Kirby Thread, I guess?

Is Bandana Dee a Marty Stu?

>No flaws
>The other Dees want his D.
>"The Legend of Dee" means that he is a legendary hero.
>Blatantly favored by Kumazaki because he gets shoehorns Bandana into every game he directs.
>Ridiculously overpowered for a Waddle Dee

he's /our guy/

He's a Star Ally.

>bandana dee is blue now
clearly Bandana is just the Dread Pirate Roberts


He's not a Mary Sue but he's treading a dangerous line

Is Galacta Kniht a Marty Stu

>No Flaws
>Blatant Meta Knight ripoff
>Is the strongest warrior to ever exist
>Appears in almost all Kumazaki games in some form
>Rediculously overpowered for a borb
>All of his defeats are non-canon

Flaw: trapped in a box because he got mad

>All of his defeats are non-canon
>Yet his name in Planet Robobot is Galacta Knight Returns.
Yea ok.

Shit, Revenge, not Returns.

Didn't the Robobot Q&A said that he was sealed outside of time, making every fight with him the first fight against him?

Both are pretty annoying. Bandana was just a one-time throwaway costume Sakurai made before Kumazaki appropriated it, and Galacta's a really bad Sonic OC, but because he's from an official game it's okay for ome reason because fans are retards and deserve every ounce of shit they get from Cumazaki.
It was Returns, you dyslexic clod.

Kirby has done so many ridiculous feats by himself, Galacta Knight doesn't even begin to overshadow him. So no I would say him or Bandana Dee are Mary Sues. They just show up a lot.

I wouldn't say, I meant. Kirby's too cool.

Too bad he's a joborb created specifically so that Meta Knight could kick his ass.

I took that to mean why Galacta Knight keeps coming back - he's not contrained to a linear timeline - not that every fight is the first one from Kirby/Meta's point of view. But then again, Kumazaki was unnecessarily specific and extraordinarily vague at other times in that Q&A, and I'd chalk this up as one of his vague statements.

That's exactly what he meant if Galacta Knight's title in Star Allies means anything.

I though he said that it also erased the previous fights with him.
Would also explain why he's still the strongest warrior in the universe despite being defeated.
But it's probably just something Kumazaki thought upon the spot

I swear, that fucking Miiverse Q&A is the Kirby equivalent of "Takashit Iizuka said X thing" in the Sonic fandom, even though 80% of the time when you actually look at what he said, he most certainly did not say X thing.

Thanks for the new headcanon, I love it.

>he's a joborb created specifically so that Meta Knight could kick his ass.
More specifically, he was created specifically to have a hard-mode Meta Knight expy in Ultra in the vein of the "Revenge" bosses, and then stuck around because the Meta Knight fights are popular but playable Meta Knight is also popular so they compromised and made them intro two characters, which is now why Meta Knight no longer fights Kirby unless he's mechanized or possessed or whatever.

...Kirby Super Star Ultra was an overrated remake. There, I said it.

>which is now why Meta Knight no longer fights Kirby unless he's mechanized or possessed or whatever.
Honestly, he stopped after Super Star. The only other time after in which he did it on his own accord was Squeak Squad to prevent Kirby and Daroach from releasing Dark Nebula.
Every other time he's possessed or it's not actually him.

Well every Meta Knight/Dedede fights in Kumazaki games have some sort of twist to the usual formula for them.

Not the spiciest opinion in the world user. Also they don't fight anymore because MK is a good guy.


What is this…interference?

You… You seem to be in my way.

Well then…It seems…we do not have enough energy…to revive our Dark Lord… Must we…allow ourselves…to fall…into oblivion?



No no no no no no!



We are the masters of a power driven to the far reaches of the universe, and we have but one desire! Can one such as you possibly fathom how dearly we have clung to this dream across the aeons? How could you! You couldn’t! Never ever ever! We who once faced those who were in such fear of our power that they sealed us away and banished us to the edge of the galaxy! US! As if THAT loveliness wasn’t enough, they tried to erase our very existence from history! RUDE! Only through our magic were we able to overcome their science and achieve great prosperity! We alone were responsible for stopping that repulsive nightmare of a galactic crisis, yet this is how you repay us! This won’t stand! It won’t be forgiven! It won’t be forgotten! Never ever EVER! Those who called us mad, are you listening? You left us at the edge of the galaxy to be forgotten, then went along your merry way, probably living somewhere pretty and peaceful! But know this! Your future is a farce! You have none! We, masters of a matter most dark, vow to be restored, as foretold in the book of legend, which everyone thought was just a fairy tale! It WASN’T! We have already obtained the vessel that contains our Dark Lord, and he will soon awaken and shower us in compassion! Look! The vessel of our Dark Lord is filling up even as we speak! Now the time for his greatness to enter our world has come! Welcome to a new history! A new age! The age of awesome! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARK LORD! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Why did Metaknight fight kirby in superstar anyway?

I love how crazy Hyness gets during his rant.

He was trying militarize Popstar (or Dreamland) through hostile takeover.

a wall of text, in my kirby game...

This motherfucker better join the villain's club.

But Marx is dead

That doesn't stop the Japs, user.

Pixiv is gonna have a field day with Hyness

>I thought he said that it also erased the previous fights with him.
That's just some dummy's headcanon filling in the blanks and perpetuating it as official (hi wikia). Here's what he had to say about Galacta Knight in full:

"While we're on the topic of Meta Knightmare Returns, Galacta Knight was supposed to be sealed away in a crystal, but he broke that seal and showed up again in The True Arena. Are Meta Knightmare Returns and The True Arena connected at all in relation to the story?"

"The True Arena is like another "what if" scenario, so you can't really consider everything to be connected. Furthermore, the extra-dimensional road that opens up when Galacta Knight appears transcends space-time, so it's difficult to give it a concrete place in the timeline. But if you consider the stages in which Galacta Knight appeared in the past three games, I think that will give you some food for thought."

"Also, once Galacta Knight has shown up, it should be clear why he cuts down Star Dream: it forced him to travel through time and space and so he considers Star Dream his enemy. That's why Galacta Knight appears as an antagonistic sort of character."

TLDR he basically said:
>Meta Knightmare Returns & The True Arena are totally unconnected (despite pic related).
>The True Arena is "like another 'what if' scenario (which is where wikis stop reading).
>But hold on a sec, I'm gonna come up with a deepest lore explanation on Galacta Knight's role that completely contradicts myself.
>"it's difficult to give it a concrete place in the timeline." Translation: "Galacta Knight encounters happen, but because of time-travel shennanigans, he can and will come back indefinitely."
>"I think that will give you some food for thought." Translation: "Interpret it however you see fit, my job is to direct a game not theorize about every little detail, you silly pink nerds."
Nothing about every fight being the first one. Something about sub-games but he flip-flops spectacularly.

That's a weird interpretation. I just thought he meant that from Galacta's perspective, all of the fights happen immediately after each other or whatever, because he's stuck in a different time and keeps being teleported across time to fight Kirby and Meta Knight.

>All of his defeats are non-canon
Fuck off Wikia.

>it's difficult to give it a concrete place in the timeline. But if you consider the stages in which Galacta Knight appeared in the past three games, I think that will give you some food for thought
Actually, I think he's trying to imply that Galacta's timeline is actually, officially nonlinear, which makes sense considering he actually fucking explodes and dies in Super Star Ultra--our first encounter with him is technically the last from his viewpoint, because timetravel fuckery.

I cannot "This^" enough.
People are fucking retarded.

The main problem with EX modes and arenas is that they mostly can't fit.
Some can fit however (Revenge of the King, Meta Knightmare Ultra(even if Meta Knight destroying the Halberd is silly) and RtDl EX)

So he actually contradicts himself in his tweet(s)? Are you fucking kidding me? THIS is what everyone is forcing down my throat whenever Galacta fights, True Arenas, Meta Knightmares, and so on are brought up??

Dededetour can fit if you assume it's after Kirby saves Dedede because he's going around trying to annex parts of Floralia to rule over.

Don't you have to rescue the floraliens from the cages in Dededetour again?
The Amazing Mirror corrupting Sectonia is canon, but I don't think Dededetour itself is.

>Wikia actually believes this and links to the Miiverse post as proof.
>The Miiverse post is exactly as said.
>Kumazaki says something vague about sub-games again but then DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS HIMSELF about there being "two sides to the story."
>He was only talking about Planet Robobot.
>Suddenly this means just about every unlockable non-primary sub-game is noncanon.
>Despite the fact that in modern games, the main mode tends to end with a questionable "The End?" while the Extra Mode ends with a definitive "The End".
>The Wikia cannot read.
>These are our representatives.
Bloody hell, they were okay with keeping fan-theories off the site for a while, then I check back after a few years and they mouth of misinformation like this. How do we convince these fuckers to knock it off?

DededeTour can fit if you assume everything prior to reaching Sectonia's chamber is non-canon fun, but from there Dedede's battles actually happens while Kirby is fighting Sectonia.

I'm gonna screencap this and post it the next time another "duh everything is non-canon" idiot shows up.

I just imagined things got fucked up again. My first reaction to the Amazing Mirror was "Holy shit, that explains why Sectonia was back as her DX form! It was Mirror Sectonia!" so I just assumed Sectonia DX locked up the Floralians again.

>Died in the True Arena
user, you know that's not canon right?

>arguing about kirby canon
everyone takes this stuff too seriously

that said, I can't wait for haltmann to pull another magolor and come back totally unharmed

>"The True Arena is like another "what if" scenario, so you can't really consider everything to be connected."

Most of the mirror world inhabitans either have Dark/Black or Parallel stuck in front of their names if they are direct counterparts to someone.
Sectonia DX kind off sticks out here

I just wish they would actually explain Magolor's return, instead of just having him appear out of fucking nowhere as a now-good guy.


Some of this is really embarrassing. Is this another issue of a bad translation?

"Age of awesome"? Really?

Shadow Dedede is called Black Dedede in Japan.

It's still a kirby game

For reference, here's Kumazaki's other quote:

"Speaking of Meta Knight, here's a question about Meta Knightmare Returns. Is there a connection plotwise between this mode and the game's Story Mode?"

"It's basically an alternate storyline. Meta Knightmare Returns is a kind of bonus mode that you unlock after finishing the main game, but that alone doesn't hold much appeal for a player so we made it into a "what if" scenario."

"Kirby games tend to be quite deep and have lots of content, and this game is no exception. There are two sides to the story: one for players who just want to casually play it from start to finish, and another for those we want to delve deeper into the game world. This mode fully realizes that two-sided method of development."

Once again:
>Uh, it's BASICALLY, LIKE, an alternate "what if" storyline (yeah, that's it!).
>Speaks only for Planet Robobot and doesn't imply this is the case whatsoever elsewhere.
>But wait, lemme contradict what I just said.
>There are two sides to the story, one for casual play and another for deepest lore.
>So Meta Knightmare Returns is both an alternate storyline and a complement to Kirby's storyline.
>Don't ask me to pick one lol.
Was this mess his own words, or the result of a cheap dollar store translator? I don't care if you're a Word of God mouth-breather - this guy, no matter his position, contradicts himself in the same paragraph repeatedly, and even if you somehow take it all at the ABSOLUTE face-value, you still can't reach the conclusion that he's talking about every game mode in the series ever. There is gross, gross, GROSS overreach with the wikis' estimation, it's misinforming the reader-base, and it needs to stop.

I thought it just meant that the lore in the boss discriptions is canon.


Dude what if scenario mean that it’s is canon but in seperate time line

Basically what he's saying is the events in Metaknightmare Returns didn't happen, but could have.

For example, Haltmann did get his hands on Dark Matter and Sectonia's DNA. And Star Dream really can summon Galacta Knight, but that's not what happened.

It's a what-if scenario that elaborates on the main story, it's not hard to understand.

After the crown was destroyed, Magolor was sent to another dimension
...Then he kinda just came back

>How do we convince these fuckers to knock it off?
To be honest, we probably can't. Maybe if we caught them in the midst of their stupidity back then, we could have prevented this sheer level of retardation, but it's been several years now, dude. If the Wikia was tight about fan-theories once upon a time, this has no chance of reaching them after drinking the Kool-Aid. Even WiKirby isn't safe since there's a proverbial essay about Kirby canon on that site, filled with much of the same fluff. These mongrels have either deluded themselves into thinking Kumazaki is totally infallible, or they've been straight-up itching for a remote excuse to put their personal fangay headcanons in their wikispace and knowing use vague, misleading, potentially badly-translated official quotes out of context as ammo.


Calm down you baby.

The Wikia is hopeless. You're better off bandoning and ignoring it cold-turkey like the Mario fans collectively disowned the Mario Wikia. At least the independent Wiki has a chance of listening to reason. Try there first.

kirbywikia is a modernday neogaf, they think they're hot shit because kirbyyellow the glorious nipponese fan associates with them but really he's just putting up with these dumb gaijin who also have a wikia site.

>Bandana Dee
behold the Holy Quadrinity of blue modern main casters of their own series autists keep getting mad over

Normal mode final form Magolor > Magolor Soul

Fight me.

>doesn’t use all the super abilities

Holy shit they were definitively and handedly proven wrong, they are either so goddamn proud of themselves as Kirby fans and so far up their ass they subsist off of each others' farts or they are flat-out retarded, or both.

>kirbywikia is a modernday neogaf

why not use wikirby?

>(or Zero)

who will deliver us from this hell?

LOOK UP ON GOOGLE "who created Kirby"

everyone has seen big nigga sakurai by now, user


Yeah, I know it's unpopular to say, but think about it.
>Can't play with a buddy unless they also have a game cart, unless you're playing Spring Breeze for no good reason.
>Megaton Punch & Samurai Kirby locked behind requirements, are just straight ports missing the 2P mode.
>Also Gourmet Race & Dyna Blade are locked behind Spring Breeze.
>Revenge of Meta Knight's translation is somehow simultaneously more accurate and worse than the original.
>They fucked up a couple of names that were perfectly translated the first time (Main Cannon #2, Mekkai, Aquarius...).
>New bosses are just reskinned versions of old ones with maybe one or two more attacks, the sole exception being Kabula.
>Helper to Hero & The True Arena have a fixed order, and the latter artificially increases the difficulty by making health more limited than The Arena, making you think it's more challenging when it's not. Also Marx was made easier to justify the new and improved Marx Soul, which is bullshit.
>Lots of graphics copypasta'd from the GBA-DS line of games (HI DEDEDE), with a select few being upscaled. Also weird shit like getting rid of Meta Knight's trademark insignia that debuted in this game, or removing the neat Kirby's Adventure-style handdrawn ability portraits.
>Audio just can't compete with console hardware, tracks like the Halberd and Nova sound like they come from a tin can.
>In a lot of ways, the 3D FMVs aren't as charming as the 2D cutscenes; the SNES versions are unlockable in the theatre but can't be swapped, and you wouldn't want to anyway since they have noticeable emulation playback issues.
>Revenge of the King is the best of the new sub-games but it falters between being a repurposed Spring Breeze and a successor to Dream Land's EXTRA Game, and succeeds in neither.
>Meta Knight blows up his own ship in a quest for personal strength (wat).
Honestly the only thing I liked about it over the original is they gave the Shooting Starship more use by brining back Kaboola.

dab on them haters

>made Marx easier
in what way?
They seemed pretty much the same to me

Can't you both agree that it's an infinitely better remake than this one?

>shit, the boxart deadline is in like 2 hours!
>I know, lemme just use some art from the anime


I don't know who is slower, Gim or these morons.

>(or Zero)
Still extremely shitty compromise, Zero should be the name of the article and for all
general uses and 0 should just be a redirect for dumbfucks who don't know any better.

Not those guys, but Jesus calm yourself down. It's not even that terrible to begin with.

Bandana Dee is literally the tripfag of Waddle Dees

DS Marx's telegraphs are much more obvious. An egregious example is his black hole attack, which not only takes longer but has shorter reach; Marx Soul's version is more akin to SNES Marx, he just uses it earlier in the battle so it's designed to trick your brain into thinking it's more challenging.

Same here, I mostly prefer the original as well, but SSU did fix the badly noticeable frame drops it had and the ability to play as a helper in single player was a nice addition. What I was really bothered with the remake was the sound quality and some of the art decision they decided to go with.

I forgive newfags who played it before the original, but as a remake, it was just... Bad.




Maybe, but he's mostly just a boring, lazy filler character.

He was better as an antagonist.

>tfw no gooey gf

Many, including I, have made that point in the past, but there was a certain user that went on an autistic rant about this.

>They fucked up a couple of names that were perfectly translated the first time (Main Cannon #2, Mekkai, Aquarius...).

Oh boy, DON'T get me started on the butchered planet names in Milky Way Wishes... How the hell did they think Mekkai was acceptable? Someone got paid to put that braindead mistranslation in the game, and the fans lapped it up. Funny thing is, all of those things you mentioned were depreciated in later games: Aqualiss and Mecheye were mentioned in a Star Fox Zero short (pic related), and if I were a wiki admin, I'd use that as an immediate excuse to correct that shit back to the way it was before Ultra. At least they kept Combo Cannon, but DESU that's probably more because of Smash than anything.


>there's a floria and floralia in kirby

What's with the GIM meme? What did I miss?