Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Cure cancer easy. Who cares about starving niglets? what do they do for us?
Let them eat cake
None of the crew have cancer anyway, so might as well have infinite amounts of cake
Inconsequential meme choice that has no actual impact yet the brightest minds of Sup Forums will continue to discuss it until the universe ends
>Cure cancer, but people you hate live longer too
>Cure world hunger, but greatly increase obesity
Cancer of course.
Cancer is mostly genetics and randomness, food shortage is a consequence of impotence and incompetence.
Darwin would approve.
>Not picking cancer
This, Africa is starving because they're too stupid to learn from/accept help from white people that know more about agriculture than they do, whereas a cure for cancer is essentially a cure for death. We could solve world hunger in a few years if not for all the hippie GMO fear mongering.
Okay but are we just giving everyone a meal for a day or is everyone set for life food-wise?
feed hungry
only beta cucks would cure cancer
If in today's world you can't feed yourself or your family, you kinda deserve to die, and your genes with it.
Cancer, obviously.
Darwin would approve neither and have the cancer genome becoming extinct by letting them succumb to cancer
Isn't this just for America? why the fuck do we gotta feed Africa?
youre under 18 i assume
By feeding the hungry, you let more poeple live therefore increasing the possibilities of curing cancer.
>1/4 of the posters ITT will die from cancer
Do you have an argument?
If you are starving and make 8 children, so there's even less food, you are too stupid for this world and deserve to die and for your genes to disappear from the gene pool.
>By feeding the hungry, you let more poeple live therefore increasing the possibilities of curing cancer.
>he thinks the people dying of hunger are not only people with an IQ below 80, therefore absolutely incapable to serve science or progress in any way
You are not a very smart nor well read man.
>8 children
>implying all children are planned
>implying children appear magically and you have no control over it
ill up the ante
End world hunger implies that the decision will have global ramifications. Also, if someone developed a cure for cancer, how long do you think they'd be able to keep it within the borders of their own country? Even if they didn't license it out to dozens of pharmaceutical companies, the moment they went public with it they'd have so many spies so far up their asshole that every intelligence agency on the planet would know how well they brush their teeth.
Still cure cancer.
I want my mom to make it.
>hurr dark ages
>durr if it weren't for jesus we'd be colonizing other planets by now
End your life.
Cancer is necessary to control population.
2 > 1 > 3 > 4
Dumb atheist.
Most tumors live off sugar. Go keto, eat only once or twice a day, exercise a little and you will be healthier than most people.
>the cancer genome
heh, brainlet.
>eliminate all religions
>people are now post-modernists and star denying biology because "muh feelings"
You need to read more books before talking.
I know your knee jerk reaction is to go "muh Christ" but imagine a world without all other religions, too.
Fuck Cancer
We already have the production to solve world hunger, it's the logistical issues that are the problem
also because the only people in Africa who can farm properly are whites
Curing cancer benefits America more. All ending world hunger will do is ensure the rats continue to breed expotentially.
>Eliminate a condition that can affect anyone, anywhere
>Solve a problem that is only a problem in certain parts of the world
A really tough choice there.
Don't be a nigger user.
Neither, were already overpopulated. Is there an option to create super AIDS?
>own s2, s3 and s4
>try to play online with friend
>keep getting disconnected from each other and no fix for it
why can't this series be owned by a development team that cares?
By the way, my mother died from breast cancer/metastasis. I'm not making stuff up. She was diagnosed with diabetes at the same time, and that is how I know sugar is the reason for most cancers (aside from radioactive/heavy metal agents, of course).
Imagine me burning you at the stake, heretic.
You need to read books instead of watching video essays, leftist fag.
>eliminate religion = advance technology
Reminder that left wing athiests are holding back science. see SJW athiest revisionists of today. doesn't support their multicultural/pro-woman view? racists and misogynists.
Nobody wants to be.
I'm a brainlet who doesn't read much about this stuff, how did he manage to get the whites out of the country? Why didn't he think to at least teach the people of his country to farm before kicking them out?
This. Plus unless you live in a third world country cancer is more likely to get you then hunger.
Cancer creates thousands of jobs though when you think about it. Curing cancer is actually a bad decision no matter what way you think about it. It's bad for the population and the economy.
>and have the cancer genome becoming extinct by letting them succumb to cancer
oh boy, you really don't understand cancer
curing cancer would lead to overpopulation and deplete all the worlds resources, solving hunger would result in the same thing and if said food supply isn't indefinite, will lead to an eventual massive famine that will kill millions
What part of WORLD hunger did you misunderstand
>super AIDS
Is there a Patreon I can donate to?
>End world hunger
doesn't say that anywhere in the OP
Doesn't the right have a serious problem with climate science?
We can already feed everyone on the planet if global interests wouldn't prevent it.
Cure Cancer.
>Cancer creates thousands of jobs though when you think about it
You're stupid and clearly know next to nothing about economics and the job market.
right. cancer only kills you
>cancer is the only thing preventing overpopulation
If you were honestly worried about overpopulation you'd be all for nuking the entire 3rd world.
>We can already feed everyone on the planet if global interests wouldn't prevent it.
>We can already feed everyone on the planet if shitskins had an IQ high enough to farm land.
Come at me.
Explain then how the medical industry would survive cancer being cured.
Maybe stop being triggered christcucks and think of other religions. Islam pretty much eradicated the sciences in the middle east, for example.
>Global interests
That's a weird way to spell "niggers who are too stupid to farm but keep breeding like rabbits anyways"
Over half of cancer deaths are over 75. All it would do is make old people’s lives a little better, it’ll probably be what ends your life a few decades early
Keith David says it in the game, "you can be the president that cured cancer, or the president that ended world hunger."
>We need cancer because jobs
If a cure for cancer was possible, and you withheld it because a few thousand people would need to print up some copies of their resume, that would make you the biggest piece of shit in the history of mankind. That's like saying that we need to legalize murder because coffin makers are just barely scraping by.
Silence kuffar, you will not take Allah's name in vain or you will taste my shoe.
>cure cancer
>goodbye Sup Forums
if we stopped giving them millions of dollars in support then the problem would solve itself; they would all die of famine because they have nothing but make tons of kids
meh, living until you're 75 is plenty old
I sure as hell wouldn't want to live here past 50
By selling the cure?
You're fucking stupid.
"The medical industry" is not a fucking monolith.
They provide services (supplies) according to the needs (demand).
If there is less demand, they will shrink to match.
That's fucking it.
People still have other diseases to treat, you retard.
This is excellent scumbag politician/lobbyist logic.
cure cancer probably, mostly because ending world hunger would introduce an equally bad overpopulation crisis. cancer is a chronic disease so it shouldn't affect population too much
Cancer killed my mom, so fuck it up.
that would entirely depend on what the cure entails, what if it was as simple as say getting a flu shot?
Except not every, most I would say, generate the level of profit that cancer does.
>Except not every, most I would say, generate the level of profit that cancer does.
So fucking what? The industry would shrink.
Big fucking deal.
But user, the pharma industrial complex can only sell you a cure once, whereas they can sell you treatments for the rest of your life.
>there's actually a Superman storyline where Luthor is trying to do exactly this
>he's developed a cure but won't release it because he wants to turn it into a life long series of treatments to make more money of it
>"Curing" cancer
>Wanting oligarchs to live to 120+
Nah, fuck that. There's 0 natural selection for the ultra wealthy, and no one does more harm to the planet and society at large than they do. You might not like it, but cancer is the hero we need. Wars and famine cull the poor, incurable diseases and conditions cull the rich, and we need population control at both ends now more than ever.
Then they would charge for the shot. A lot.
There are drugs on the market right now for rare diseases that are sold for 15k for a single dose.
He took their land and killed them
Humans aren't equal.
And the Chinese are perfectly able to sustain themselves.
But I'm glad you admit that you don't believe overpopulation is a problem after all.
With more mouths to feed as a result, wouldn't curing cancer cause world hunger to increase?
No more games, Sup Forums.
>There's 0 natural selection for the ultra wealthy
Because they are at the top. This is how things should be.
Brain degeneracy will kill us all eventually tho.
only in shitholes, which is fine because nobody cares
>we shouldn't cure cancer because a few assholes would live longer
This is such a weak argument, it treats it like there's a 50/50 split on nice people and assholes with cancer. There are far more nice people that never hurt anyone, and never will that suffer through cancer, than the other kind. If one asshole lives, but 10 non assholes also live, I'll take that option every time. It's not like the non asshole will suddenly become immune to bullets or knives, or having his food poisoned by the chef he thought he could trust.
The inevitable day of the rope and racewar will take care of that.
The world is overpopulated. Cancer and hunger are good things.
I propose a third bill: sterilize people after they produce 2 healthy (as in, survives childbirth) children.
What about those who are born into wealth? Do they deserve to be "on the top" as well, without putting any effort into it whatsoever?
People only have extra kids when theres an expectation of loss
In the old days people would have 7+ kids, now thats super rare because even one or two kids are pretty much guaranteed to survive
Cure cancer always wins as it must.
Why do you continue to star SR threads with this shit?
Excellent bait.
Not really. World hunger is an issue with food distribution, Cancer is a problem with civilized societies that don't have that issue.
If Africans where supplied with as much food as they needed then the bigger population explosion would be bigger than it already is which would just increase every other issue that comes from too many people. It really wouldn't help that most of those people are niggers.
Isn't 3 children the minimum replacement rate?
Inheritance is not a sign of superiority. Literal retards have inherited more money than literal geniuses will ever make in a life time. The fact that the super rich can still get retards, die from incurable diseases is our only salvation. Have you seen how hard it is to get shit like an organ transplant? If you're a white middle class man, you'll never get that shit. You'll be so far down the list of priority, you'd die of old age before getting a chance. Meanwhile, the 80 year old rich guy on death's door gets fresh imported "18 years old" organs that "died in an accident". The longer the lifespan of the wealthy is, the closer we are to a cyberpunk future.
wow so glad he preserved those.. math textbooks.. oh wait
2.1 is, and that .1 is due to unnatural deaths like say, drunk driving, or murder, or suicide or whatever.
I suppose 3 would be fine if your society had a lot of murder going on. Obviously that varies from country to country