I gave you all the epics you could possibly want

I gave you all the epics you could possibly want.





Exactly because the things you mentioned.

WoW is a mobile game now

Can you please also stop giving me legendary tokens for classes I don't have. Thank you.

All classes are not fun to play.

fucking terrible game design. bring back MOP

You jumped two generations in gfx cards. Dropped instantly. The fuck you need 2gb video card to play a MMO with cartoony graphics? What is this? Far Cry? I was still playing this because i could. Not updating pc just to grind dungeons, can do that in warframe.

>do dungeons for gear I need
>don't get gear
>do world quests for gear I need
>don't get gear
>do mythics for gear I need
>don't get gear, deal with shitty pugs
>open magical free epic for the week
>I got gear!
>It's not warforged, still need better gear
>grind AP
>grind AP
>grind AP
>finally get last skill on weapon holy shit
>JK you can get 1% damage increases with 10x more AP
Amazing, just like the shitty korean MMOs that I don't play for this exact reason!
>do all this
>got a legendary holy shit!
>buffs my movement, chance to get legendaries resets
What a fantastic game, truly blizzard are pioneers of game design.

>don't get gear
But you get all the gear for doing barely anything.

I unironically enjoyed WoD more than Legion. Sure, WoD lacked content, but the few that was there was alright. Legion's just bursting with shit tier korean MMO content made to keep you subscribed and grind +1% to damage/healing/whatever gains.

I couldn't agree more with you.
I had a lot of fun doing wpvp in WoD with a bunch of alts, and all 3 raids were to tier.

Antorus is garbage.

>I gave you everything
>why won't you play me anymore

Not him, but I still can't break 900GS. Granted I boosted and don't know what the fuck I am doing and I'm too afraid to raid due to boosting and being dumb.

>I am doing and I'm too afraid to raid due to boosting and being dumb.
Nigger what the fuck? Just join normal pugs then work your way up to heroic. So what if you mess up and get kicked from a raid or two, it's not like you'll encounter those people on your server again thanks to crossrealm.

You couldn't afford the sub anyway.

Played for about a year straight during from nighthold to the end of my AtBT heroic and I can honnestly say this is not a fun expansion. The ap grind is tedious, the raids are average at best (barely any good bosses) the gear system is shit and the legendary system is the worst.

I still dont have my single bis legendary and its the last on I can get. I made myself the promise of never getting it.

>tfw never played wow
>tfw theme park games are for dumbfucks

>give all these legendaries
>introduce ilevel scaling

I haven't played this shitgame in like 2 years but did they ever rollback that change? Or did they ignore all the complaints and kept it in?


This is why subs are all time low

I hate WoW's gameplay because unlike other games making you feel in control of the combat/gameplay, WoW feels like you're just stuck and have no real control.

It's hard to describe but that's the best way I could describe it. The gameplay is just not fun imho

Take this gem for example

Nigger, ive got 930 ilev in like two weeks playing only on argus 1-2h day.

The only legendary you're going to have in bfa is a necklace that you upgrade and use to empower your other gear.

>every class is literally the same

I still think that was a shit move.

I personally liked legendary tier gear with good/fun passives on them, I just didn't like the retarded time gating and infinite RNG for stuff you basically are required to have.

I got up to 940 without doing raids other than LFR.

Who cares about the game now make a movie with this woman playing Sylvanas...

I'm sorry the necklace is replacing artifact weapons. My bad. I think they're moving away from RNG drop legendaries, though.

Haha youre right man! Legion is so much better!! xdd


Buy a bonus roll token (1000 gold/1000 resources) from the guy with the blue explanation point over his head, in the area in front of the Violet Hold. Then travel to Argus and do the weekly invasion boss (find a group)..