Lets listen to some radio and talk about everyone's favorite Vampire game.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
>Venus literally tells you to kill a "fat misogynistic old man" for her
>Pisha says she's gay in the first line of the first dialogue
>Isaac is faggot too
wtf v you said it was a good game, not sjw garbage
>everyone's favorite Vampire game
you mean blood omen 2
>Toreadors being gay
>Pisha always liked eating people out
What else is new?
No (you) for you.
Remember when everyone was hyped for this because we thought it would be the new VtMB?
That's why I just want to play VtMB in virtual reality more than I want a sequel. A lot of things came together for the perfect storm to make VtMB as good as it is and it'll be nearly impossible to recreate that.
Am i the only one who unironically thinks lacroix did nothing wrong?
When did Isaac mention he was gay? He seemed to fawn over Ginger Swan when he was remembering her.
(You)'re the only faggot here. Off to reddit with (You).
But why though?
He might be thinking of the food reviewer nearby, or the guy standing around outside of Mercurio's apartment. They can both be seduced by male characters but I don't remember anything from Isaac. Unless he's just misunderstanding his affection for Ash.
>anarchs are retarded gommies
>chinks pls leav
>camarilla dont seem to give much of a shit about anything besides muh masquearde
Sure lacroix ultimately just wanted power but he also didnt want everything to go to shit and tried to prevent that from happening
>He thought VV actually cared about him
>Remember when everyone was hyped for this
Never? It looked like trash since the beginning. People seems a bit more hopeful for Vampyr but what I've seen for now hasn't impressed me.
Dumb Nigger still tried to get you killed though. I just went solo and left him to open the sarcophagus.
>vv cares about some loser kine
>doesnt care about you: a CHAD toreador kin
If he was right, he planned on breaking Camarilla law to gain that power, and possibly causing Gehenna (although that happened anyway). Even if we assume he was just reckless with good intentions, he's still a self-serving, backstabbing assshole.
Because you were a liability since you had knowledge of his dealings with the chinks
Almost every faction leader betrays you at some point anywsy
Someone didn't received love e-mails and bad poems later.
She's a toreador, she'll forget about the fledgling in about a month, then move on to the next kindred that shows up and catches her eye.
Then why does she care about david?
How do Strauss and Nines betray you? I think I remember people saying Nines only helped to recruit you but that's it. Besides, going independent is the patrician choice, plus I felt it made the most since for my first character, A Gangrel.
Anarchs and Tremere are loyal the whole time.
>breaking camarilla law
Wasnt that just the sheriff chimping out and turning into a bat?
Not exactly lacroix's fault even if he was using domination on him the whole time
Don't Toreador like anyone who's a writer or artist?
No, he was planning to diablerize the Antediluvian inside the sarcophagus. What else would he do with it open?
Diablery is a big no no for Camarilla.
Shiiiet maybe you're right its been a while since i last played but i still think lacroix is /ourguy/
I bet they Nosferatu did this!
Yes. I liked the character, maybe he was my favorite even, but he was a backstabbing diablerist asshole. Which is ok, it made him fun.
>blood omen 2
>How do Strauss and Nines betray you? I think I remember people saying Nines only helped to recruit you but that's it. Besides, going independent is the patrician choice
On top of that Nines saves your ass 3 fucking times no strings attached, you'd have to be a complete bitchboy to feel sympathy for an asshole like Lacroix even if you roleplaty as a Camarilla ass kisser Ventrue/Tremere because Strauss is actually on your side as long as you're faithful to the sect. But yeah Beckett and Mercurio are your only real bros you can trust in the game so going indipendent makes the most sense especially if you consider that Gehenna is almost there and alliances to sects and politics in general suddenly become more of a trap than a real help.
Indeed, i kind of wish there was a Nosferaru path in which you stay loyal to the Camarilla and even more to the clan, talking to Gary and Mitnick is so comfy.
I think a lot of people are just forcing themselves to be hopeful because they want more of something like VtMB. I've seen more than one person say that it might not be great but at least it's similar. It feels like it might be shallow though, the dialogue system is only really there so you can decide if someone is good or bad and whether or not you should kill them for XP or not. Plus it has a dialogue wheel which I always hate. I hope it's good and it succeeds because it would be good for VtMB, might get more people to play it, but from the trailers so far it just looks okay.
I think Bloodlust Shadowhunter was a decent game that's similar to VtMB though. Has a similar dialogue and hub system, you can tell it takes some influence from that. But it has randomized dungeon crawling instead of the set levels like VtMB which keeps it interesting.
What quests did you fuck up?
>half the plague bearer shit
>the tattoo parlor thing
>Ivy (and this one pissed me off the most, because I really didn't want to fail her or that dude)
>that one computer store thing
>the mechanical whatever place in hollywood
>plus I let Ash Rivers die
>didn't bother with the Nosferatu dude's fetch quest to get his CD either, because fuck that shit
>I also let the serial killer go
Mindfucking her as a fishmalk when she tries to manipulate you is one of the best parts of the game.
There plenty of Dialogues where some of the players get BTFO by malk insight but this is the most memorable.
So any other bodypart is free game...?
>Has a similar dialogue and hub system
What really made VtMB a cult classic though was the great atmosphere, npcs and writing not the "game" in and of itself. They were able to take something like background worldbuilding (radio broadcasts/ads) and shape into something you actually cared about enough to simply turn on the radio and chill in your apartment while listening to weirdos talk about conspiracies. The people at Troikad might have been terrible at running the company but they were some grade A rpg fans who were super passionate about the genre and talented to boot.
Holy fuck user I never picked up on that innuendo, good eye my man
Wasn't Venus originally meant to be a Vampire? Seemed a bit weird that she had no involvement in anything
Originally intended to be a Ghoul, if i'm not mistaken.
There's no evidence that she doesn't care for you - this meme needs to die.
>I hope it's good and it succeeds because it would be good for VtMB
This is the only reason I even care about thse games. Hopefully one of them gets the Divinity Original Sin normies flavor of the month award so some suits might decide it's actually worth it to throw money at soem talented developer to make a vampire rpgs that isn't a shallow action game with a dialogue wheel and talent points
>So any other bodypart is free game...?
She's a whore user, what do you think?
>when she tries to manipulate you
>asking you to help her, with full disclosure, is somehow manipulating you
The absolute state of Sup Forums
>Originally intended to be a Ghoul
I've heard this before but no one ever cited the source so I'm inclined to think it's bullshit. But even then in the final game she's 100% human so..meh
LaCroix is the perfect archetype of a ladder climbing corporate that would make it in Camarilla. His problem was rolling a social glass canon in a game that stopped supporting social builds. Once push comes to shove and you see through his maneuvering shit he can do nothing about it.
There was a promotional video where you ask her for info about some Sabbat. She flashes you too, if I recall.
>There's no evidence that she doesn't care for you
She outright tries to seduce you, manipulate you and use you for her own goals the moment she meets you. She seems to genuinely grow fond of you if you help her out and have high charm but even then you don't know if she would stick by your side or help you if things got messy or you needed HER help in a way it would put her at a risk. She's a "grey" character like most of the npcs which is what makes her interesting in the first place otherwise she would only be another generic "waifu" paying hard to get. The only female vampire that doesn't try to manipulate you is Pisha ironically enough, she's pretty upfront about what's her deal and what she wants from you and she's willing to reward you for it (the odious chalice is one of the most useful items in the game, especially in the sewers). She might have been a monster but she was an honest one.
>manipulate you
Give one example of her manipulating you.
Don't forget about best boy.
>His problem was rolling a social glass canon in a game that stopped supporting social builds.
His problem was the same as any other tyrant or wannabe ones: super huge ego. It makes you repeat your mistakes and underestimate your enemies so sooner or later you rack up enough of both that you get a nice knife in the gut or something along those lines.
Anyone got the link to that? I remember seeing it too
I think it had more to do with obsessive Camarilla tendency to use everyone as pawns. He saw an opportunity that couldn't possibly backfire and took it instead of arranging fr the sheriff to whack you somewhere when no one can see it.
Yeah, fuck. I JUST started a new game yesterday, so I don't know how I fucked up the name.
>the only game series that is similar to VTMB is Deus Ex
>Deus Ex has pretty much been cancelled to focus on capeshit
>Paradox own the rights to VTM
>are making a werewolf game instead
Why don't more developers make games like these?
too glitchy. 5/10
Use one of the community patches user
>the warehouse...your work I presume ?
Beckett just doesn't really care. He's in it for that KNAWLEDGE.
Where do I get them?
Not him but she pretty much sends you out to clean up her territory quietly and offers no compensation. Pisha or LaCroix in comparison at least offer some payment but VV actually has the nerve to pretend she's some poor waifu who needs the help of the big bad neonate.
>Why don't more developers make games like these?
It's a niche genre that normies don't care about so there's no big bucks to be found. The media keeps regurgitating that vidya as a market exploded and surpassed hollywood but in reality the hardcore passionate people are the same as they were in the 90's and all these new people are simply interested in shooters and action games. Just look at Elder Scrolls: they keep dumbing the series down and the more they do the more it sells. Skyrim sold well because it's a sandbox game with "vikings, sword, magic n shiet" in first person not because it's a good rpg. RTS games have more or less the same problem.
That's not manipulation.
She asks you to do something, without lying or leaving out details, and you can choose not to do it.
The madmen behind this game are back together and making a new one. Hopefully it has some of the charm their old games have.
No, but I know what people are getting hyped for now claiming it's going to be the next Bloodlines.
They lack Mitsoda aka person responsible for most of the dialog in the game. And looking at his own game you can tell it was all these people together at Troika that made the game what it was.
moddb.com for the "Unofficial Patch" or tessmage.com for the "True Patch"
I prefer the True Patch but most people use Unofficial. Unofficial Patch has a few unnecessary changes so True Patch is a little closer to vanilla if that's what you're looking for
> failed in his plots ... did nothing wrong
brah... he dieded
>Where do I get them?
You can install the basic version which has only bug fixes or the "plus" version which restores unfinished content like new quests, items, dialogues and so on.
those "people" are subhumans. it is in no way going to be anything like bloodlines
>You can install the basic version which has only bug fixes or the "plus" version which restores unfinished content like new quests, items, dialogues and so on.
Use basic if you haven't beaten the fame already though, some of plus is good but some is pretty bad
>oh dear me *fondles tits*
>if only there would be some big dick vampire who helps poor me *slaps ass*
I wouldn't write out Tim Cain and Boyarsky yet. If they get some decent writers on board it might be a good title to sink some hours in.
Vampires don't have anything resembling a human sexuality. They have a sensual relationship with the blood, the vessel its in really makes no difference.
It's like calling a wolf a faggot for eating a male caribou
>mfw when I already knew of that thing existence and it still scared the crap outta of me
I'm such a pussy
More like thin bloods.
It's funny because I didn't even notice the damn thing until I saw a thread here on Sup Forums about it. In all my replays I always entered the museum through the side entrance.
Shit game
Shit thread
Shit community
It’s okay user, I was scared too.
Seriously though, that’s how you make a good scare
>That's not manipulation.
user she's playing the damsel in distress while seducing you to do an extremely dangerous job which was the result of her fucking up and all you get for it is a "Hey page boy I've got some more work you can do for me".
The only reason she's not outright malicious is because:
1- She's not smart enough for it
2- She's smart enough to know she would get
her ass kicked
3- She's literally a huge toreador pussy
t. werewolf
So did ever Obsidian work on the sequel to this game? Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky's secret project? Paradox has announced they will make a sequel one day and they have worked with Obsidian before. I followed this vaporware for two years now and I still don't know.
The secret project is a new IP. It's not a vampire game if that's what you are asking.
No, it wont be.
will there ever be a good Mage game?
I've tried since the release. But my playthroughs always fucking fail during/after hollywood.
That fucking Grave yard quest, those fucking sewer levels what the fuck.
Also sometimes bosses can fuck you hard if you try to do melee only.
No. You would basically get a butchered version of the magic system. Something like Magicka, I guess.
>If they get some decent writers on board it might be a good title to sink some hours in
Problem is most of the good writers left Obsidian you can see the new one simply aren't up to snuff just by playing PoE or Tyranny.
No. Mage doesn't translate to video games.