You know how Dwarves are usually our vehicle people?

>You know how Dwarves are usually our vehicle people?
>Let's give that to humans too

For fucks sake, first they took gryphon riders away and gave them to humans in Legion, now Dwarves can't even have tanks?

Fuck blizzard.

Wow is so shit

>playing wow

You just can tell both designs were outsourced to the same manufacturer. Carry on, for the [Faction], goym.

how do i get back rep with the cartel
i fucked it all up for a hat and don't know how to get it back down

Goblins make war machines for orcs.
Dwarves/gnomes make war machines for humans.
What's the problem again?

Dwarves are shit anyway

Is that a fucking mount?

>find the elf player

Kill pirates in Tanaris at Lost Rigger Cove

>Supposed to have Orcs vs Humans vibes
>Sylvy is warchief
>Shes threatening to murder Saurfang and raise him as a zombie.
>Battle for undercity SHOULD be majority undead but its all Orcs, tauren and trolls dieing for the undead

I hoped this would be the expansion where Horde would stop getting cucked. But for the 5th expansion in a row, Blizz show cases its Alliance preference.

You're 12 years late. In TBC they allowed engineering users to fly a fucking helicopter.

Saurfang was willing to lose a bunch of horde forces just to get the heroic orc death he has wanted for a while.

No he was willing to suffer losses to not resort to dishonorable tactics.


bro if that's a mount then I might have to drop another fourty bucks like I did on those badass airships

Is there a Forsaken version of this, too? Or a frilly one for the elf races?

No they are faction based. Horde is Orc and friends so the Horde faction is Orc decor

>thinking blizzard cares about races other than orcs and humans

>blizzard making non orc/human content
Ha ha ha

>Faction war based expansion

What a shame. Quit WoW in 2011 and was hoping I'm missing out. I'd have expected Blizzard to finally introduce visual variety by having race specific vehicles in battlegrounds or such. The low poly assets are cheap on hardware these days. It's not like you can't put a faction flag onto them in the end anyways to make sure new players don't confuse them.

because the alliance is more than just humans, same goes for the horde.

Sadly we'll never ever see race specific gear. What I'd do to have some goblin/gnome/pandaren specific gear..

Not really. Horde majority + friends. Alliance is human majority + friends. You can try to argue this if you want but you're flat out wrong. Red and spikes is an Orc things, so its a Horde thing.

Forsaken, Elves and pandas arent true horde anyway

Are you really defending blizzard being lazy shits and forgetting all the other races for another expansion?

>tfw was Horde throughout Vanilla
>changed come BC
>current player base is now over 40% Blood Elves
>now Alliance get their offshoot of cancerous Blood Elves
>people on the forums still asking for High Elves/Undead Elves/Half Elves
>there will never be a faction without Elves

I fucking hate this shit.

I think we are seeing that now with allied races (at least their heritage armor)
You have to remember, currently 11 classes, 17 total races including the 2 unreleased so far. Assume each race can play 6 classes they would have to have over 100 unique armorstyles for one set. Even if they made racial/armor type appearance only (IE druid leather and rogue leather = same for same race) they would have to make a shit ton of armor sets per tier. Not feasible unless they made armor similar to Artifact weapons, with slight variation changes as it ranks up

They aren't forgetting it. You aren't a faction. The Horde is a faction and you are part of it.

>it's the same fucking shit as the horde, but they worship the human warchief

>the horde still exists
But why?

Literally because of alliance racism


>Play Horde (goblin) on Argent Dawn EU
>All the best RP guilds have no elves


>alliance racism

>check the horde
>everyone is a bloodelf
>that one lone orc warrior wearing vanilla pvp gear

>check the alliance
>everyone is a void elf
>that one lone human wearing vanilla pvp gear

WoW is dead

>Battle for undercity SHOULD be majority undead but its all Orcs, tauren and trolls dieing for the undead

Actually, it should be Blood Elves. WoW will forever be Elves and friends vs Humans and Elves

>Thinking story has anything to do with the player base

This is also accurate.

>want to get into RP
>don't want to have to relevel all my characters


Majority of Forsaken Lorderon with some recent Gilneans thrown into the mix. Belf undeads exist but they are no where near the majority of Undercity.

>artifacts gonna be gone by BfA
>many of the traits will become passive effects or talent tiers
How the fuck is this gonna work though
If they're talent tiers what are players going to get when they're leveling through Legion

thanks doc

More or less going to work the same but instead of a weapon you have a neck piece where you select your stuff and dump your AP

Should i not really give a fuck about my Artifact weapon then? got back into the game, lving up i think i'm 105

Also how do i get High-tauren, i've done all the Quests in the area, united the skyhorn tribes and shit, seems there's nothing else to do, I guess i should wait til max lv before i go insane grinding?

>Playing belfs


>wands are still useless
honestly why are these in the game
there weren't even any artifact wands

Why do you have to lv up at all? Most RP takes place in safe zones, Major cities and low lv quest hubs.

The only reason to lv up for RP is cool looking gear and maybe RP-PVP events but those are kind of autistic and shit

You need to max out your rep with High Mountain to unlock their sub race quest. And the only use aritfact wepaons is going to have is the transmog. Stuff like the mage tower will be removed once Legion finishes so you won't be able to get the model anymore.

>only one half important orc left active
>only got a model rework as a selling point of the expansion while alliance leaders still look like 2011-tier because they gave us turalyon and alleria (though not before ruining them with edgy light/void bullshit)
>horde is quite factually ran by the undead banshee elf who should have died the moment Arthas did and is using the horde as a means to an end

user they've been peddling orc/human since the franchise inception, they went overboard in WoD because that was supposed to co-release alongside the movie but then it got delayed a year. Now they're doing the same shit in BfA to try and get back old subs through the classic announcements.
implying the faction war wont end 2 patches in when tentacles start coming through the earth

AD-EU Silvermoon might as well have 10 separate shards for each Blood Elf guild's headcanon desu

>pristine version of Draenor readily available to anyone wishing to go there and declared free from Legion influence
>literally only reason orcs are on azeroth in the first place is because they had nowhere to go after old Draenor got fucked up
>orcs still want to hang out on Azeroth for no reason
F-for the H-Horde... I guess...? Also someone please explain to me why Mag'har orcs of Draenor want to be part of the Azeroth Horde. They have zero stakes in their war.

Isn't it more interesting to be casting spells instead of filling dead time in a rotation by waving a wand around?

They should've removed them in MoP when they got rid of the mandatory wand slot

>honestly why are these in the game
They were made into main hands, like daggers or swords.

After TBC, I came to appreciate Night Elves for being the more interesting of the two elf options presented. Now I can't get away from the Blood Elf model with their shitty animations and shitty posture.

They could have at least given Void Elves a different idle stance like Nightborne got.

Most of the Horde's orcs right now were born on Azeroth. That is their home so I don't know what you're talking about you stuttering falseflagger

>please explain to me why Mag'har orcs of Draenor want to be part of the Azeroth Horde. They have zero stakes in their war.

Well the AU orcs are culturally very different from MU orcs. But they still seem to have the want for an honorable death. I imagine fighting a worthy foe on the front lines of Azeroth is a more worthy death than anything Dreanor has left to offer for them. They already proved the draes are their cock sleeves.

>faction war
>in the same expansion they finally butcher world pvp for good
What did they meme by this?

Except it's not their Draenor.
If I left my home years ago and made a new home for myself I wouldn't leave it to go to a remake of my old house.

>Save world pvp
>babies who cant gank lowbies anymore keep trying to spread disinfo about it being ruined.

Honest question: Why do people love elves, specifically male ones?
I get that some people roll female elves because they're waifu degenerates.
But why males?
Is it because of Drizzt & Legolas?
There's so many cool races to play yet people seem to love effeminate pointy ears humans. Why?

>save world pvp by restricting it to containment realm shards
I guess Sup Forums is there to save politics and /mlp/ is there to save the ponyfuckers show, retard

The real answer is that the people want to play a race that looks good. And I don't mean BEAUTIFUL I just mean good. All the Horde races are hunched over (Though some of this problem is getting fixed in BFA). Humans are giant steroid hambeasts which is just ugly.

Elves are the only races in the game that just look like a normal fucking person without being stylized out the ass or stuck with some horrific body type. Zandalari skeleton is pretty good but they are a meme race so it wont solve the problem

Elves are basically humans but smarter and more beautiful. The equivalent of wishing to be a hollywood star instead of a redneck hillbilly.

>Almost every PVP server is lopsided and controlled by one faction or another.
>The only PVP that actually occurs is ganking lowbies or one sided beat downs.
>New system will make sure when you toggle pvp on you are always going to have full players on both sides.

Sorry champ but you just out yourself as a bad who can't win a fair fight when you complain. This is nothing but a good thing.

I like playing a male orc rogue with axes. There's something funny about seeing a giant green lump of muscle being "stealthy".

I don't know about others but when tbc came around I thought they were cool. Mostly because I was a kid and because w3 elves were pretty based compared to what they did with them in TBC

today's wow is all about them human-like races

>t. haven't played for over 5 years
We've had shared realms that fix the faction balance since MoP. You're welcome to stop replying now that you've outed yourself as a clueless retard.

They're special while still pretty human
They're pretty
They're agile
They can be pretty savage, depending on the universe

Literally what I said was from the mouth of Ion not two Q&As ago. But keep memeing friend

>Using a male Draenei/Night elf icon as if the males are even played at all

>goblins and dwarves that low
wow players have no taste

How pathetic do you have to be to keep up with the Q&A without having played the actual game for half a decade?

>wanting to be a manlet or a jew

NE male animations are the biggest joke of wow, whenever i see the casting i just laugh (BE male isnt much better)

>All these Anti-Elf posters
That's a 10,000 year sentence, fags. Now get in the Crystal before I make you.

In WoW humans look like apes.
They're perfect for Warriors and Hunters but not Mages, Warlocks, Priests.

>thinking I play Belfs or any Elfs

Fucking disgusting indeed. I just have 20 max level characters on both factions and I don't want to level anymore until Allied races.

>They already proved the draes are their cock sleeves.

Only by fucking over the spirits of their ancestors AND getting a massive tech boost from Garrosh, though.

>I have 20 max level characters

Why would you do this to yourself? I bet none of them have decent gear for shit

Is Maiev the new sugar mommy for DHs?

>not wanting to be a jew
I used to have a fury warrior goblin alt on an RP server
I liked to roleplay that he was so shit at jewing people that he just went mad with jew rage

Which is retarded.

Strangely enough, the only race that has more female characters than male is draenei. All the others there are more male characters.

if pandaren had been fierce bear samurais like they they were in original warcraft and not goofy cute teddybears i would have played one

>hurr why have rules it's war lmao
I hope your home is somewhere near a priority nuke target, faggot

Even Garrosh' crazy ass knew the plague was evil. Why is it so hard for you undead shits to comprehend

If anything, Legion proved that she never even fucked Illidan. She's just a bitter, scarred, tired woman who's angry at most of the world after it fucked her over.

WoW was shit after Ulduar so fuck off.

Just like Illidan then

IllidanXMaiev 4 lyfe

Because they look like slick, wealthy humans. Which is what everyone wants to be. Not roided monkeys or lanklets which is all the actual humans get to be.

Did he circumcise his fallen enemies?

All the night elf women were huge cunts in this expansion

>Tyrande was such a huge cunt that Nightborne joined the horde to get away from her


Or at the very least if the current models were alliance, and the horde got scruffier more grizzly and aggressive pandas

But really fuck all that it should have just been playable Hozen

Most races are in fact a male majority, so yeah. They are.

>>wanting to be a manlet or a jew
Oy vey it's anudda Lost Isles.

Because there are absolutely no reasons to believe it is beyond "muh sensibilities with necromancy have been miffed" from occassional autistic characters.

M8 Illidan is a perpetual cycle of fucking himself. If anything, the world wants to help him, but then he does a complete 180 and trips over his own two feet.

i want maiev to sit on my face and crush my head between her massive amazonian thighs