Did he REALLY have to purge Stratholme? Surely there had to be an alternative.
Did he REALLY have to purge Stratholme? Surely there had to be an alternative
well arthas i made it, despite your directions
Can you think of any?
Well, they could have called on the mages of Dalaran to magically quarantine the place. Maybe put the city in some sort of time stasis to study the plague and hopefully find a cure?
I'm sorry Jaina, you can't watch me do this.
Ah! Uther the Lightbringer, Welcome! I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable culling!
I don't think it would have been that easy. Remember, it wasn't just a bunch of innocent plagued citizens, there was a powerful Dreadlord with his own forces there. Don't you think Mal'Ganis would have hindered any attempts at finding some sort of peaceful solution for Stratholme?
It's not what he did that was wrong, it was his personal motivation for doing it.
There wasn't any time, if not for the culling it would have spread to the capital city very quickly, and then it would be all over
The undeath plague manufactured by Kel'Thuzad to this day is incurable. By the time those mages would have arrived, the small unit set to contain the outbreak would have been overwhelmed and you would have had the entire population of Stratholme, as massive undead army, right in the center of the kingdom. As a paladin you are always meant to do the right thing, no matter how difficult or unpleasant it might be. Arthas did the right thing, I find it rather ironic that Uther forgot that particular trait of paladins and decided to wash his hands and simply stand by and watch on the sidelines.
The next time a situation like this arises in a story I would like the option that the protagonist simply walks away and leave the fucking braindead who wanted "a better and clean solution" to deal with it.
>I find it rather ironic that Uther forgot that particular trait of paladins and decided to wash his hands and simply stand by and watch on the sidelines.
At that point Uther has been through hell and back and was probably weary from all the death and suffering he witnessed. Guy just probably didn't want any of that anymore.
Arthas also acted like an absolute cunt, demanding he obey and not giving him any time to think it over. His attitude obviously didn't sit well with Uther.
True, Arthas didn't handle it well, but Uther would definitely have intervened with his actions if he didn't dismiss him and use his royal authority. If Uther was weary, then he wasn't cut for service in the order and should have retired. In fact he was just teaching Arthas the ropes, dealing with a minor orc warlock cult, just as the plague erupted, none of them were really equipped to handle it.
Glad you could bake it, Uther.
Watch your tone with me, boyardee. You might be the waiter, but I'm still your superior as a chef.
I can't remember what his motivation was but I remember having issue with it.
>none of them were really equipped to handle it.
I'm curious, who could handle that situation properly? The wizards from Dalaran didn't really seem that interested to lift a finger while all that chaos spread throughout Lordaeron until it was at their doorstep.
What drives mere mortal men to concoct such things?
The wizards of Dalaran actually were extremely interested in it and concerned, their councillor even asking Terenas to quarantine the first villages where the outbreak occurred in the first human cinematic of Warcraft 3. The one where Medivh comes in and starts blabbering. They sent Jaina to meet Arthas for that reason alone. In fact, Kel'Thuzad was probably gambling on knowing that Terenas was proud and foolish and wouldn't let Kirin Tor meddle with the affairs of his country, had they come sooner, it could have been prevented.
They intend to live forever.
This is good. I am pleased.
There's not. Same for this board. The entire board must be purged.
Well now that you mention Medivh... Just HOW didn't anyone recognize him? He was the GUARDIAN OF TIRISFAL, a pretty big and important figure. I can maybe understand Arthas not recognizing him, since he was young, brash and didn't have time for such things, but Antonidas? A learned archmage with access to the libraries of Dalaran? Medivh was even wielding Atiesh!
Do you have the one where "Mal'Ganiz intends to smoke that weed foreva?"
Medivh was well known in Stormwind, not Lorderon
He probably looked differently, but I don't know honestly. Maybe it's a plothole.
>replay WC3 on hard
>literally impossible missions
Love it.
100% this. Arthas was in the right for choosing to purge Stratholme but did it out of anger and pride rather than a sense of duty. The second he started acting out of emotion rather than cool calm logic like a paladin should was when he fell. Had he not been so hot headed he could have convinced Jaina and Uther the same.
>be Archimonde
>manage to destroy an entire city of mages with ease just by autistically playing with sand
>can't handle three bases consisting of an girl's beta orbiters, some barbarian savages and treehuggers
>Had he not been so hot headed
I thought the reason he could destroy the mage city was because it was built using magic and he found the magic blueprint in the sand or something.
The alternative was everyone turning into zombies, so no
>:spirit bombs you with wisp:
>cool calm logic like a paladin
Anyway, fuck the Silver Hand, and fuck Uther. Banished Tirion because muh orcs, then refused to do what was needed while the people of Stratholme suffered from the plague. Maybe if Uther hadn't abandoned Arthas things would have turned out differently.
Why didn't Stormwind help Lorderon at any point of Scourge and later?
>Banished Tirion because muh orcs
You don't know Tirion's story?
Wasn't Stormwind still totally fucked from the BGC during the events of WC3? Or at best they were in the process of starting to rebuild, I guess.
Only what he did in WotLK and onward.
He was a paladin of the Silver Hand but then met some old ass bro orc during that time period after the second war when the Alliance was rounding up the orcs and putting them in internment camps. I think they initially fought each other but then some shit happened and the orc saved Tirion's life, and Tirion being all honorable and shit gained a bunch of respect for the orc but then the Silver Hand found out that Tirion was acting all buddy buddy with an orc and exiled him. Tirion's orc buddy ended up becoming one of Thrall's advisors in WoW I think.
Blizzard's writing has always been shit but no one has really criticized them about it because their games make the bank every time anyway. Somehow their writing got even worse over the years, truly an incredible feat.
Basically Tiron finds this old orc veteran living in this shack in the woods or something. They fight and are pretty evenly matched and come to respect one another. Tirion is almost crushed to death by falling rubble halfway through the fight and wakes up to find the orc pulled him from it and saved his life. So Tirion decides to spare the orc since he isn't harming anyone and makes him promise to keep to himself. The two of them strike up a bit of a friendship until some shitdick younger paladin finds out about the orc and tries to take him into custody to have him executed. Tiron defends his friend and kills a knight before being jailed. In jail he's visited by Uther and his wife telling him to recant his defense of the orc in court or be exiled from the kingdom and stripped of his paladin rank. He refuses and is sent off on his way. Before leaving, however, Tirion goes to try and free the orc. He fails but luckily the orc is saved by a band of Thrall's orcs and Tirion is spared in turn by them. He then goes off on his own as an exile.
>consorting with greenskins
Should've been executed to be quite honest phamalamadingdongs.
is easy to go under the radar when you just copy lore from other media, but simplify it for retards.
Would you execute me user?
With my peaanus weaanus of course!
I don't think so. They didn't have enough time to setup a quarantine because they didn't have enough troops plus Mal'Ganis was already there fucking shit up.
>you unlock it in this chapter as well
Uther didnt even watch, he just leave while arthas stayed to do the dirty work. Lawful stupid.
Literally the Steamed Hams meme before it was cool.
Stupid writing. I find it funny that this is the only part of the game's story that picked up as a meme. There are so many dumb moments in it. Like Malfurion being an absolute retard.
that was years ago. He now just looked like a hobo who was prattling nonsense
>Surely there had to be an alternative
Damn it, OP! As your future oldfag, I order you to sage this thread!
Nelves being retards is nothing new, why do you think the war of the ancients happened?
Night elves were supposed to be impressively strong back in WC3, having fought Legion before and all. That is, before the entire thing got retconned into time travel and Rhonin waving his dick around to fix everything.
Not quite related to this, but just as a reminder.
Also the sentinels were supposed to already be strong. Like, a bunch of archers were already dangerous, with hunteresses being elite. Which is quite funny if you play the first elf mission and you just make 36 archers and suicide them into the human/orc base peppering everyone with arrows
Garithos was a fucking retard and acolytes are humans.
Garithos may have been wrong, but her was a good man trapped in a lose-lose situation. He did the best he could.
Still my favourite
>tfw I was reading this exact thread while waiting at my grandpa's funeral home
IIRC the board was being raided with porn and Sup Forums shit at the time.
>being wrong
Pick only one.
>Too many migrants have entered Europe.
has no right to be as funny as it is
Have you got the one where Tirion makes Bolvar the new Lich King, but it's written in this style so it looks like Tirion is making Bolvar the Lich King against Bolvar's will?
Do you guys think all the events after the culling of Stratholme, including everything happening in the Frozen Throne and WotLK could've been avoided had Jaina stayed with Arthas?
>The writing is shit because a common phrase indicating incredulity and stupefaction at the actions one is performing was used once in two separate games
No, it was his destiny to become what he is. Questions like these are pointless when the writer's intention was pretty clear.
Maybe, but it's pointless to think about that stuff because in the end of the day the Lich King manipulated everyone involved into doing exactly what he needed them to do. He knew Uther and Jaina would abandon Arthas, because he carefully handcrafted a situation that ensured they would.
Do you think we would've gotten slutty lich Jaina 15 years earlier if Jaina stayed with Arthas?
Slutty banshee Jaina, possibly. But that role was taken by Sylvanas, so that was going to be too much pointless character fluff even for blizz.
>you will never get ghost blowjobs from banshee slyvanas
why live?
The night elves being overly rigid in their actions and motives is characteristic of their race. If you live a few thousand years you're likely going to become very set in your ways, especially if you're in a religious role like Malfurion and Tyrande.
>Due to their immortality, Queen Azshara letting demons invade the world is still in living memory
>Immortality means that the old guard will never be replaced with new thinkers
>The night elves seemingly abolished their monarchy, banned all magic except druidic magic, and had their entire male population hibernate in case the demons ever came back
>The Priestesses of Elune run night elf society, making them a theocracy
>Night elven society also has a caste system, enforcing cultural rigidity
It makes total sense that they act as they do. They seem to have been written entirely to a foil to Arthas. Instead of being young, headstrong, and willing to do anything to fight evil, the night elves are ancient, ultra conservative, and unwilling to compromise. Illidan and Arthas are very similar in their origins but Illidan was immediately distrusted whereas Arthas was not.
>make original bait image
>someone falls for it but is called the baiter instead
>Looking at Maiev's HotS model
>She's thin as fuck on top of being slightly shorter looking than other NElfs
No wonder she wears big armor
Uther: Glad I could make it, Arthas
Arthas: I watch my tone with you, old man. I may be the prince, but you're still my superior as a paladin.
Uther: As if you could forget. Yes Arthas, there's something about the plague I should know. ...Oh no, it's already begun. These people may look fine now, but it's only a matter of time before they turn into the Undead!
Arthas: What?!
Uther: This entire city must be purged.
Arthas: How can I even consider that? There's got to be some other way.
Uther: Damn it, Arthas! As my future king, order me to purge this city!
Arthas: I am not your king yet, old man. Nor should you obey that command even if I were.
Uther: Then you must consider this an act of treason.
Arthas: Treason?! Have I lost my mind, Uther?
Uther: Have you? Prince Arthas, by right of succession and the sovereignty of your crown, you must hereby relieve me of my command, and suspend my paladins from service.
Jaina: Uther! He can't just--
Uther: It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow him. The rest of you... get out of his sight.
Arthas: I've just crossed a terrible threshold, Uther.
Jaina: ...Arthas?
Arthas: I'm sorry, Jaina. You can't watch me do this.
>Muradin: Behold, Arthas, your salvation, Frostmourne.
>Arthas: Hold, dwarf. There's an inscription on the dais. It's a warning. It says, "Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal.
Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit." Oh, you should've known. The blade is cursed! Let's get the hell out of here!
>Muradin: You would gladly bear any curse to save your homeland.
>Arthas: Leave it be, Muradin. I'll forget this business and lead my men home.
>Muradin: Damn the men! Nothing shall prevent you from having your revenge, old friend. Not even me. Now, you call out to the spirits of this place. You will give anything or pay any price, if only they help you save your people.
Gashi is a treasure.
>Arthas: Captain! Where is Muradin? You can't hold out for much longer!
>Captain: Muradin is dead. But take heart Arthas. The enemy will not stand long against the might of Frostmourne!
Egads, my city is ruined
but what if I were to purge the peasants and disguise them as infected
ohoho delightfully devilish arthas
>Good Lord! What is happening in there?
>Resurrection Skill
>Resurrection Skill? At this time of the camping, at your level of mana, at your currently level, llocalized entirely over a villager?
Sylvannas Windrunner: You salute my bravery, butcher, but the chase is over..
Arthas: Then you'll make your stand here, elf. Anar'alah belore!
Arthas: Finish it! You deserve...a clean death.
Sylvannas Windrunner: After all I've put myself through, man, the last thing you'll give me is the peace of death.
Arthas: No! I wouldn't dare!
>people still suck Illidan's dick and he's lauded as a hero these days
>no one even cares about the free thinker Arthas after collectively shoving his frostmourne down his ass, shard by shard
really gets the old noggin' joggin'
Arthas was already corrupted by Ner'zhul at that point.
>you will never get shot by a nightelf and then fall as the wound to your leg drags you down.
>you will never see the 6 feet tall, muscular, sexually deprived amazon woman walk up to you and rip off your clothing and start riding you while screaming in her unintelligible language.
>you will never feel her dagger sink into your throat as her quivering pussy milks your balls dry
I fucking love these.