Dragon's Crown Pro

Can't wait!

Other urls found in this thread:


game with lots of fanservice, 3 main females

>a sticc
>a sticc with balloon tits
>a roid monster

great job, vanillaware

Tired of people posting loli here!


Sorry, marketeer, I'll play it on my ps3 again if the multiplayer gets active again.

Does this game have couch multiplayer?

Same. I wish they port Muramasa Rebirth.

This game IS couch multiplayer. The best one last gen.

Yes. As well as online-multiplayer and bots.

Dragons crown pro is meant to be played on ps4 pro? Or will it be released for ps4?

All PS4s obviously.

PC port?

I think Sony said early on that all games would have to run on native ps4 hardware to not isolate consumers.

Bump this

I didn't wait cause steelbook edition is shit.
The nips version include a codex/game book dlc where you play the game like a tabletop rpg with dice rolls and character sheet.
I awesome and I hope the international version include it but no info about it for now.

Who /dwarf/ here?

>those glorious few weeks before release where Jason Shcreier opened up the flood gates to an avalanche of salt, resulting in himself and every like minded faggot getting shat on repeatedly
>those amazing months of constant couch op and online play, mastering ever class and climbing the tower of mirages
Dragons Crown is one of my favorite games cant wait to go back

Damn, I can't want for that picture on the right to get scanned. It's going to be wallpaper material for sure.

Hes my favorite class bar none
>throwing fools into other fools
>flexing so hard your skin turns to stone to shrug off damage
>light yourself on fire to light other things on fire
>huck bombs like their on a blue light special
>Double Grand Smash and clear the whole screen

I want to make an Elf build.

What skills should I invest in and what to avoid?

I know that meme about not using any points for the kick skills. Any other dos and don'ts?


I can wait

Wizard to make it rain fire and scream "boom shakalaka"
Elf to piss of my friends.
Dwarf to make gay jokes with my friends.

barbarian to play the game as I like it.

I'm buying this game because I like giant tits and giant asses, I make no apologies

a few points in kicking isnt bad since you will have to kick eventually and it just straight up lets you use your boots DEF as ATK. Its people who ignore their other amazing skills and focus on kicking that were the problem, if your going to play kickelf you would be better off just playing one of the dedicated melee classes.
Her Elemental Magic is another iffy one. If you invest a lot points into it it can be worth it, but the early levels dont do a whole lot of damage. At high levels if your standing in shallow water the enemies might as well type gg.
Backstab Elf can murderize any boss or elite she can find a backside on, it makes holdout dagger and the common skill to increase item durability super worth it if you want to go that route. But it wont help you against say the Kraken or the Gate.
And if your just min maxing arrows you cant go wrong with Salamander oil

I'll just leave this here:


>steelbook edition is shit
Why? Is it seriously bad? What is wrong with it?

Focus on bow skills that increase the damage and the range of the blast radius of her charged shot. And of course her charged shots. Just don't put any points into kicking or at least stop when it starts to cost more than one skill point. Elemental lore can be worth just one poitn because it can still stagger enemies. Don't rely on it for damage. At least one of her poison or fire arrows, at best both. A dagger elf with maintenance can be great, but you will probably need to cut down on some other bow skills. Get all evading moves, you will need them to increase your air-time.

I didn't own a PS3, so I never got the chance to play it. I am eagerly awaiting this game. It comes out right after finals too.

I think it just comes with the cards that represents character skills.

We had an arbook with PS3 version not cards. who the fuck want card seriously ?
I will try to do a scan soon but here is something to work with.

>they're actually charging near full price for nothing new

>we get an encore of the beta "journo" salt show with DCpro and Catherine this year

Good feels

Thank you kindly. Appreciate the effort.

I wish I could be like Sorceress. Although there would be deaths. People would be suffocated because I would smother them.

Also when you open the royale package edition you welcome with this.
If people don't remember it this is the parody of Hylas and the Nymphs the painting the manchester art gallery conservator took down to push her agenda.

the sweet irony.
you are welcome.

Just hope this brings more futa doujins.

seeing how Schreier already made himself a laughing stock it will have to be someone new this time.
stay classy George