>favorite fighting game
>fighting game you're playing right now
>fighting game you'd like to learn

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Nobody on Sup Forums likes fighting games.

>favorite fighting game
Ultra Street Fighter 4
>fighting game you're playing right now
Dragon Ball FighterZ
>fighting game you'd like to learn
Guilty Gear/King of Fighters

>tekken 5 dr
>tekken 7

Its sad but true.

My personal pics:
Fighters Destiny (Snes)
Street Fighter V AE
King of Fighters 98

i like this fighting game

i do

SFV Season 4

I bought that bundle and have been playing the BlazBlue game included in it. I'm new to Guilty Gear and BB, but BB feels weirdly bland and generic compared to GG.

>favorite fighting game
Third Strike
>fighting game you're playing right now
>fighting game you'd like to learn
I'd like to get into Tekken. How is Tekken 7 for a new-comer to the series?

>favorite fighting game
Blazblue CF
>fighting game you're playing right now
GGxrd Rev2
>fighting game you'd like to learn
UNIEST PC never lmao

street fita fi son




>Super Smash Bros Melee
>Guilty Gear Rev 2
>Marvel 3 or DBFZ

they are both good and different

>favorite fighting game
>fighting game you're playing right now
>fighting game you'd like to learn
Tekken 7

This is our jive
Street Fighter Five

Capcom's Jojo
Under Night
Any of them. I just hate the fact that I like a lot of them but am also garbage at all of them.

>fighting game threads all day every day
>every other post is hurr I bet I'm the only one here who likes fighting games xD

They don't like playing them but they sure like talking about them.


futa mods when??

well we had two threads yesterday

one was about how they were impossible to learn and the other was about ryu

the rest were just dbzf hype threads

who wants to buy me gg rev 2

You might as well pirate it since you're getting the same experience on PC

Fellow GG bro

>shitty fanart dumps and bitching about mexican ball z
>fighting game threads

Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear
Tekken, maybe Under Night when it comes to pc in 2020. Seems like a decent game even if all the designs are super boring

Is Guilty Gear really that good? I'm apprehensive about getting it considering the version people recommend is still 60$.

UFS4 and casual sf3 third strike.
None, I quit out of spit and most games released today are not of my liking.
GG Rev2, I played for 2 years and never learned to actually play it well enough so most loses felt cheap while most wins felt like a gamble and non deserving. I also hate the slowdown on Roman cancels.

>favorite fighting game
I don't have a lot of competitive experience, but probably Skullgirls, since it has the most fun combat system I've played with so many things linking into each other, and the ability to sort of "craft" your own combos. It also has a beam character which was my favorite kind of character from my old Cyclops/Ryu days in X-Men vs Street Fighter. I also really dig the aesthetics of it.

>fighting game you're playing right now
DBFZ, but I'm not really enjoying it too much. I think it's mainly the hurdle of having to learn three characters right off the bat, combined with having to learn to use them in conjunction with each other with assists and mid combo tagging if you want a decent chance against other people. If it was 1v1 I might be able to ease into it better.

>fighting game you'd like to learn
The KoF games. I've played a bunch of the MAME ones casually but I'd like to learn an actual team instead of just picking Terry and pretending I'm playing Street Fighter.

samurai shodown warrior's rage on the ps1
soul calibur 6

guilty gear is a cult, don't fall for it.

It's an anime fighter.
Do you like anime fighters?

Also an older GG game is on humble bundle right now at the "pay what you want" tier, so you can give it a shot if you want.

No and its players are garbage at fighting games


>killing moon recently came up on my playlist
>open Sup Forums
>first thread I see

No, it is kinda awful and way too offense heavy with a shitload of character specific shit

I did, I really enjoyed the Accent Core game included. I might wait for a sale on Rev 2.

If I buy Rev 1 now since it is so much cheaper, would it be worth it? Buy the upgrade later?

>>favorite fighting game
Can't really say, not played enough at a decent level.
>>fighting game you're playing right now
>>fighting game you'd like to learn
Tekken, Guilty Gear, and SFV (I want to get out of silver one day dammit)

Yes, its offensive and defensive tools mean you're never without something to do

The version you need is REV 2, it's not 60 dollars anywhere, wasn't even that price on release

3rd strike
3rd strike
Nothing worth playing at the moment imo

Capcom vs SNK 2

He's talking about the version with DLC. AKA the only version you should be buying.

I’m bored as hell with fightan at the moment cause I got no one to play locally with anymore. The most I “play” is SFV every week for the fight money & costumes.
I’m gonna buy & learn SNK Heroines cause Kula’s been my KOF main, but I’m not really expecting to play anyone in that.

>favorite fighting game
2D I was on 3rd strike (Urien dudley depend on the top tier bullshit I had to deal with).
Samsho 4 (Genjuro bust mode) i prefer 3 but had better matches on 4.
3D Tekken tag.
Virtual on with a groupe of friends it's still 1vs1.

>fighting game you're playing right now
DBfighterz (c16 yamcha tien/adult gohan)
UNI (Hyde akatsuki)

>fighting game you'd like to learn.
VF5 (Vanessa) the time I got into the game it was already dead still had awesome match in arcade maybe my biggest regret to this day.
Uni because minus the tutorial and some matches I would love to put more hours learning the game as I didn't have a blast like this for a decade now.
I can't wait checking japan arcade soon .
Kof14 but the lobby are empty as fuck.

I am also ready for street fighter anniversary soon to get back into 3rd Strike.

People won't fight you if you just have Rev1. If you just want to lab all day, a lot of things in Rev1 still work in Rev2, or at least did when I switched over (at least it did for my character).

Keep in mind the Humble Bundle deal isn't for Rev1, it's for the previous version SIGN. If you're PC just pirate Rev1 if you want to try out the mechanics and grab Rev1+2 when it's on sale.

Anyone know if there's any events in the UK? I swear no other fuckers play fighting games over here

>soul calibur 5
>marvel super heroes
>3rd strke (and soul calibur 6 when it comes out)

Have people transitioned to FC2 yet or are they still sticking with FC1 for the moment?

don't you have a couple of active arcade in london ?
I am in france and Last time I was there it was for local test on darius burst CS cabinet but there was many FG running too.
I don't remember the name of the place something with casino but I am not sure it like maybe 10 years now.

You don't need that version at all, just the one with the DLC characters. Voices and additional colors can be unlocked in the game for free, and if you're trying to save money who cares about that anyway

I heard FC2 is pretty shit, so I imagine people will stick with 1 for now,

Any news on a possible PC version of Late[St]?

A few weeks ago for the new year sale gg was on sale with rev1 +rrv2 upgrade +all dlc characters for $31. I snagged that

I feel kinda done with fighting games right now, nothing is really clicking with me and making me want to play it. DBFZ and T7 are decent games but neither is grabbing me. I'm glad they are doing well but I just don't want to join in. SFV is a joke, as is anyone supporting it. No one seems to seriously like the game, even the people who shill just seem half arsed at this point. The game just seems to create a horrible atmosphere in the FGC.

I feel like everyone is still waiting for a game that boosts the FGC up a level like SF4 did. Would be great if SC6 did it but I think it needs to be a new IP that really takes off.

This. Made me learn charging and how to actually use Zangief. also Geese is god tie when it comes to voice acting


>favorite fighting game
Ultra Street Fighter II
>fighting game you're playing right now
Ultra Street fighter II
>fighting game you'd like to learn
Literally anything else, since the SFII series is all I've ever played.

Claim your fightan waifu before it is too late!


V had has some great girls. Too bad the gameplay is utter shit.

>>favorite fighting game
Capcom vs SNK 2
>>fighting game you're playing right now
Killer Instinct
>>fighting game you'd like to learn
FighterZ looks fun for a bit.

>Xrd Rev 2
>Virtua Fighter 5 FS

Someday my waifu will return, though.


Considering selling monster hunter, which I haven't touched since like a week after release, and buying DBZ. Every time I see it it makes me want to play. My only concern is that I suck mad dicks at GG's IADs and I am a two-button dash loving scrub from MVC3.


nobody plays on ps4 either bruh it's fucking dead



>favorite fighting game
Melty Blood
>fighting game you're playing right now
>fighting game you'd like to learn
become good at Guilty Gear

>sf third strike
>probably t7

>he doesn't play jojo aka the best fighting game ever made

>favorite fighting game
>fighting game you're playing right now
cyberbots, have locals for it on saturday
>fighting game you'd like to learn

But I do.

>favorite fighting game
Ultra Street Fighter 4
>fighting game you're playing right now
Tekken 7
>fighting game you'd like to learn
Tekken 7

>the fucking disappointment this game was as a fighting game

>those mains
just play street fighter

Tekken 3
Heritage for the Future
Heritage for the Future

>Rival Schools
>KOF '02 UM

Ky is the only "SF" character out of these four though.
I used to (Sakura in SFIV, Bison in SFV). But some parts about SFV design are questionable, and SFV Sakura was the last straw.

How do I play Tekken/Soul Calibur?

I like to fuck around in training mode because love the characters and their hundreds of cool looking moves, but competitively the game seems so fucking 'guessing based'.

that must be why it is the most popular fighter even after 2 years

>favorite fighting game
It's a tie between TTT2 and Tekken 7, i used to have a group of friends that used to invite me over to their house to play TTT2 almost every single friday night which pretty much developed my love for fighting games. However, Tekken 7 is the fighting game that made me get into fighting games competitively and start taking them a bit more seriously than just having some casual fun with friends every friday night.
>fighting game you're playing right now
I mostly just play Tekken 7 nowadays and a bit Third Strike whenever i grow tired of playing Tekken 7 for hours on end.
>fighting game you'd like to learn
If i had to choose one i'd probably say SFV probably since it's one of the SF games i haven't really invested much time into.

I've actually never used Fightcade before. How popular is it? Can you find matches easily?

>favorite fighting game
Sm4sh, or Tekken Revolution
>fighting game you're playing right now
Tekken Tag 2
>fighting game you want to learn
I wanna get better at KoF, 2002 was just free on GOG not too long ago.

super easy to find matches for KoF and SF and fairly popular


SF3, Blazblue, DBFZ
>playing now
>like to learn

Lost saga

I need 3d combat, pls catch up fighting game industry.

>favorite fighting game
Street Fighter III: Third Strike
>fighting game you're playing right now
Dragon Ball FighterZ
>fighting game you'd like to learn
Guilty Gear

Anything but jive

it's called power stone

I always thought it was strange how people shit on Melee. Out of all the Smash games, it's by the far the most in-depth game in the series. The movement tech is excellent.

not that hard for popular lobbies, for the dead ones though, you're better off finding the communities (or just getting some buds interested) for those games somewhere else and asking for games than just idling in a room

>Guilty Gear X with Third Strike as a close second
>KOF2002 and Melee
>Pokken or UNIEL


>Tekken 4
>Gundam Versus

Favorite of all time is probably USF4. Playing SFV and GG mostly, looking to get into DBFZ but have had to cut spending recently.

SoulCalibur II
Fantasy Strike
SoulCalibur VI

Probably nothing will make me feel the way I remember feeling when I played SCII... but maybe SCVI won't be bad.

Meanwhile FS, is unironically pretty good.

3rd Strike, it's one of the few games I know of that actually makes me feel happiness.
Darkstalkers, Guilty Gear maybe Tekken

I like melty blood

I'd try Melty Blood but it possibly has the most faggoty name I've ever heard for a fucking video game.