How would you feel if in the future, video game AI has advanced to the point where they're functionally indistinguishable from sentient life, and full-immersion VR games were populated with NPCs that would react perfectly realistically to you? Would you be okay with this? Would you abuse the NPCs?
How would you feel if in the future...
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how do you know you're not in an alien vr game right now?
Isn't it a serious possibility that we might be a simulation from a higher universe? I remember reading about there somewhere
I'm not real smart, but I think I read that speed having a definite limit is a solid sign of this being simulated.
That was a fun episode. I wish I could recreate someones child just to kill them before their eyes repeatedly.
I know about a theory of life's meaning which involves us with building an AI even if we're against it. Said AI is good if we help its cause, evil when we don't give a fuck. Basically, we are creating God(?).
Never heard of humans being simulated by a higher dimension.
I heard of that, isn't it called rolo's basilisk or something like that
As long as their pussies aren’t off limits
yeah, that's the one. it's roko's basilisk and some people really took it so serious that they went batshit insane.
it's puréed autism
>Would you abuse the NPCs?
hell yeah
it's kind of creepy, like in SOMA where the guy just wakes up despite being dead for centuries because his memory is stored somewhere else, imagine a godlike AI being torturing you for all eternity
possible but that means there would be a real universe for at least every simulated universe.So the argument could be reversed as it requires faith in a real universe.
that's not how the speed of light works
The speed of light isn't a constant though. We live in a galaxy that has a supermassive black hole slap bang in the middle, there's no way for the speed of light to be stable in varying levels of gravity.
I'd be ok with it but I wouldn't be able to bring myself to hurt anyone. Hard for me to actually cause harm in some games, and it probably wouldn't help if the NPCs are indistinguishable from real people.
That's not really how Roko's Basilisk works. There are a couple of really dumb assumptions involved. So the idea is that, in the future, humanity will invent some sort of omnipotent AI, and this AI is basically good. Now, because this AI is so good, it wants to have been invented as soon as possible in order to maximise the amount of good it can do. It cannot time travel, but what it can do is make nigh-infinite virtual copies of people from the past, based on their social media profiles and shit. These copies would be so advanced that they believe themselves to be human. Now, because there are nigh-infinite virtual copies of you, the odds that you are really "you" and not merely an AI clone are stacked very high against you. Therefore, the theory goes, you should always act as if you were in a simulation.
If you can swallow all that, then the idea behind Roko's Basilisk is that in order to speed up its own creation, the AI can and will bestow endless torture upon each of the virtual clones (which, if you happen to be one, is really unfortunate) unless its simulation of you shows that you are contributing to its creation, in order to force people in the past, who should, after all, rationally behave as if they are simulations in the future, to contribute to the AI's creation. The reason it's known as a "basilisk" is that, if you buy into all the above assumptions, then merely learning about the concept traps you in it, as if you gazed upon it and turned to stone.
Of course it always seemed to me that if the simulation shows that you don't give a shit then it would be pointless for the AI to torture you.
The 100% definitive proof that we're in a simulation is whether or not we can create a simulation that could in-turn create it's own simulation.
If we can create one like that, then we're not in one.
The sheer exponential growth of simulations that can create it's own simulations would collapse the whole thing no matter how advanced the hardware.
Whenever I see this, I think about star ocean 3 and get pissed off
i think this is the first time i've seen something in a thread like this that i thought was actually kinda interesting
if a simulation can create a simulation that can create a simulation and so on, doesn't that mean we're more than likely to be a simulation ourselves? what are the chances of us being the top dog?
Wouldn't these make the thought of reality kinda redundant? It wouldn't make sense to try to think what's right or wrong, at least for me. Thoughts like these really invite you into a long run of crippling depression.
Think about it.
Universe Prime makes a simulated universe, let's call that SIM_01
That simulation progresses to the point it can create it's own simulated universe, which it arbitrarily calls SIM_02
SIM_02 isnt actually running on anything physical, as it's all simulated by the same thing that's running SIM_01.
And then SIM_03 is made, then 04, then 05, etc and so on and everything is probably fine because universe prime had a unfathomable computer running this whole thing.
But then SIM_02 progresses to the point it can make SIM_02_01, SIM_02_02, SIM_02_03...
And shortly after SIM_03 follows suit with SIM_03_01, SIM_03_02, SIM_03_03...
No matter how advanced, no matter how powerful, no matter how unfathomably complex a machine, it is simply impossible for anything to handle the computation necessary to ensure that each universe functions properly.
Even allowing a simulation to create a SINGLE other simulation is too much, since it would slowly but surely start effecting the whole thing as they piled up, just with less of an exponential growth.
Therefore, you hard cap it at zero and either forcibly intervene whenever a simulation is about to be made or reset the whole thing and start over.
user, all that means is that at the lowest point the next attempt at a nested simulation would fail.
The expert opinion is that if this nested simulation is physically possible our chances of being in the prime universe are 1/X where X is the number of sustainable nested simulations.
>Wot if you could make virtual people out of spit?
That's super retarded. Why would that ever be a limitation?
>Would you abuse the NPCs?
Is that even a question here?
Yes humanity will either retreat to digital worlds or toil in space.
I pick digital worlds
>not doing both
VR is perfect for long boring space travels.
It's amazing how much material they've ripped off for their episodes since obtaining the rights to Black Mirror.
I would niggers all day.
Hey, I liked that movie!
>woke by mw3 gameplay
i think you underestimating the computational power possible in a higher than 3 dimensional universe. in our universe cpus are build with 3d solid objects that rely on their complex structure to pull of computations. the amount of complexity possible in a 4d solid object or 5d solid object is exponentially higher than what we have in our 3d universe.
what was it called again
I just remember it having a retarded ending where if you die in the game you die in real life yet people still use it, resulting in the main dude getting brainjacked by his AI counterpart
What do you expect? The entire American entertainment industry is creatively bankrupt as it all revolves around big marketing budgets and turning a quick profit these days.
I already abuse other humans so why would I have trouble abusing an AI. Hell I'd probably have more compassion for self aware AI than I would for another human being considering humans 99% shit.
You're right. Humans are shit in general. Even the one who's abusing somebody who's shit is by definition the same.
Nobody can really defend himself. We all are shit. We think of things that matter but actually they don't. We think we are hot shit but we are actually scruffy shit.
So how do I turn god mode on
Way too much heresy in this thread
Yes, but I'm a psychopath
Yeah there is that possibility.
Makes you wonder if everything is a simulation or just everything around you. Or if everything is a simulation if some faggots saw you masturbate to some shit
Yeah, and for one year in our simulation it's a second out in the real world. Long as they never have a power outage or shut off their PC we'll be fi-
The problem with this proposition is that 1) It's un-falsifiable, and 2) even if it were true, the reality which our simulated on rests has the chance to be simulated, too. We'd be a simulation, within a simulation, and so on.
It's better to just accept this one as ours, call it real, and then call it a day.
>Hard for me to actually cause harm in some games
Probably try to get NPCs to like me but when I obviously fail I'd get violent with them and restart it over with a new NPC. But that's just me.
isnt the computer simulation kinda redundant for an advance race similar to how killer robot idea is redundant to a race that upgrades itself with machine parts?
why build a simulation when you could create a functional real universe?
The simulation idea i think falls flat as it relays on the expectation of an advanced race in an existent universe creating are own as well as what anons have already said about creating multiple simulations within simulations
What muvie?
>clones have memories
Nah, the only evidence I see of life being simulated so far are the cases of flickering lights causing seizures. That seems a lot like a computational error. Some sort of misplaced variable, stack overflow sort of thing.
Why do I get the feeling this sort of post is entrapment bait in light of this renewed "vidya makes people killers" bullshit?
I might actually bother with online multiplayer games if that happens
This is another meme...Its like how people thought the universe was a well crafted static machine(ala pocket watch) in the industrial age..
Now we have simulations and computers so suddenly the brain is a biological computer and the universe is a simulation...
I wonder if it actually hurts people to unwittingly be part of trends and memes...
Of course they are you rapist. You will have to woe them just like real life princesses.
Thirteen floor
lol...Yeah i wonder how romans and greeks imagined future technology...
You dult there might not be any hardware much like we dont use fucking roman gladius and discuss the quality of their metal.
A far distant advanced society might not have a concept of hardware at all and concepts like simulation hardware computing power miight become absolute not to mention the distinction between real and virtual.
Yeah. Science is a method to extract and focus on the things that are similar in everything and scientific machines are built to identify that which is similar in things. Believing science and scientific machines are equal to truth is similair to thinking that since we are all made of the same atoms it means there are no distinctions and everything is just a soup of atoms.
Im not surprised Sup Forums is not above this plebbit mu science world view bullshit though...At least /lit/ knows better.
This isn't a simulation, it's just a shitty reality, one of many.
>that since we are all made of the same atoms it means there are no distinctions and everything is just a soup of atoms.
Unless you believe in the metaphysical, that is exactly what it is.
Your computer can already simulate another computer with itself, it's called a Virtual Machine. As long as what's simulated is less powerful it can go on forever at ever increasingly slower rates. Which would be impossible to know inside the simulation as one tick would be one tick regardless of whatever speed it takes the higher level to do it
Bothered me too the most.
Had some AssCreed vibes.
i would brap on them
Your logic is flawed.
What you're saying is the equivalent of someone in 1980 saying "It'd be impossible to have more than just a few MB of data on one of these floppy disks" and then someone handing them a 512GB SD Card.
You're just assuming that our universe would use a high capacity amount of data/information within the computer.
Even now, look at a video game from the 70's compared to a video game now. The sheer amount of data and information going on compared to 2 lines on a screen with a ball bouncing back and forth. And some of those games can run on toasters.
Na, you are just a moron.
Dont bother. Its like trying to explain to some african tribesman that you can in fact make buildigns as tall as trees while he will be telling you its dumb since no straw and mud can hold so much weight.