not like the PS4 is going to vanish into thin air the moment the PS5 is announced
People are going to say the PS5 has no games because most of its games will be playable on PS4 for 2-3 years into its life.
I honestly expect PS5 to be PS4 Pro Pro for first 3 years.
as if it matters, it's going to run on the exact same architecture as current gen, they're just going to bump up the specs
Talking out of your ass here bud
>PS5 devving now underway
>My PS4 library still consists of like 4 games
What the fuck man?
Where are the PS4 games?
can't wait for the bloodborne remaster, i love retro games
I bet you bought a PS4 and then a PS4 pro
it's okay, PS5 won't have BC anyway so you need it
>implying ps5 will have any noticeable improvements
>people itt implying ps5 will even have backwards combatibility
They're fucking us all in the ass and you guys just bend over like cheap whores
bet you it will transfer digital titles without having to subscribe to a service or else it'll flop
>laura is the best leaker in the industry you fucking biggot
>BGAE2 is exclusive!
>Mario is a launch game!
>Mother 3 will be a launch game!
>The Sup Forums leak is fake!
the PS4 didn't seem to need that
Explain mid generational upgrades. Were iPhone 5 apps incompatible with 4S and vice versa for first few years? Because these mid gen consoles and their marketing were based on phones.
And as for Ryzen, it's cheap and powerful and AMD worked pretty well so far with PS4 and Xbone. Why wouldn't they go with it in 3 years?
different era from the ps3 days and my comment wasn't an assertion it was a threat
how unique
if there's a game in need of a remaster it's Bloodborne, so they can fix the shit frame-rate. I really have no idea how people can play that game in its current state.
Just make PS5 Pro right away.
Consoles really enjoy killing themselves dont they?
60 frames at 1080p finally? NATIVE 4k at 2 frames? Wew can't wait.
console manufacturers want to capitalize on the cryptocurrency boom making computer parts more expensive
the next generation is literally dedicated to stealing market share from PCs, at least for PS
>no tits
I entered this thread with the exact same thought in mind.
It means millennials should know PS1 to PS2 to PS3 took 6 years, PS4 is 5 years in the market. Not surprising seeing the PS5 cycle begin. Hopefully one with less remasters, that's you can hope to distinguish itself from the PS4 wasted time on remaster generation.
You encouraged them to not bring out new games by buying remasters, Last of Us 2 might actually be on two platforms or delayed for PS5 exclusive. They did it to Last Guardian PS3 to PS4.