Up Your Arsenal > R&C 2016 > Into the Nexus > Crack in Time > Going Commando > Tools of Destruction > R&C 1 > Quest For Booty
Can we agree on this? By the way, how's Deadlocked? Never played that one, I'm thinking of buying it.
Up Your Arsenal > R&C 2016 > Into the Nexus > Crack in Time > Going Commando > Tools of Destruction > R&C 1 > Quest For Booty
Can we agree on this? By the way, how's Deadlocked? Never played that one, I'm thinking of buying it.
No, we can't.
GC > ToD > ACiT = QfB = Deadlocked > UYA > RC1
Have't played ItN or RC1 remake because nuInsomniac can suck it.
>GC that low
I'll never agree
>Into the Nexus > Crack in Time
>Tools of Destruction > R&C 1 > Quest For Booty
Craptastic taste. I'm still yet to play the remake, however:
R&C1 > Crack in Time > UYA > Deadlocked = QFB => ITN > Going Commando > Tools of Destruction
This is the patrician answer.
That list looks like you tried going worst to best and still fucked up
Up your arsenal was almost unfinished and lacks a lot of the stuff and variety of the original 2 in exchange for a shitty multiplayer mode. Going commando is the absolute best one. The remake (or reimagining) is better than the first one in gameplay and graphics but fucks up the music and the weird tone of the story in exchange of one that follows the ultra bland movie plot, also a lot of planets are missing, some of them were the worst ones but some of them were memorable enough. The rest of the games vary from good to okayish
UYA is mostly overrated. The major plus is Nefarious and Lawrence but the game as a whole feels like a step down.
I think part of what made it resonate so nostalgically with kids who first played it was the feel of the Phoenix being 'your own base'. But then you replay it years later and realise how boring and lacking the Phoenix really was.
Up Your Arsenal > Going Commando > Deadlocked > Tools of Destruction > Ratchet 1 > Crack in Time > Into the Nexus > 2016 > Quest for Booty
Now this I can agree with.
Deadlocked is pretty great. It's a bit different and more focused on combat over platforming and mission based over more freestyle exploration but there's still a little of both in there. Also has some of the coolest weapons in the series.
OP here. Look, don't get me wrong, GC is fantastic and a huge upgrade if you're coming to it after R&C 1, but the prevalence of the protopets throughout the game, culminating in that TERRIBLE final boss fight, make it not as fun to replay.
2 > Gladiator > 3 > 1.
Everything else doesn't matter.
>Remake and Nexus that high up
Haha no, not with that little content they're not.
No PS4 so haven't play the remake/reboot. Also fuck that Coop one and that tower defense one.
GC drops the ball at the end but literally everything else besides the villains are 100% better up till that point. Weapons, worlds, minigames, arenas, racing.
My favourites are UYA and ACiT
They're all top tier fun games though. All the main ones anyway.
Do people dislike a crack in time? It was really good although it had some issues
I'm glad we could agree user
Not in a million years.
ACiT > UYA > GC > Nexus > Remake=1 > rest
I really liked Nexus for what it was. If it had been expanded on and turned in to a full release it'd probably get bumped to top 3 for me.
Into the Nexus was a fucking three-hour game.
Unless you consider plot to be be the top1 priority of an action platformer game, you cannot possibly dislike ACIT
Never played remake or QFB
R&C1 had a good story but subpar gameplay compared to the titles that followed it, Going Commando had fantastic gameplay but shitty enemies / worlds / motivation to advance the story.
Up Your Arsenal had the fantastic gameplay, great planets, motherfuckin' Dr. Nefarious and Lawrence. Sure, the arsenal of weapons was better in Going Commando, but the 3rd game was much more solid.
Also, you people need to give Into the Nexus a fair shot. It's 30 fps and a bit short due to the fact it was a $30 title, but it has amazing weapons (terrorizer, blizz-o-matic), great worlds to explore, the cool nether tether mechanic, a great jet implementation and memorable villains (Vendra and Neftin).
I might swap acit and uya but this is the definitive patrician tier list
Just because Tesla Claw is GOAT doesn't make R&C1 the best title. Not with that gameplay.
>great planets
Dude the planets were the worst part of it. They were just barren multiplayer maps full of copypasted enemies.
After a 2nd playthrough I realized a lot of the problems it had. There's almost 0 enemy variety, mostly fighting the same 3 dudes with a few exceptions. The boss fights are lame as hell (aside from the last 2) and the spaceship sections were also lame because it was essentially a 2d space. I'd rather go back to menu selecting planets + Going Commando's ship levels. The only thing I really liked about it compared to others were the clank sections, the puzzles were actually pretty cool to figure out.
>UYA is the best one
Agree for the nexus part.
It's only 4-5 hours (that's the time of my first playthrough) those are 4-5 very enjoyable hours.
deadlocked is the best game in the franchise
Am I the only person who replayed the original trilogy one after the other and was immensely triggered when the spaceship sounds when travelling between planets in UYA are reversed compared to how they were in previous titles?
UYA > 2 > everything else
I only really enjoyed UYA and 2. The PS3 ones were just uninspired, and R&C1 was janky as fuck.
>tfw the movie bombed so badly it caused Sony essentially retire the series.
I know Insomniac is busy with Spider-Man, but the pain is terrible.
UYA compared to GC for me is basically that UYA might have less overall stuff, but the stuff it has is pretty polished and while GC has more stuff some of it may be just ok or less. however all the games are great in the end
Deadlocked is secretly the best game
I am compelled to agree with you, DL is top tier
>best writing, voice-acting and plot by far
>overall best variety of weapons
>loads of skill points
>loads of challenges
>loads of collectibles
>interesting and varied environments
>did I mention the writing, voice acting and plot
Even less than that.
I'm replaying R&C1 and R&C 2016 side by side and that is making me appreciate the remake more than when it originally came out. I don't miss the cut worlds at all and they made every area that wasn't a 1:1 remake MUCH more interesting. The intro alone is 10 times better in the 2016 title, starting with a bang, though I do wish they had kept Ratchet's original 'jerk' personality.
reminder that if you haven't watched the developer commentary you aren't allowed to post in R&C threads
>loads of skill points
>loads of challenges
>loads of collectibles
>interesting and varied environments
I mean, don't these apply to most games in the series?
I've seen the commentary for 2 and 3.
Is there commentary for any of the other games?
>Though I do wish they had kept Ratchet's original 'jerk' personality.
That's one of the things that Insomniac hated about the first game.
theres a bit for 1 and i think tealgamemaster has gotten mike stout to appear in pieces of his wrench only runs to give insight
Is the story on par with the other R&C games or is it more arcade-y? I wanna play it if it feels like watching another chapter of the main story. I always thought it was just a spin-off, but Deadlocked's main villain was mentioned at the Museum in Into the Nexus, so maybe they see it as a main title too.
>R&C1 had a good story but subpar gameplay compared to the titles that followed it, Going Commando had fantastic gameplay but shitty enemies / worlds / motivation to advance the story.
>Up Your Arsenal had the fantastic gameplay, great planets, motherfuckin' Dr. Nefarious and Lawrence. Sure, the arsenal of weapons was better in Going Commando, but the 3rd game was much more solid.
I wouldn't call R&C1's gameplay subpar (it's the only game to actually give you complete choice over your arsenal) and I'm a sucker for the platforming/exploration elements, but you hit the nail. GC is a chore to play, while UYA feels way more compact and good for repeated playthroughs.
Tesla Claw isn't even the best weapon in R&C1, not when the Walloper exists.
its kinda more of an epilogue honestly, into the nexus but longer then that game
>everything else doesn't matter
You're missing plenty of good games, user. Future trilogy + ItN are really fun.
The remake was dog shit. Going commando should be near the top of the list.
you mean
>horribly boring environments both in terms of design and visuals
granted the writing was really good and it's one of the only games that has made me laugh out loud regularly
Quality over Quantity. It's a shame Quest for Booty lacked in both areas...
All except QFB
All 4 One seems like a fun spin-off, but Full Frontal Assault looks kinda boring. I like that it has that Qwark fan as a villain though.
your list sucks
>tfw hearing about the story of the yetis but loved that level mainly because of the constant thread and fun of mowing down hordes of them
Damn, between that and the yetis it seems like they don't realise when they strike gold. Ratchet and Clank had some really great back and forths and chemistry because of that.
Yeah, I would say the story is very much on par with a "typical" R&C game in how it's told, just there's a bit less occurring in different places since it's mainly centered on your prison base hub and the planet system you do the missions on. It's also just as hilarious as the rest of the series.
The story is way better than in 2 or any of the PS3/PS4 games. 1 and 3 are the only ones I'd put above it storywise.
Do you know this guy?
he remixes almost everytheme from the first three games and his songs are pretty solid
>ranking Up Your Arsenal that high
>Remake better than Crack in Time, Going Commando and R&C 1
>Into the Nexus better than Going Commando
Acit was the closest thing to a Jet force gemini sequel, so its the best one for me.
the game was in a state of being insomniac's first real turd a few weeks before release, and in many ways it shows, but they must have given it plenty of spit shine in that time because it's not a bad game, it's just not great
>I always thought it was just a spin-off, but Deadlocked's main villain was mentioned at the Museum in Into the Nexus, so maybe they see it as a main title too.
That's pretty much the case for Insomniac. Vox Industries' media holdings are still present if the radio commercials in A Crack in Time are any indication and Big Al still has the robotic prosthetics he gets at the near-end of Deadlocked in the comic book series.
I can guarantee that you're in the minority when it comes to liking the yeti level. I don't think there's a more hated planet.
People need to accept that even though going commando is good , it is surpassed in allmost every way by uya
Around 2012, which was when I discovered the series, pretty much everyone in R&C threads had ACiT as their favorite or among the Top 3, but now people seem to dislike it... I thought it was pretty good, but I wish it had more sections with both Ratchet and Clank together.
I don't understand why everyone seems to hate this one.
The boss at the end her, but the whole planet?
>I don't think there's a more hated planet.
The entirety of Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank would like to have a word with you.
I don't care what people say, Deadlocked was a fun combat focused R&C game. Not saying the other games aren't but the combat in it felt great.
it really isn't, the levels suck, there are maybe 2 or 3 memorable levels in UYA. while i can remember basically all of the levels in CG, even the "bad" ones
this is a pretty common opinion though
Are you retarded? The movie bombed, yes, but the game was the best selling game in the franchise. Both Sony and Insomniac said they were very pleased with how well it did. I'm pretty sure that after Spider-Man we'll see something about the next Ratchet game. They said it could be either a Going Commando remake or an adventure set after Into the Nexus, as they still see it as one canon.
People don't dislike aCiT, almost everyone puts in their top three. Personally, I think it's the greatest R&C game, but it has flaws
Maybe so, but I never really understood that. Hunting for crystals over the giant snowfield was maximum comfy until shit went down and the hectic mayhem was a blast, plus they weren't even that tough since by then you had things like the Bouncer and Megaturrets, so it felt great really getting to put the whole arsenal to use.
The planet itself was fine but yeah that boss was just stupid. Definitely makes it feel weird that giving it that much health was intentional and yet the yetis are what they hate on, unless they mention that too in the dev commentaries but it's been a while since I watched them. Actually thinking of rewatching thanks to this thread, and looking forward to giving the remake a shot now it's on PS+.
Must be the hours that R&C threads are usually posted because I see some people absolutely tear into the game for the combat focus.
It just oozes unpleasantry. Like you don't want to be there at all, from the atmosphere to the music. Do you even remember the level of idiotic the Dynamo puzzles got? I wish the new enemies and hordes were just concentrated on Boldan, which is a far better planet with better gimmicks. And most of all, much better music.
I really hope they go with the Nexus' sequel road.
I hated that movie it's a piece of suit, and the writing was terrible. And from what I heard, the ps4 game isn't a lot better on that aspect
Don't mind me, just being the best planet, with the best music, and the best secret in video games
How about the tundra where you get buttfucked by thousands of yetis? Or the thug4less hq? these are some of the worst levels in the series as a whole
i meant more your point that the combat felt good, which is hard to refute
I usually, I don't feel like going straight to Challenge Mode, but Into the Nexus had so many fun weapons that I didn't think twice before going ot the challenge mode to keep upgrading the weapons. Singularity Grenade, Pulverizer, Zurkon FAMILY, terrorizer, dual combuster, blizzomatic... They were all too much fun. Plus, I loved visiting the museum with all the R&C history.
This planet alone is a good reason to put Ratchet 2 over 3.
Okay, yeah, I only place it above the others for the writing.
Seriously, it's golden.
I must admit, the Zurkon family is what made me understand why everyone hate Zurkon
This isn t metropolis
but the levels in 2 are far more consistently good, regardless of those turds. they don't drag the game down as much as monotonous brown arenas/corridors with barely any exploration and re-purposed multiplayer maps
Some cutscenes were straight from the movie, so there's that, but the original stuff written for the game was as good as the Future trilogy. Loved Qwark commenting on stuff and the nods to the fact it is a remake.
I think the humor in GC was better than a lot of the other games too.
Fucking HATED QfB though, glad I didn't pay for it.
loves Zurkon*
this is the only bad ratchet and clank game
say something rude to it
The ps2 port has shit control and camera
It's ugly
Villain is uninteresting
Plot twist is predictable
The series is dead now right?it already lost some of its flavor after tools of destruction but now it's over right?
I'm torn. I'm on the "GC is disappointing in many aspects despite the fantastic gameplay upgrade, UYA is the best" camp, so I think that GC, even more than R&C1, could REALLY benefit from a remake, but I also wanna see what crazy and totally new stuff they can come up with for the follow-up to A Crack in Time / Into the Nexus. I want Lawrence to be the main villain of a main title in the series and I want Dr. Nefarious working with Ratchet once again.
At least we can agree the music from 1 was GOAT?
are you memeing or do you really believe that? Tell me more about Deadlocked.
I didn't notice that, I'll pay attention next time I replay them.
Took me 6-7 hours, but ai could have probably shaved one hour.
arenas are the best part of every rc game and thats basically the entirety of deadlocked
Thoughts on ToD? I replayed it recently and it looks fucking great still but the writing is mostly bad, a few chuckleworthy gags in there but the story sucks overall. The gameplay is mostly fine but there are too many gadgets and devices and pointless shit that you'll never use. I kind of liked the weapon upgrade system but it was pretty easy to abuse.
Who here LOVED the Insomniac Museums?
Wasn't that the one also localized as Gladiator in other countries? I only played that and the first Ratchet game, this one basically says 'fuck it' and puts a lot more emphasis on shooting though there's still some platforming involved. A lot of it is clearing waves before moving to another location or just outright arena, with some other kinds of challenges thrown in as well.
I think I should get around to playing the other games.
Which one was the game with the Britney Spears robot? I loved that one.
How do you rank Full Frontal Assault/Q-Force?