>Dating sim
Dating sim
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>Sup Forums
>this garbage loli
Does he ever smack this dumb bitch or does he remain the bitch?
He accidentally smacked her boobs recently.
Lame. Wake me up when he finally doesn’t tell her to skip school tomorrow
>She will never bully you
Why do I keep going
i'm practicing for real dates
>create story with cute bullying loli and wimpy guy
>its not porn
>just chapters and chapters of porn-quality story without the payoff
Why the fuck would I want ten hours of foreplay with no sex?
Its been years and still don't know the name of this smug brown kunt.
Thank you koindly.
Because if you just want sex you can look up all his h-manga, he started in porn.
OP have Nagataro in it
read the h-manga, problem solved
>Chestlet is an angry "sadist"
Get your self a real woman with huge tits, they will treat you right
I want a sadist gf with huge tits
well, if this goes like the webcomic, he will confess and she will meltdown.
No you don't, you want a chick that is submissive too you but you think your not good enough for one
Work out and get some confidence
Because the bullying is the point
Why aren't dating sims made anymore, just vns with "routes"?
It’s a hard knock life
artist name?
774 house
Most people have enough creativity to not get disappointed by the lack of drawn dicks and cunts
I want to play a Nagatoro-san dating sim.
Good taste. Like that by chapter 8 or so it becomes clear she’s bullying him because she likes him
It’s honestly pretty cute
corrected for ya pal :D
>smug cunt in need of impregnation
>bully loli
Get some taste.
It's been obvious longer than that. At the very latest it was obvious by the cafe scene when it shows her shutting down around any other guy.
But the kiss was cute.
No u
My diq
smug/cute cunt faces are the only thing that make this worth keeping up with. Maybe it's just because I grew up when Friends was still on TV but I lost my patience for will they/wont they stories eons ago.
No you idiots.
>hollow ataraxia
So does that make them official Leeds?
they sure do sweat a lot. wonder what it would be like under the covers...
>those tan lines
don't do this to me user
friends was only good for joe and chandler anyways.
she got what she deserved
He's right tho
There is no nagataro porn right?
Fucking kill yourself
Someone recommend me site with raw scans
Wanna brush up my nip
>he doesn't have a folder specifically for one-piece_tans
lmao look at this loser
Is chapter 11 out? I don't recognize that.
It's 10.5. I don't know why .5 chapters even exist.
Thanks. Not sure either on the .5 chapters. It's not length because chapter 7 was really short.
aren't .5 chapters usually omakes or something? I don't keep up with manga much
What was this even called again, I've been looking for ages
Reminder that Nagatoro was made for rape and NTR.
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san! or Please don't bully me, Nagatoro-san!
Someone already spoonfed you but allow me to congratulate you for being a fucking retard, the name has been said multiple times and someone even linked it like 5 posts above you
No wonder it took ages to find it you twat
As in she doing the rape and NTR.
Submissive chicks are literally shit tier for insecure plebs. You want a willful woman who you can break down, not one who starts at the bottom.
I can't believe I'm reading this shit, you fucking weeb cunts
Is there a more soyboy fetish?
I'll let her bully me til night, then I'll bully her with my dick!
Posting the word soy
>not being a switch master race and enjoying both worlds
Lmao are you so insecure you can't even let the girl take the lead sometimes?
Wanting a woman that can in no capacity challenge your low test cuck personality.
Because Nagataro is artist's selfinsert, and we are MC-kun.
He draw porn, he knows we want Nagataro porn, but he won't give it to us. He likes bulling and teasing us.
And we can't do shit.
Reading manga is good user, nobody can call you an ironic weeb and you can spoil the anime only fags
>Standard game with dating sim mechanics
>tfw I view femdom as reverse NTR, where the MC is such a wimp you fantasize about plowing and ramming the everloving shit out of her gf while you force him to watch
Inserting as the wimp is pretty pathetic desu.
>He fantasizes about being stronger than a girl
Hmm really makes me think,
fuck, read 10.5 chapters, is there more?
There's still the original if you want more
This is now a Bolbi thread
I prefer this smug loli.
Takagi is so thirsty.
>expect lots of bullying and violence
>get one of the most heartwarming H manga instead
VERY good loli
I want Yupiel to bite me
Nagatoro wouldn't be bad either
Why are Polish vampires os lewd? How can Romanian vampires even compete?
I prefer teasing
prime breeding material
>Get a regular SFW manga series
>Release less doujins
>Doujins aren't as depraved anymore
Nanashi is dead
H-He's going to do that NTR bit for this isn't he
No, dom chicks are for insecure fags who are afraid to take the lead.
It’s been shown that people act the opposite of how they are in bed. Alphas like dom chicks
for me, the problem is that the little girl is just "pretending" to be evil and abusive, but she is only secretly trying to help him improve himself. She doesn't have interest in the alpha kids, she is pure and is waiting for the MC to be ready to fuck her. I wish the author went for realism instead. It'd be more interesting to read. The believable side of what the author is doing with her would be that she is super mature for her age. But she come of like that as an accident cause it's clearly not intended by the author, she is just magically in love with a pathetic kid.
No fuck the lot of you, this is not an argument. The entire point of this comic is a guy in love with a loli and the loli bullying him emotionally and drawing him ever closer to sexually. The entire fucking thing is cute and interesting, yes, but its all buildup to them in an actual sexual relationship of some sort and the artist refuses to show that for lulz. So what you're left with is a food analogy of staring at a meal being cooked for hours and hours, getting your mouth watering and stomach rumbling, then being told to get the fuck out and come back in a few weeks/months for another go.
Who the fuck wants that.
who /ss/ here?
Kids that age don’t have sex
Yupiel is literally his Magnum Opus.
Nothing stops you from fapping to doujins afterwards
Next you can start whining about strip clubs, or JOIs
Just not in this thread
Sauce? reverse only links some some random /tg/ thread.