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Shield is always the best one




Wand because going all in on MP is actually a fun way to play KH1.

>No WWE world

20 years later and I still don't know what the fuck this means. Why is the writing in KH so weird?

Take staff and toss shield.


It's not something you can rationally understand. It appeals to your id and affective dimension of being.

>Take Sword
>Toss Shield
>Never fucking use magic anyway because it's for pussies
Man mode is still best mode.

Never played this game. How do you defeat enemies if you chose shield?

You bash them in the head with your shield

All three.

You always start with a sword. This choice just affects your beginning stats and abilities gained on level up.

Uhhh don't you go with fucking keyblade after all?

>no Indiana Jones world

What ever doesn't have a shitty Micky mouse on it

this is incorrect, in the beginning, it actually changes your weapon to a wand/shield if you pick them until you get put back on the island


Pick the damn sword?

Thats 4

i will never play KH

My heart says sword

But my mind says staff

>Skipping something just because it's Disney
I would get it if the companies behind it were Bioware-tier in shit. But holy hell son you're missing out.

Pick sword, drop staff.

The sword is the newbie trap since you can always reach the ATK cap with items.

The best choice is the shied for the extra item slots.

>minmaxing in KH

Wand because it can be used as an excellent dildo.

Pick: Staff
Give Up: Sword

intellectuals only

rate my egg sandwich

>Proud, 100%
Shield, give up sword.
>Proud casual
Staff, give up sword
Sword, give up shield
These were my choices, but in retrospect for the 15 hour "speed"run, I could have chosen something else and it would've been more fun. Sword is a boring choice and the only thing that makes it any fun is that you have to pay attention to the health bar and plan your healing windows.

how come?

Shield hero please leave

If you're gonna be a magicfag atleast drop Shield like a man.

but I'm not a man

also rate the egg sandwich


Wand and give up Sword.

It means never let the soylent wells dry out

Fuck off retard. We were having a nice thread before you brought that dead meme here.

You can't outrun the soy.

Kill yourself.

>was such a dumbass didnt get an upgrade to goofy's gigas shield until hollow bastion

Don't you want to protect your friends, nigger?

it's possible to protect your friends without putting yourself in danger for worthless sympathy points

bretty gud

could use some crispy bacon on the side for extra thicc

This guy gets it.
Destroy the enemy before any harm comes to your friend is a very valid strategy.

The writing is poor and aimed towards kids. Dropped already. Not playing some manchild crap.

>muh writing
They're electronic toys. No video game has good writing.
>inb4 some tacky pseud PS:T quote.
Please don't prove me right.

Wow, you're like, really hardcore


>No video game has good writing

Are you underage?
You seem to actually be a underage that likes projecting.

I don't think anyone will defend the writing from second half KH2 onward.

But it's fun. The writing is fun too, if full of holes and "DARKNESS". DARKNESS WITHIN DARKNESS.

not everything enjoyable has to be planescape torment m8


KH1s story would be so good if it was self-contained, it had the perfect amount of mystery to it, but they fucked it all with subsequent games.

KH1 is best KH game for Story (Only good one for Story T B H)

KH2 is best KH game for Gameplay

The others are mediocre, but melding in BBS is fun


Doing a Proud Mode playthrough now, took staff and ditched shield—I don’t use that many items (at least not enough to justify picking shield) and I’d rather have the extra magic from staff


KH2 > KH1 > BBS > 0.2 > DDD

The rest aren't even worth playing

>Better than 0.2

Yup. Confirmed my point. No video game has good writing.

Fuck you!


What in the goddamn

Why is Xemnas so sexy? Not in a gay way, just objectively speaking.


Gettin slow there Indiana poster

its the hair and voice

That's three words, no more


>Disney world
>90% of the cutscenes have no music

You get two extra item slots for picking the shield, and thats important for holding elixir near the end of the game, and secret bosses

>Needing extra item slots