Anyone else really dislike moralfag characters? I'm not even an edgelord or anything they just bother me

Anyone else really dislike moralfag characters? I'm not even an edgelord or anything they just bother me.

I like it when they provide a counterpoint to more chaotic and/or evil party members. Alistair's banter with Morrigan springs to mind.

I think terrible writing was the main problem with his character

Chaotic good is best alignment.


>party members who are good don't react negatively when you do 'evil' things like stealing and murder.

Neutral evil is better.

Fallout 4 unironically has good companions

>pick 10 locks
>cait tells me that i'm her best friend forever without ever exchanging a word with her before

>pick up can
>get ridiculed every time for taking garbadge

Moralfag characters are cool if they go through a crisis and become real human beans.

t. Fedora
Read some actual good stories

lawful evil here, you are a faggot

Piper was pretty cute and Hancock was a good bro. Rest are pretty forgettable t b h

Paladin Clooney was the best character. If characters that want to do the right thing bother you, then you are probably not old enough to post here. I feel like your edges are both sharp and bountiful.


Lawful evil makes the best characters.

Nick was the only one that stood out, Danse had his moments but the rest are forgettable or cling to relevancy because “muh waifu” faggotry

You're pretty much just 3edgy5me despite your disclaimer. Moral characters should make you feel like shit because you're doing amoral things. A good person doesn't comprise his ethics because they're not the main character.

It would be better if it wasn't for the approval system which is in no way rewarding

>Alistair disapproves

He may look like a moralfag but he's the only companion who wants to genocide all the synths instead of living with them like a faggot.

His plot twist was interesting considering what his views are.

I dislike moralfag characters when that's all there is to it like with Danse or whatever the fuck his name is. Honestly all of Fallout 4 suffers because everybody's fighting over some moral dilemma like it actually fucking matters to the player, which it doesn't. Synths are LITERALLY the same as humans in almost every way ingame, I think they even spout blood and gore and shit. The only difference between the two is that the game tells you some people don't like the synths and everybody's fighting over it. Wanna know what would've been a way better story? If you let your son loose to the wasteland and he turned into the biggest asshole raider of them all, uniting all the shittiest people in the Commonwealth to serve under him and taking it over; sort of like what Nuka World was trying to do only he was doing it first.

I want to have threesome with Piper and Curie where use nuka cola as lube and Danse is made to watch us from another room

Sometimes. I mostly hate garbage games like Fallout 4, though.

>when Danse and I found out his secret, I granted his wish in the bunker

I came out a different man, never took a companion after that either. I had used Danse basically all game up to that point. I think that choice is the only decent piece of writing in the entire game (excluding Far Harbor).


Basically all the Synth/Institute shit was garbage and just a lame excuse for artist to mess around with a Blade Runner/Noir aesthetic

What was your shitty mspaint doodle supposed to represent?