Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


You bought it twice.

Botched attempts at realism

functioning online play

Box art is a dude holding a gun

Ultra violent

la creatura

Ugly women.

Sjw and gay characters

get shot

Horrible animations
ugly as fuck women
awful phoned in voicework, their real actors do tv shows/movies
attempting to force esports

>burger music starts playing


>enter level
>burger music starts playing youtube.com/watch?v=jwM8BTAQ3dM
>shoot people
>get shot

Main character is a short haired guy with his first name as "John" and the last name as "[Title of Game]"

It is good and doesn't pander to pedophile weebs.


-There's goblins tho I'm not playing in a fantasy setting

-violent niggers are allies


It makes references of current american politics

Is that really a bong child

If you showed anybody that you post on this site, they'd call you a weeb friendo
a guess denial isn't just a river in egypt

Tries REALLY hard to emulate shitty-ass quippy marvel dialogue.

le "self-awareness" jokes about videogames and the situations the characters are in, never takes itself seriously which takes you away from the game

it is shit

Tearing someone's guts out is ok, but showing some cleavage isn't

he doesn't look mentally able

cuckold themes

Name ONE (UNO) good American game so I can play it later

Multiplayer focused with a shitty single player campaign.

You can throw a person into a woodchipper but be carefull to not show a nipple while doing it.

Gameplay is passive and requires no attention whatsoever. That is, if there's any gameplay to speak of.

orchestral soundtrack

Protagonist fully portrayed on front cover looking into camera and/or walking towards you.

*'movie' soundtrack

you posted one

El uruk hai de las americas.

It's actually a movie

There's black people or niggers as I like to call them in the game.

burger music

Well shit I did. Time to play some Doom then.

>Burger music

your money is stolen via permanent ban when you call one of the devs favorite feminist whales who goes 0/14 but buys every $100 skin a "useless retard"

Serves you right for supporting Ubisoft.

Devs excusing poor design, rather than taking it in and learning.

Half the game is sold as on-disc DLC, and half of the remaining content is locked behind lootboxes

Best fast food burgers anyone?

Earthworm Jim.

all the female characters are ugly, are marie sues that are better then men at everything and don´t even have a hint of femininity to them

Guns sound like ass

that can't be real.

Cover art of caucasian mid-age male character with 3-o'clock shadow holding a gun and woman in distress

Item Packs
Loot Boxes
Additional Music
Virtual Coins
In-Game Currency
Subscription Services
Season Passes

Basically anything that is designed to bleed the consumer out of additional and exorbitant amounts of money.

>posts a Swedish game

absolutely no emotional depth or intelligence

just flashy scenes and tropes

The shit? This is normal chat for any PvP game. I've spewed more vile filth at loved ones playing couch vs FFS.

>ugly women
>forced to either play blacks or root for them
>socially liberal and "progressive" worldview expressed in the game's design and themes

When the English language option is represented with an American flag.

>american "cheese"

The signs are as follows:

- Has a male protagonist with short/buzzed/crew-cut hair
>Has a female protagonist who is either ugly or a POC
>Has complimentary black womyn side character with afro
>Has social commentary/politics throughout
>Has multiple endings, all of which are similar
>Takes place in an apocalypse, or post-apocalypse, or a world on the brink of an apocalypse
>Has some form of zombies
>Has military themes, either as your background or you get into it
>Guns, lots of guns
>Has a fucking psychopathic community manager working on said game
>Has nu-males with beards/glasses coding said game
>DLC announced before game release
>Can't play offline
>Game looks nothing like in the E3 trailer
>The game's presentation at said E3 features some celebrity/football player making a long-winded 'profound' speech about the game
>Footage of game developers making pretentious comparison of video-games as 'life-changing'
>Game comes out
>Consumer shits on it
>Devs blame societal issues, cries sexism/racism

Am I missing anything?

>tip the developers

protagonist feverently defends his right to the second amendment while a nearby school gets shot up

dont think you can say words whales dont like and get away with it goyim

our profits are more important than freedom of speech

Forgot to add gameplay

>eurojank game
>mc have extremely gritted voice, never shows any emotion aside from sarcasm

So you're telling me I can no longer call someone a "chicken nugget scoon'?

>game wastes time on small burger skirmishes and ignores the majority of the war

>burger game
>my face is tired



Burgers restore health.

America is weird. Good RPGs in the late 80s through to early 00s, some fun PS2 games, some really shitty shooters, but generally just all over the place.

GTAV was made by brits, just published by yanks.

>Fuck, fuck this, fuck you, motherfucker, go fuck yourself, fuck that, fuck everything.


This just says a lot about America and how Americans view their education system.

lol what the fuck

Bl*ck people

Holy shit.


Americans are like spoiled children that keep being pandered to; nobody in the whole wide world is going to let them feel deprived of something or left out, and they'll bend over backwards to please the fat screaming masses.


several voice clips start playing at the same time

The "looking after whales" meme is real.
>Working at a formerly popular, now dead-as-shit cops and robbers free to play.
>We get reports from a bunch of users about a guy cheating, not even trying to hide aimbot use.
>Me and a couple other GMs turn invisible and follow him about in game
>Sure enough, he's clearly hacking, no question.
>Our manager asks us to pull up the players profile to see if he's had any warnings previously
>Two notes on his account of unverified cheating
>How much does he spend in cash shop?
>He made a 100 Euro purchase 3 months ago

We were told to close the ticket as inconclusive. Free to play is ALWAYS pay to win, it's just not always obvious. If you pay their bills, especially if it's a small company or small community, you can get away with anything you want.

>White male protagonist

Ugly characters and shoe horned in diversity

Give a few good reasons why it should be anything else.

It actually sells

Is that APB?

What’s the best AAA game to come out of America in the past 5 years? I’d probably say Titanfall 2, but there really isn’t much competition.

Sure thing goyim.


Yes, though years ago. They probably don't have two players to rub together at this point.


great read, it explains a lot about games of the last 7 or 8 years

So white people are the master race but are also controlled by le jews?
Really makes you think



No gay anime shit

But at what cost?

its a clear photoshop

It is made by an American studio

"Diversity" for the sake of "diversity", while everyone hails the stars and stripes.