Still don’t know how they made this fight even worse but they fucking did it. I swear they have to actually be trying to make the Elder Dragons in World the worst in the series.
Still don’t know how they made this fight even worse but they fucking did it...
>want to join the nips on the capcom tv stream
>cant figure out how twitter works
fuck social media
yep it was by far the worst elder dragons fight
>steel skin so auto weapon bounce on majority of it's body
>absurd hit box detection from it's non-telegraphed charging attacks
>fairly high damage despite having no wind ups or telegraphed charges
>bullshit tendency to do the tornado thing a lot impeding your melee fighting
Kushala fucking sucks and exists only to teach you to use flash pods or play online on a very basic level.
30 flashbombs should do the trick.
Flash bpmbs and aim for head and legs
Gg ez modo
Kushala is a fucking joke in World.
>SOS a full squad
>15 minute hunt
>pro tier squad, no carts
>always defeat Kushy right after 10 minute mark
>did this 5 times with the same group
Uragaan, Bazelguese, and BLACKED Diablos are the only things that fuck my squads up
Just like everything else in World.
at least Tempered Diablos La Negra felt like a real Monster Hunter fight
This is my first MonHun game, and I just pounded his puss with my basic blast dual blades. Beat him first try. No flashes used. I have more trouble with Basil Juice than this guy. So much for old school monster hunters being hardcore.
>he hasn't been reading the thread
Kushala isn't hard. He just wastes a considerable amount of time for melee players.
It is just a poorly designed fight.
You suck
I still can't believe he got his moving twisters taken from him.
Easiest elder dragon in every other game, easiest in this game. You guys fucking suck to be quite honest.
>Uragaan, Bazelguese, and BLACKED Diablos
Which one of you isn't using the GL?
I'm not sure why. Was I just protected from his wind shield due to demon mode or what?
wow sure are a lot of people intent on posting nothing except how good they are at video games ITT
such useful contributions to public discourse
haha world sucks huh
considering you can make it almost impossible for vaal to kill you no. he's definitely the second easiest since you can flash spam.
This, put on 3 miasma gems and he turns into Vaal suck
No, each MH game has it ups and downs. Most people tend to say the first MH they played is the best and all others are shit.
>endgame is elder dragons ONLY
who thought this was a good idea?
>It's almost like they always do a G version
Really activates those almonds
And then endgame will be G rank Elder dragons ONLY. Can't wait.
>endgame is following temp elders around for 20 minutes to pick up their dumb fucking tracks ONLY
I agree, this is retarded. They should at least give a tiny chance for R8 Streamstone for the 30HR investigations.
First MH game?
>five-second wind recovery animations
>combos out the ass
>on the ground wiggle animation sucks you in and places you on the other side of its head
>tail sinks into the ground
>30'000 flash bombs required to turn the fight into a boring shitfest from an infinitely obnoxious shitfest
I hate this piece of shit.
First MH game with this tempered investigation system, so don't predend you know what they are going to do for G-rank.
>so don't predend you know what they are going to do for G-rank.
>Because that's my job
Think before you post
Doesn't really matter who's right about g-rank. Endgame right now is shit.
Kush is the easiest ED. Even Vaal can cart retards. I have almost never seen Kush cart anyone before.
That's how it's always been my man. Tri sucked, 4 sucked, gen sucked. It wasn't until G version, U version and XX came out that they became good games. Are you really that surprised?
Mate, we've had apex monsters and deviants, neither of these made their respective games G ranks elder dragons only.
>complaining about kushala
i bet you flashpod him into his own tornados too
Because they weren't elder dragon only in high rank either. The G-rank elder dragons are going to have better drop tables, just wait and see.
>Tell others to drop and not speculate about G rank
>Does exactly what he says not to do
Beat it on my first try without carting :)
Is it just me who is really enjoying the grind for decorations? The only thing that's shit is the low drop rate on streamstones and shitty investigation farming.
This isn't speculation, it's following the bread crumbs.
Getting your ideal gem is fucking frustration. Especially with how rare some gems are.
>It's not speculation, it's [synonym for speculation]
Yeah it's absolutely retarded, reminds me of a fucking gacha game with shitty rates. You have a chance at a chance of getting what you want.
I actually like the decoration grind way more than charm farming. I have no idea why everyone is shitting on MHW endgame (apart from no G rank which isn't a valid complaint). I enjoy it more than all the previous games.
So you never farmed talismans in 3U or 4U? Because that was 1000 times worse. What about relic weapons and sets? Yeah I didn't think so worldbabbies.
I used a save injector for talismans in 4U. Fuck that noise after farming for them in 3U.
Tempered investigations are fucking shit.
Running around collecting tracks so you can farm monster isn't fucking fun. Today I followed a Kirin around for 50 minutes to unlock ED investigations. I don't even know what I am doing.
Augmentation Stones grind is awful because you only get them from a very small pool of monsters so it gets extremely repetitive.
Regular decoration grind is however fine.
You're lucky you have a Kirin to farm. Had to do it with Temp Teo.
I SOS to the HR49 tempered Kirin and then left the quest. Please don't hate me
He's a lot easier if you just dungpod him out of the bowl-shaped room. Fighting him in the lower area with ledges and flash flies is the ideal place to hunt him. The hill area is even better if you have hammer/db users.
Because it consists of fighting boring shit?
Kushala and Teostra were terrible fights to begin with and if you're not tired of them by now I don't know what to say.
Kirin is no different and I'm actually baffled people want Ice Kirin so badly.
Nergigante is alright, but shows up so rarely in Investigations he might as well not exist.
Leaves only Vaal, which is a terrible fight all around.
Gen's endgame was also lacking and the level and ticket system was garbage, but at least the Deviants themselves were fun.
>game gives you lots of cool armor options, but you have to pick based on abilites for endgame.
Fuck it, I'm gonna be a fashion hunter and do shit damage.
>Running around collecting tracks so you can farm monster isn't fucking fun.
I agree, but I haven't had to farm investigations since the first time I did it so it's a minor thing. Not sure why you're having trouble when it's easy as fuck to do (but you're right it definitely isn't fun and shouldn't be so asinine). Just do a tempered nerg investigation, wait 5 minutes, then go collect all of his tracks and you will get a few investigations.
>terrible fight
What? He's one of my favorite monsters to hunt. Sounds like you have a bad case of shit taste.
It's probably the most picturesque monster to fight. Seeing it silhouetted through tornadoes is cooler than the scripted bit with Nergigante in its lair. Appreciating that is the only thing keeping me awake while I fight Kushala.
Do you have any legitimate proof of this or are you just pulling this shit out of your ass?
I wished it was 5 minutes. It is actually around 10ish. And you get one investigation which might not even be tempered ED. I know because I have farmed his tracks before.
Anyway, if you are farming gems, you shouldn't be doing ED. You should farm T2. Only do T3 if you need herostone/warriorstones and those are a fucking bitch to farm.
>hear constant bitching about tempered kirin
>get it to limping without being hit once
>proceed to get way too greedy and cart like a total asshole twice
>about to get done for a third time when I land the final hit
Wew, playing slow and precise is great but get even a little bit too keen and he fucks your face off
I miss my boi
so this series is for people who want to play dark souls, but they’re afraid of pvp and would rather wail on bosses with a gorillion hp?
I always farm research points for 5-10 minutes before I fight nerg, and I usually get 1-3 investigations each time. It really isn't that bad imo.
Seething Soulscuck pinhead worked in to a ding dong diddly scalding mess
Tell your mom to pick a color of lipstick and use it every day. All the different colors she uses is turning my dick into rainbow colors.
t. Dual blades or something
Honestly I can't see why anyone would think that, he's a little baby bitch compared to his FU version
This is 99% accurate but I think Kirin actually got harder
Are tempered Elders the only ones who drops Herostones?
Kishala is a pushover but he's not easiest in this game, Vaal exists
And people wonder why journos compare every game to fucking Dork Souls. I played every Souls game through at least to the end of NG+, and I still like MonHin better. also, Demon Soul's and Bloodborne are the best. The Dark series plays like a cheap knockoff.
They are by far better than BLACKED versions.
World's high rank is not noticeably easier than any of the previous games.
That's retarded
My first was MH1 and as much as I loved it, I sure as shit don't think it's the best
still better than World though
That’s fine, unless you are speed running, having top tier damage setups isn’t required, you can still get sub 10 tempered elders with shit skills and look good along the way
Why is mh1 better than world? Or are you just shitposting?
>The dark Series plays like a cheap knockoff
>BB is the best
I sweet to God
this. unless your playing bow, lbg or hbg kirin is fucking bullshit
Actually you farm Elders for Streamstones and T2 Tempered monsters for Jewels. Look at the loot percentages
Kushala, Vaal and Kirin fights relies on them being annoying pieces of shit instead of actual difficulty.
Just use hammer
I used to despise him but honestly there's a rhyme and reason to his wind pressure and you can play around it pretty consistently with the bigger melee weapons
He gets obnoxious when he decides to do the big tornado multiple times but he's a decent fight overall now for me, really fun with Hunting Horn.
>running IG
>get tossed every time I jump at Kushala
It was a pretty boring fight but I liked Teostra and Vaal.
>Kirin easier
>LBG and HBG
Have you fought the hr49 one?
>Wake up in morning
>Turn on T Teo or T Kirin invest
>AFK for 20 minutes doing my morning routine
>Come back collect tracks and get 1 to 3 T invests
>AFK again to do more morning stuff
>Finish collecting tracks and get between 1 and 3 invests
Omg so hard
t. carted to Silverwinds tail slam, Dreadkings explosive meteor, and Thunderlords sick ass moves
yeah and it takes like 5 minutes to kill him with shotgunner build
>comparing games to Dark Souls
He supports terrible game design.
Not shitposting
World does everything in it's power to remove many of the aspects I like about MH. It's afraid to let you stay married to your actions, so stuff like healing is a complete non-issue, every fight is obscenely easy with a couple of exceptions (Kirin, Nerg when he divebombs), and a lot of the charm was stripped away from the game in what I assume is an attempt to nudge the rudder toward "realistic". You've heard all this shit before.
MH1 was a flawed first attempt and had big problems; namely headlocking, SnS barely being a weapon, and a solo-only monster with insanely low droprates. But it introduced the things I like about MH that World stripped away a lot of the rhythm I liked about the series and I don't feel half as engaged as older titles. I was never going to like it, because this time they weren't appealing to me. It was inevitable. Gen had some similar problems.
I still liked it well enough to put 160+ hours into it, but I do think that--for me, at least--it's the worst game in the series, because it doesn't scratch the itch I want MH to scratch
>i like when the game gets so boring i have to literally walk away from the console
track farming and zorah were a big fucking mistake
Nah you're just bootyblasted
You're right about Vaal execpt he's not even annoying
>Nerg when he divebombs
Fuck off, I heavily doubt you even played MH1 if you can't dodge that.
Why does MH4U have such shitty Guild Quest diversity?
X and XX have quests specifically made to make it easier to acquire Sunspire Jewels. In 4U I have to keep doing Harvest Tours and hoping the node gives me what I'm looking for with at best a 20/22% of getting what I need. You can even trade for Sunspire in X and XX.
Does using that charm with the Scholar skill help with farming tempered investigations?
lol someone always has to challenge me when I said I played MH1. It got a sequel because people actually bought it, you know.
I can fine most of the time but it 1HKOs, and I got blown up a few times trying to guard it with lance first, that's harder than 90% of World so I figured I'd throw it a bone
>so stuff like healing is a complete non-issue
Healing has always been a non-issue. In the harder content in previous games (G rank+) you either didn't get hit, left the zone to sharpen/heal, or snuck in a quick heal when the monster was not a threat. That hasn't changed at all in world for the most part, except now you can't immediately leave a zone (or be knocked out of one) to be safe.
>every fight is obscenely easy
Just like every high rank fight ever with a few exceptions.
>and a lot of the charm was stripped away from the game in what I assume is an attempt to nudge the rudder toward "realistic". You've heard all this shit before.
Yeah I have. It's trite and meaningless. It's fine to prefer an aesthetic or art style, but you're saying the first game is better because of shit like this? You're just a contrarian faggot.
>I still liked it well enough to put 160+ hours into it, but I do think that--for me, at least--it's the worst game in the series, because it doesn't scratch the itch I want MH to scratch
Because you're a contrarian faggot and your reasons for not liking world, much less putting easily the worst game in the series above it, are absolute dog shit.
>"Its sleeping. Lets finish the hunt now, shall we? Don't hold back!"