People will buy far cry 5 with season pass for a remastered

>people will buy far cry 5 with season pass for a remastered

It's not remastered. It's the exact same game.

What the fuck dude. What kind of clown world shit is this.

Hopefully not at the 20fps it regularly ran on PS3/360. Far Cry 3 being ported to PS4/Xbone isn't the worst thing they could do for console players, buy tying it to a season pass is kinda 'eh.

Now that's what I call the definition on insanity!

Honestly I'll be buying FC5 and season pass for the Arcade and the blood dragon level DLCs

But Sup Forums hates mainstream Vidya, so of course there will be 30 threads about how shit the game is when it comes out.

>Spend $100 on a game for a few throw away DLCs

You're the cancer killing video games.

The season pass will also como with that other 3 games (FarCry Mars, Zombies and Vietnam)

I'm not the one buying 450$ skins for a game from 5 years ago. That is the cancer killing videogames. Full expansions are what we need more of.

I don’t think any FC villain can top Vaas..

Not him, but FarCry 5 looks pretty much GOTY material at this point. Just because it isn't the weebshit games you buy doen't mean it isnt good.

quality post by a UbiSoft employee. at least you don't do it for free

>The cancer killing videogames is full expansions
>Not microtransactions

>far cry 3 is considered a classic in 2018

Fuck this world. I hope earth gets hit by an asteroid and wipes out 99% of mankind.

Just buy the orignal for like 20 or whatever its going for now. Don't support kill whitey games.

Getting it, loved 1,2&3 4 was alot like 3 with bird attacks in I still enjoyed it tho and primal should of been dlc for 4 I played it didn't finish it I missed the gun play but did like having pets in it so 5 will be enjoyable with the blood dragon style parody dlc in 5 and a "remastered" 3 included in the gold edition I think it's well worth the money

>season passes
this meme needs to die.

>Anyone that likes anything is a shill
Why are you like this user?

>Full expansions that require the base game to play when Blood Dragon was a stand alone
>Expecting jewbisoft to not go full mtx with the game after their last quarterly report where they specifically talked about switching to live services as a business model.

$0.25 has been deposited to your account

You missed Horizon Zero Dawn, it's one of the best games from the FarCry series

Anyone else remember when "season pass" meant you got all the content that would ever be released for a game? Nowadays games like Destiny are Making it into a 'get a couple of hamfisted expansions and pay more for the rest'

only a shill would say that FC5 is good. or a human trash who was born in 2005

there is no word yet that the expansions will need the base game

Holy shit are you hearing yourself? What do you want from them? To release 4 separate games? You know how cancerous that would be? Since when did full expansions have to be standalone games?

Since the expansion has nothing to do with the base game, that's when

I dunno user, I'm 22 and I think FC5 looks pretty good. I'll reserve my judgement for when I play it, but so far it looks like FC4 but vastly improved.

Every other FarCry game was good, why not? This one seems to have 10x the gameplay of previous games.

If they release them all as separate titles without needing the base game would you stop complaining, or would you find something else to scream about?

as i said: human trash without any taste. back2reddit or wherever you came from

What games do you play user?

wouldnt say it looks like GOTY material, but it looks pretty good. The world seems much improved over the predecessors, looks like a first person GTA now almost

Your shill game is strong, Ubi-sama.

probably Project Diva and masturbatory VNs

Xenoblade 2

If I we're actually Ubisoft, what would make you stop complaining about the game? Let's pretend I'm a shill.

With the arcade thing it definitely stands out from most of games this year. I'd say only RDR2 and TLOU2 are the competition for GOTY.

Ah, of course. A slightly underrated weeb game where the soul premise is to be confused about whatever plot exists for 60 hours.

I mean that alone would make it worth it, but that's obviously not the case you doofus


I didn't play any of the other Far Crys, at least in this one I can shoot Drumpftards

A good game.

But I'm not saying the game's bad, or will be bad. It looks very samey to FC3 and 4; I wish the franchise would go back to the more hardcore experience of 2 before the Vaas meme overtook the series' identity. I'm just saying the original user boasting that they were dropping $100 or however much the game + season pass costs for a few expansions is cancer. And it is.

Not surprised really. Topkek

FC2 is the odd one out, FC1 was arcadey as fuck

Pagan min was alright. he almost seemed like a jojo villain.

>wanting humanity to die because someone likes a videogame you don't
user, please just put down the keyboard and mouse. I know it'll be hard, but do it. There you go, you're not filled with anger anymore, at least not right now. That anger will return, but I want you to know it's not your fault. You just have what we adults call autism, I know, you're sad that you can't control it, it's tough, but I believe in you. Now you have to choose a path, path 1 is the path you are on right now, you can continue to be mean online, say over the top things to strangers in the hopes of getting replies, eventually dying a cold and lonely death. Or you can choose path 2, get off of Sup Forums, change your life, fall in love, start a family. It's a tough road user, but I think it's the one more worth traveling. I want you to know that I care, that you're not alone, and if you choose path 2, I will be rooting for you. But if you continue down this destructive path you have set for yourself, I won't be there for you, and neither will anyone else. What you are doing is not funny, either to anyone else, or you (you know you hate yourself for doing all this deep down, you just can't admit it). So please user, put down the keyboard and mouse, and do something with your life.

Already on Xbox One via BC. I should really go check the frame rate. And mop up the achievements.

FC2 may be the odd one out, I'll admit to having never played FC1, but it was the best in my opinion. The immersion of having no real pause menus is still a great feature to me.

>Far Cry 3 being ported to PS4/Xbone isn't the worst thing they could do for console players
No, but it is the worst thing they can do for video games. As an whole.

I am 100% certain this place is filled with payed ubisoft shills. From the dick sucking of for honor last year and constant praise for ac origins there is no doubt in my mind. and now people actually showing interest in fucking far cry 5 of all things. get a better job you useless sacks of shit.

I mean like it or not the development costs of games are only going up, and it's actually impressive that the prices of full release AAA video games have stayed stagnant at around $60 for this long. Accounting for inflation the price should have gone up tremendously in the past 10 years. I remember paying close to $100 for Oblivion and it's expansions when it came out in 2006, Which accounting for expansion means that I would pay a hundred and eighty dollars for the same game today.



Sorry I meant inflation not expansion

I wrote that myself user, I mean it. You're not being funny right now. I hope you get the help you need.

Fact: the PC version is actually really decent-looking and is already technically a remaster compared to 7th gen shitpiles, so it's not exactly a crime if they're porting it to 8th gen consoles.
Makes you wonder if they'll allow it to run at 60 fps though, or just lock it at 30 and add meme resolution and super sampling instead. Probably the latter.

Costs may have gone up (though I doubt this to some degree because development tools have become much easier to work with, to the point that Epic freely licenseses UE4), but so has market reach. Whereas games used to average 500k to 1 mil to be considered successful, now if a AAA game sells below 1mil it's considered a flop. And costs have effectively gone up. BOTW, for example, may only cost $60 at face value, but it you're not spending the $20 on the pass you're getting a lesser, some would argue incomplete, experience. The 'real' cost of the game, then, is $80.

Yeah I can see your point. I definitely shelled out $80 for The Full Experience because I believed Trials of the sword to be worth it in itself. From an economic standpoint however it's crazy that game developers have an incrementally increased game cost over the past 10 years.

The rising game cost would have been okay to keep up with if the market has grown like it has. The issue arises with publishers putting tens to hundreds of millions of dollars into advertising games which is the way that games sell the most and give them the biggest numbers for investors.

Games already cost more than movies to buy in when movies have just as bloated of budgets. Movies got by by having much more mass appeal. Video games now days are reaching that same mass appeal. There is no justifiable reason for publishers to push the $60 price tag when they're seeing record breaking profits nearly every quarter. If games cost too much to make, maybe look into trimming off the fat that's inflating costs before passing the buck to consumers.

But again, I'm not willing to buy into the increasing cost meme. Digital distribution, more easily available tech, and accessibility to creation resources has to be deflating those costs. Just because a game has a $400 million marketing budget doesn't mean they cost more to make.

I think that's a bit of a false comparison when you consider the fact that movie ticket prices have definitely gone up.

And they still cost way less than a game. Especially Sony games that try their hardest to be interactive movies.

Well but from an entertainment standpoint,a game provides much more entertainment per dollar (generally) and added to that the fact that Hollywood budgeting is generally faulty.

I recently realized FC3 is only good with rebalanced mods. I don't know what they were thinking with making unlocking guns so trivial

Tell that to my copy of Terminator 2.

Fuck, now I want to rewatch it again.

I don't even remember any low tier guns in the game. Feels like I just jumped to most OP shit because I unlocked bunch of towers

To be fair, a gun is a gun. When you shoot things, they should die.