Exclusives are good

>exclusives are good

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It would be a better world where consoles didn't exist.

>exclusives are bad
>homogenization is a good thing

They aren’t good or bad, they just are. How many of you championed the cause to port games like undertale from PC to console?

How? Not being a dick, i want to know how it will change things.

Consoles are the only thing keeping the industry afloat after the demise of arcades. PC can't even sustain their own exclusives anymore, a platform with such rampant piracy doesn't contribute much to industry

>i won't buy a game unless others can't enjoy it

The irony here is that exclusives are homogenized to hell and back.

I agree.

He didn’t say that though. For me i will buy games others can play and cannot, and there are plenty of exclusives i have never touched. I have never played the uncharted series despite playing PlayStation since i was 7.

believe or not there are people like this

Being exclusive doesn't preclude this though, and in many cases it causes it. A lot of Sony exclusives are linair story driven "experiences" with shallow gameplay. A lot of Nintendo exclusives are visually simplistic with a focus on the "game" aspects.

Also just because something isn't good, doesn't mean it's bad. Mediocre is the norm.


why is this a thing?

that's not real right?

do you even vape?

These are the same people who claim e-sports are not sports. Fucking disgraceful.

the true reason to vape is so you can get high off THC cartridges in public in places where weed is illegal

you just jelly of their lung capacity tbqh

can't have one thing that i enjoy doing without it being ruined by normies

>he thinks exclusives are a bad thing
>forcing developers to spread their resources and make sure their games work properly on 3-4 different platforms will surely increase the quality


>exclusives are bad

The only people who hate exclusives are PCfat port beggars

Exclusives aren't "good" or "bad". But if you, as a consumer, advocate for more exclusive games, you're basically a cuck.

Exclusives exist to sell hardware. The people who sell this hardware are the only ones who benefit directly from games being deliberately withheld from other platforms. On the other hand, consumers generally benefit from having choices, while games generally benefit from being developed for the best hardware available. There's no good reason for a consumer to be excited a lack of choice, or to celebrate the fact that the only available version of a game might not be the best possible version.

>I can change things I dislike by posting fat people wearing a funny hat. I'm not even joking it's true!
You need help, OP

>On the other hand, consumers generally benefit from having choices
Exactly, this is why exclusives are good. If an exclusive game comes out and its good the competing platforms will have to make a similar game to stay competitive in the market.


This is accurate


So, rather than having a choice about which platform you use to play a particular game, you'd rather have blatant rip-offs of that game on other platforms?

>blatant rip-offs
No need to be so cynical. Who gives a flying fuck about muh choice of platform bullshit?

PC fags have become the open borders advocates of gaming.

They aren't, go fuck yourself soygoy

Dev here. We take exclusive deals because they pay for the games development x3, meaning our next game doesn't need to he exclusive and can be riskier.

PC maggots represents all the shithole immigrants that flood all the good countries. They are basically filth of gaming industry. Lowest form of customer that call you anti-cunsomer when you tell the to fuck of. Just like immigrant calling natives racists.

you need to go back

I just want to be able to play video games that I might enjoy on a multi-purpose machine that is more than capable of running said games. Can I afford consoles? Sure. Do I want to buy those consoles for only a handful of games? No. I would like it if I could just play everything on my PC, like I can do damn near everything else on.

People who don't want to buy every platform just to play every worthwhile game? The only reason you can't play every worthwhile game on a single platform of your choice is that exclusive games benefit corporations by providing an incentive to buy hardware which is, exclusives aside, worse than other hardware.

>wanting to play a good game on the best hardware is like being a refugee
worst non-food analogy I've ever seen on this board

Vaping is million times more disgusting than cigarettes, at least regular cig smoke doesn't linger around like the fog from silent hill.

You don't deserve shit given scale of piracy on irrelevant PC. You should be grateful that 3rd party devs even bother to outsource its port so that you can play some shitty multi-plat couple years later.

>individual who buys games doesn't deserve the right to buy games because of other individuals who don't buy games

you can determine how much water vapor you put in your vape. the retards sure love to use a lot of it.

>Some people pirate games
>Everyone pirates games so no one should make PC games ever again

Yeah, I forgot steam went out of business from all the pirating. That's some good logic there.

>People who don't want to buy every platform just to play every worthwhile game?
Too bad. Its a competitive market, either buy it or wait for your platform of choice to make their own game in the same vein.

there are about 50k videogame pirates in the entire world though

PC exclusives certainly might as well of stopped being made.

You're a bunch off hypocrites and Valve doesn't even give you anything for the trouble, hence you resent exclusivity.

>Too bad.
Wow that sure is a great argument in favor of exclusives.

Next time I need to convince someone that bathing in liquid shit is better than bathing in water, I'll ask them why water is better, and when they explain the downsides of bathing in liquid shit, I'll just say "too bad".

there is an ocean of pc exclusives that will never come to consoles
how does it feel :)


Exclusive games are the only ones that try anymore.

Isn't that how stores usually operate?

>shit analogy
Fantastic argument. That'll stop corporations from competing with one another.
Feels fine, I have several XP and 98 machines for playing those games, in addition to the more modern PC I'm using right now.

In the new age of $1500 graphics cards? Fuck off, consoles are now the only option

Speaking of competition, it would be nice if console manufacturers actually tried to make their consoles as good as an average PC, instead of holding games hostage so that people who want those games have no choice but to play on a shitty console.

if you think you need to spend $1500 to run games please stick to consoles
we dont want you

>holding games hostage
Such a brainlet mentality. Maybe you should support the console that has games you want? No, just bitch instead. That'll help.

>consoles are now the only option

The PC that I already own is an option though.

If you bought a decent PC when the current generation of consoles came out, you got in before Bitcoin ruined GPU prices and your PC is only as outdated as a console. If you're trying to get into gaming for the first time in 2018, then, well, that sucks for you.

I would support a console if it had enough exclusives I wanted. To be honest, I can't think of enough exclusives that I really want.

I was just responding to your bad arguments. So don't post bad arguments and you won't get replies about how bad they are.

Every game being for every platform is a retarded pipe dream with no basis in reality. You're the one with literally no argument to speak off, just complaining that your retarded utopian ideal of the gaming industry is at odds with reality.

>instead of holding games hostage so that people who want those games have no choice but to play on a shitty console.
>I would support a console if it had enough exclusives I wanted

PC maggots are the dumbest idiots in the universe.

Suck it pcbros. Suck it.


>Every game being for every platform is a retarded pipe dream with no basis in reality.

It's really not, considering exclusives are a small minority of games. You could argue that these games are much better on average, and it might be true to some extent, but even if they weren't better on average, fanboys would still swear they are, so it's kind of hard to tell.

I'm not really interested in arguing anymore but I'm glad you called my ideal industry "utopian" which implies that it's better which makes me right.

And people wonder why I compared it to open borders while they're in the midst of having their market fucked by non-gamers?
They really are clueless.

>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty, immature and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though because I want to play the best version
>buy console version instead so I have a legal copy and devs get my money

Anybody who buys PC games is literal cuck.

>too dumb and too poor to build PC
>calls other people dumb

>PS4 has barely any worthwhile exclusives
>suddenly exclusives are bad

>I'm glad you called my ideal industry "utopian" which implies that it's better which makes me right.
I forgot people this dumb exist on Sup Forums. That ideal will literally never ever come true. You're more wrong than I could ever hope to be.

The user you replied to didn't say that though.


I never said it would come true, so pointing out that it won't come true doesn't make me wrong. Calling it utopian means it's ideal (albeit unrealistic) which makes me right because I only said it would be good but not that it was going to happen.

>dumb enough to waste money on overpriced irrelevant hardware

There is a reason why consoles have been raping overpriced shitty pc since the Atari times.
Go 'upgrade' your GPU so that you will be able to run decade old ports.

>the fact that my entire argument has no basis in reality and will never happen doesn't make me wrong
What's it like being this delusional? Just admit you're wrong.

Exact reply I expected from a brainlet who knows nothing about PC.

This. PCfags are so pathetic at this point.

My argument was that exclusivity is bad. This argument does not hinge on whether exclusivity will eventually go away.

You console tards are always so edgy. Do you retards seeth at the subject even when you're not shitposting about it?

Well your argument is wrong. Exclusivity is a great thing for this industry, the best PC games of all time are PC exclusive.

>My market doesn't get exclusives anymore

I respect your opinion as long as we agree that "it will never happen" is irrelevant to whether something is good or bad.

>best PC games of all time are PC exclusive.
>he means that seriously


That's only because those are an ass to play on a controller.

>buys the cheapest piece of plastic to "play" games at 24fps
>talks shit about PC
Anyone who bought decent gaming PC can afford PS4 or Xbone because they're cheaper than one fucking component. You poorfags don't even comprehend the issue here.

This. If PCfags would get actually good exclusives for once, they would defend this practice to death.
Plus believe me, that if PC will get games that actually interest me, I will be the first one to get a new PC instead of my laptop toaster.

Are you actually retarded? Are you going to argue that games like System Shock 1&2, Thief 1&2 and Deus Ex (not counting that PS2 port since it has a ton of changes that make the game worse) aren't the best on the platform?

wahh i cant play bloodbrone red dead redemption

With 4k gaming consoles now it seems like a meaningless gesture. You could save yourself the money on the graphics card alone and be able to afford both consoles instead.

>buys overpriced shitty pc
>plays decade old console ports while begging for console exclusives
State of irrelevant, mobile-tier 'gaming' also known as PC.

Yes he is going to argue because 1 he is probably underaged and 2 never played those games.


this is some retarded thinking.

>plays decade old console ports
With high resolution and frame rate. Games multiply in quality when you add those. There are literally handful of good exclusive games on PS4 that would last you month or two at most and then what? You're stuck playing multiplats at 24 fps 900p.

PS4 has the best looking games, exclusives plut all the multi-plats.
All PC has is shitty graphics, broken,delayed ports and atrocious exclusives that look like mobile games.
PC is a joke.

The PC has more exclusives than all consoles combined, consolenigger.

Consoletoddlers are always angry and feel persecuted because 20FPS gave them parkinsons.

>I hate what I can't have
I get it

And all of them can be played on basically any PC from the past decade since they all came out well over a decade ago.